Thursday, January 15, 2015


    Many articles, discussions, impromptu conversations and meetings have taken place and will take place in the near future, all with regard to the budget as a whole and in particular and there is much strong feeling in the Village.
     Much of this feeling is generated by the growing knowledge that we, the residents, we who are UCO, have been purposefully kept in the dark, with realities glossed over or eliminated in public discussions at the DA, such as these discussions are in the first place. The security contract was crammed down our throats in about 10-15 minutes while distracted by other discussions  and issues and lied to as to its final costs and terms of service. We were told how "wonderful" were the results of Ed Black's oh, such long hours of service. Well, do us all a favor next time, Mr. Black - stay the hell out of UCO contracts, especially as you are neither elected to office, nor Executive Board member and thus should not have final say nor be contact for such a huge contract.
     Let us look at one point in particular - the Rover, its purpose, its contact number. We have always been able to contact the rovers directly at times of need by using its contact number. We were told that this new contract would provide EMT style drivers who would know CPR, the better to serve us Villagers. Well, for that help, we need to contact them and here, my friends, is ANOTHER CHELM MOMENT.
     We cannot contact the rovers. We are not allowed to. Yes, you read that right. So what? Here is what. we are deemed not knowledgeable enough to know when we need emergency help that we are paying for so we are to call the east gate, run by the same fools who cannot get that line of cars moving, and THEY will decide if we need the Rover. Yes, they will call the head of Kent for the Village, she will decide and then the rover will be called - or not.
     By then, folks, one caller will be dead, just dead! But who cares, right? So what! obviously our intellects have deteriorated to the point where we cannot run our own lives, cannot know if we need emergency services, so we might as well be dead anyway! So what? Well, the choice is yours. Me, I would forget the rovers and call 911.
     What I am saying is so what about our differences. So what if we are on different sides of the issue of the golf course. So what if we are on different sides in politics, in freedom of choice for women, in financial planning, on which coffee to use or anything else. So what! The most important thing here is to be together, united, to fight against this inefficient, criminally stupid, wasteful and just plain incompetent and wrong, UCO administration and its current president and shills who follow his every word and direction, or rather, those of Ed Black, who is the puppet master.
     We need no more Chelm moments here - not in the planning of the budget or dispensing of OUR funds. We need no administration which pursues a sign for Okeechobee at a cost of $65,000 - and yes, you read that right too. We need no garish, crude, nyculturny, neon flashing marquee as if we are Times Square or a movie theater open to the public. (That is the wonderful taste of the Grand Poohbah, by the way).
     We must stop this reckless spending. We must insist on respect for us and our life experience and knowledge from our vendors. We must insist on an austerity budget until we figure out exactly how much money we have, where it is, what we truly need to do to keep our Village in good shape and cut everything else out. And hey, here's an idea and why not go ask Eva and WPRF and Mark Levy about this. We are being denied service of facilities that we have been paying for - from the Hastings area to the residents' pool - so we really should get a refund on those payments. Think about it.
     C'mon, folks. Forget the differences among us and look to the similar needs we all have. Compromises can be reached. That is the way of life, particularly if one is open to it. Without that we will have an administration as ridiculous and roadblocked as our Congress and that is bad news.
So run for office, get the right delegates appointed, instruct them how to vote and let us begin right away on the next Election with a nice big slogan -



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