Thursday, January 29, 2015


     It must be that the Grand Poohbah has realized that his brain has been failing him. Lately, all that he writes that comes directly from his head only serves to get him deeper into the muck of his own making. Point of instance - his statements regarding the IFI and why he does not send it to Gerry. To put that into print! Dumb does not begin to cover that! Another point of instance - his unbelievable wacky comment about Lion Of Judah etc. when he thought he was taking Ed G. to task. Really!

     There appears to be no governor on his mouth or typing fingers. It is only when he has a ghostwriter either write or majorly proofread his articles that he might seem to have a complete thought in his head. However, when one reads these articles, they are obsessed with his paranoid fantasies of mobs, thugs, people who dare to disobey the mighty Oz and actually have no logic or depth to them.

     So how is this UCO administration functioning? Simple. It is not. The only thing it appears able to do is push its fascistic principles as it tries to hang on to its power, to protect all the cronies it has imported onto committees. but it is not working. In its desperate throes of survival attempts, it has begun to eat at itself. Barbara Cornish keeps up the fight for her bid committee to have some relevance, as well it should, even though Poohbah has deemed it  openly in public as irrelevant. Nice thought that. Makes a strong statement about what he thinks of process and procedure. But then again, I have been saying that for a long,long time. And his former cronies keep on falling by the wayside.

    Now I see that the Wi Fi committee meeting has been cancelled for February. Isn't that informative! Why is there still a committee when it was roundly and soundly defeated? Why does this man perseverate, never learning how to give up on ideas that he wants but that are harmful to the Village. Why? Because he has learned that if he persists and then comes back at a weak time for the Village and the DA, that he can get his wishes granted. Case in point - term limits, one of the most harmful things he has done to this Village. But then again, what does he care, he and his buddies. It is only they who matter, they and their self perceived power, they and their constant spending of our money in useless ways.

     It is time to turn the tide, time to sweep clean. Get rid of the recycled people now wandering the halls of UCO. Get rid of the stale thinking, of the ignorance, incompetence, lies and dishonesty. Get rid of the non elected people who have the reins of our financial stability in their hot little hands. Get rid of those who stuck us with  this security contract and who then make excuses for its blatant incompetent actions or lack thereof, a contract which gave us less than we had before and a lessening of our protection as Big Brother decides for us whether we really need the Rover or not. It is time to get rid of those who blatantly state that Big Brother IS watching - look at Eva's article.

     Well, people, we do not want nor need Big Brother watching us - not on the roads, not at the pools, not anywhere. We are entitled to our privacy and owning a unit here does not mean that we signed off on our rights as Americans. Just another example of Fascism at work as inch by inch, foot by foot, it has crawled into our lives and begun to devour it. Let us turn it out, turn it off and set new people in office. Let us begin with new people for the Exec. Bd. Let us bring back some of the experienced people who are even now pointing out the deficiencies of the budget and of the David Israel administration. Let us bring in and/or back people who have the good of the Village at heart, not their own bills and needs and no one else's.

                        TAKE A STAND!

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