Friday, January 16, 2015


     How much longer do we endure the garbage that goes on here in the Village? It took me about 15 minutes to get in thru the Haverhill entrance and that was on the BAR CODE line! There were lines on both sides of Haverhill. Take these guards and train them, for Pete's sake! And tell the Rover not to stand in the other lane with those lights flashing deciding what to do - should he go, should he stay, should he sit on his thumb and rotate..... this is ridiculous, just another wonderful gift from Ed Black, the gift that keeps on giving!
     How much longer do we have to deal with a president who cannot or will not explain the budget and a treasurer that seems incapable of doing it either. How much longer will we have secrecy and sneak meetings so that people do not know what is going on? How many more people will still not learn that once the Poohbah has used you up, he kicks you under the bus. Over and over again he has done this and now his latest victim is Bettie Blechman. Threw her off the paper (she resigned after nastiness), threw her off the Social Committee, this after many years of service to HIM. Just a used tissue to him.
     How much longer do we go without facilities that we are paying for? How much longer till we are given the information as to where the money went for the old rovers or where they even went! How much longer will we have to deal with utter garbage in the form of a proposed $65,000 tasteless, garish marquee flashing sign for the Okeechobee entrance. How much longer till we have a proper accounting of our monies, a proper accounting system, not a slushy fund?
     We can shorten the waiting by denying more slaves and dupes to the Poohbah and run for office or instruct your delegates to vote for the ones that oppose him. And yes, you idiot, Gracie, not only is it legal to instruct the delegate how to vote, it is the delegates' JOB to vote the association's wishes. Oh, and by the way, my foul mouthed writer, do not think that because you used a VPN or proxy server and seemed to come from India or elsewhere, that we do not know and recognize your filthy, nasty and should be censored mouth.
     In any case, the more we challenge the current UCO, the better off we are and the sooner we start to build up our own representation in UCO, the surer thing it will be that there will be

PS To Grace. First of all, fowl means a chicken, so please check your spelling. Second, I was not talking to you in the second comment so please do not let your guilt feelings misinterpret what I write. Are we clear yet?
PS to Foul Mouth- Don't you tell me what kind of a Jew I am and how I pray. You are a @#%^$&**^% bigot so please do take a long walk off a short pier and do us all a favor.

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