Monday, November 29, 2021


 And yet, there is no rest for the weary, apparently no peace among the wicked. Backbiting, sniping, threats galore, and quite frankly, so many of the normal among us are wearied to the bone. How much can one sane body take? For how long will we be assailed, attacked from all sides? Will the increasing lawlessness, uncaring side of society continue until there is no society at all?

Rules and decency have disappeared. 'I will do what I want, when I want and to hell with all else' is the mantra of the day. Hey, why not grab that jacket? Why not rip-off the storeowners? Why not indulge your every perverted, selfish, society destroying whim? Me, me, me is the ruling trait of the day. Worst of all is that the adults, the presumed adults of society are setting the pace, determining the twisted mantras of the day.

What is one to say when we are told, finally, what we have known all along. Today an expert tells us "the intelligence and law enforcement analysts also didn't understand Donald Trump, how far he would go. Because when it comes to threats to governance and the Constitution by those actually in power, no one in the federal government really bears any responsibility for thwarting that." So, what defense has society against its disintegration or perversion when the very forces assigned to the responsibility of protecting and preserving are inadequate to a dangerous degree. Worse, when those same faulty, lacking services are tired of the whole thing as well, or refuse to carry out the inquiries, the grievances to the wall, push consequences to the nth degree? Why? Because of incompetence, weariness, or complicity in the whole mess!? Take your choice.

What can we say when the guilty party wants to release the papers proving his guilt in the hope that someone will come along to refute the facts, for facts have no currency in today's world? These are the same papers they refused to release two seconds ago. 

What can we say when "GOP crazy caucus" is an apt description of a once legitimate and honorable political party, the party of one of our greatest Presidents, Abraham Lincoln? What can we realistically expect from our legislators when they are so off kilter themselves? When one proposes a Congressional Gold Medal for an alleged killer escaping justice, and others of this twisted group vying for the 'honor' of hiring this creep as an intern?! Our next generation of legislators, if indeed we will even have a proper legislation or merely a rubber stamp for the dictator! What can we say when the truthful evaluation of Greene, that she is "the leader of the outrageousness. But there are several of them, including Boebert and of course others," is so terribly ominous for our future as a people, as a country, as individuals living as Americans, as members of a free, living, viable democracy? Is there any defense? Any hope?

Is there an equalizer out there who will see to it that we get the justice we deserve? In fact, do we deserve any at all as we so carelessly or worse, thoughtfully, with a plan at heart, with malice aforethought, allowed and enabled all this? While Michael Cohen 'assures' us there will be justice, "that Donald Trump is guilty of his own crimes.”...prosecutors aren’t just focused on Trump,.. “They are going after Donald, Don Jr., Eric, Ivanka.”  where can we indeed find a steady grip in this maelstrom of confusion, fear, outright criminality of our supposed leaders?  Are there any to be trusted? Even one? Or are we so far down the road to perdition that it all does not matter anymore?

So tired, so tired, so pessimistic. Yet we cannot allow ourselves to wallow in that tiredness, to use it as an excuse to look away. If we do that, we are on the same level as those who looked on as their neighbors, their Jewish neighbors, their union neighbors, their Roma neighbors, being dragged away and did nothing. The same as those who slaughtered the Rohingya, the Uighurs, who allow freezing refugees to die of hypothermia and starvation in a no man's land - all to prove a point! What point? The jury is out on that.

We are being warned that there is "democratic backsliding" in this country, our blessed, much abused country. She needs the active help of all to turn us around, back down, reverse down that self-destructive road we are presently on, and return to a position of sanity and faith, of loyalty to our past, to a better, brighter future, a country able to withstand all that is thrown at it because her citizens see the truth. Know the truth. Refute the lies. Reject the destroyers. Weariness must be put aside if we are to prevail.

Those are the stark choices before us. Use it or lose it, as the saying goes. Use our history, our strength or we are lost. Period. End of it all. And no, the Democratic Party did not falsely create Omicron in order to get people to vaccinate. Really! How far and how low can we go before people stop this blind, nonsensical acceptance of blatant lies. Enough!

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