Wednesday, November 10, 2021


  What is that? That seven minute rant and its poisonous content had a student telling his parents thus: “I’m never getting vaccinated. I’m never getting any more shots of any kind. Did you know Trump’s still president?   From a 'history' teacher, Lord help us, going berserk, yet another victim of the deadly Trumpian virus. New strains emerge almost on a daily basis, hourly, if one listens to all of Trump's own rants. Apparently there is no vaccine, no cure other than.....  Other than what? That is a most frightening realization.

So what does it matter if one teacher loses his marbles? Well, it is not one teacher. It is the thousands upon thousands of deluded souls who bought into this revisionist history, ala Hitler, ala Bolsonaro, ala Putin, ala Xi, ala Peron, ala any and every dictator or wanna be dictator who needs to pervert and twist the narrative to fit their needs, their wants, their oh so dangerous attempts to destroy the democratic nature of a country. Treason. It is time we recognized it as such. Free speech is one thing, but treasonous speech, advocating the overthrow of a government, or making hundreds and hundreds of phone calls to harass and frighten officials who stand up to these lies - well, that is treason, assault, harassment, stalking, whatever name it fits. That behavior, those actions, must, absolutely must, be punished under the mantra of "let the punishment fit the crime".

How do we reunite a fractured country's soul when the hammer wielder persists in a continuous pounding, seeking every piece that remained intact until now. "Republicans are increasingly divided over the bipartisan infrastructure bill that will soon become law, with tensions rising among GOP members over whether the party should remain united against all aspects of President Biden’s agenda or strike deals in the rare instances when there is common ground.' How do we run a government when half of it obeys, like automatons, every word, every hint, every order, that spews forth from that toxic being? Seriously!!!!???? The new operative imperative is apparently screw the nation, f**k the people and their needs - the only dictat of any import and consequence, that ranks high above all else.

Why do people believe in, support to the end, face their own imprisonment, all in the name of, for, a man whose own aide stated that his administration was run like the Gestapo, complete with purges, rants and threats. Loyalty to the man was the First Law. Loyalty, fealty, to the country - never mind!

Now all this raises another point of discussion. If all these people who have written all these tell-all books, the former personnel of the Trump administration, knew the truth, why did they shut their mouths? Why did they not engage in 'rant' behavior, shouting out the truth, rather than supporting the falsehoods, the imminent danger to this country and its people? "Riddle me that", quoth the Riddler. Indeed.

This country will not heal, if that is even a viable possibility anymore,, unless strong, perhaps harsh measures be taken. Complicity is a crime, is abetting, a crime for which there are laws. There are laws for treason. There are laws that take precedence over all. No one, NO ONE, is above the law. Until and unless we take steps to enforce the law, imprison the violators, the abettors, the complicit, and the poisonous head of this ugly pimple on our country - Trump- well, this will all continue until we reach and cross the point of no return. If we have not done that already. The jury is out on that, but closer and closer to a verdict. 

So. Folks, while there remains much that is good, wonderful even, in our lives, we must, absolutely must, watch carefully and act accordingly. If not, well, the end is clear. Just read the paper, hear the new and analysis, truly listen hard to the words, the plans of Trump and Trumpians. The future is in our hands - presently. How much longer? Do not know. Their timetable? Their plans? Definitely chugging along, even as our train is wearily trying to make it up that steep grade. The outcome is in our hands - now, but hands are broken easily. Where are we going? Is that seven minute rant the forewarning mantra for us? You decide. I have decided already. Long ago. About 2015.


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