Friday, November 26, 2021


  A cute name for a pet or a little child. Or, a set of troublesome fasteners which obstinately will not go through designated buttonholes. Or, one of the many, ever proliferating buttons to be found on modern day machinery, appliances and personal devices. We stand there swearing at the ill-fitting buttons or hug the designated Button, or stare at the offending buttons, wondering, fretting, worrying that a cataclysm of events will occur upon pressing the incorrect button. Stasis results.

We have got to learn new ways in which to approach the incapacitating, even ruinous buttons. The nickname is fine. Even the misbegotten button and buttonholes can be managed. However, the buttons of life today are a serious problem and I am not sure there is time enough to correct them.

"A very interesting time in our Country, but do not worry, we will be great again — and we will all do it together. America will never fail, and we will never allow it to go in the wrong direction."  (Donald Trump - Thanksgiving, 2021)

Here is one button that we need to quickly incapacitate. It is a button indeed to be feared and reset for its implications for the future of this country. This man, this despicable man, detestable as both person and as President, is pushing the buttons of all. He initiated the avalanche that threatens to destroy the familiar landscape of our government, its promises to its citizens re rights, particularly voting rights, to have those votes both enabled and counted. To have a country wherein one was safe to walk down a street, not take one's life in hand at that very common activity. In fact, he has sent the country down the wrong road, the vastly oh so wrong direction that reversal is nigh onto impossible, certainly at this pace.

Notice how he has co-opted the entire GOP. Anyone who opposed him, even in a feeble manner, has either resigned, or retreated till they are under the shelter of his tent, spouting his poison, encouraging misled people to buy into his lies until they are so turned around that they perceive treason as patriotism and guns as the defining factor of life as should be lived in America, at least their America.

When Greene, an abomination from Georgia, and Gosar, yet another abomination, are seen as the go to future, then try to find some other button to push. Now! Quickly. ASAP. Stat. There is no time to waste, for these buttons, pushed once too many a time, will send this country, so battered and trashed by its own citizens, right down the tubes, sold down the river. It will go under for the final time, sucked under the current of tyranny, of terror, of an unrecognizable future, where no one other than the ruler will thrive. 

We have pushed those buttons of outright Fascism right here, in America, right now, and we had better break our paralysis, our deer caught in the headlight behavior and lack of action, and push other buttons. Remember those? Pretty much stated via our history, our progress, long, slow and hard along the roads of humanity, of respect for all, of trying to improve lives rather than restrict them, take them down to a most undesirable level of life. We need to recognize the buttons pushed already which have freed the haters, wolves cloaked in scanty sheep's clothing. Time we ripped off these pitiful disguises, recognize the truth of what we have allowed to grow, like mold upon the walls of our home, our country, and push those buttons that will help.

We are perilously close to a once unthinkable event right here in America. I believe the closest we have come in relatively modern times to perverting our government was in the 1930's when the Nazi supporting German-American Bund, flaunted its power, held huge rallies, complete with the Hitlerian touches of flags, flame and militant beats of drums.

 People, find the right buttons and push them ON. Find those of danger and push them powerfully, definitively, OFF. It is our responsibility. Only we can put an end to this overwhelming threat. Only we. Only us.

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