Monday, November 15, 2021


  Same difference, the more things change ... Does it ever? Six of one, half a dozen of the other. Language, the words used to express things, can change, but underneath it all is the same old, same old. The same filth. The same ugliness. The same canards that have plagued humanity since the first humans roamed this earth. And who knows, perhaps if we ever do get to other planets, other universes, or they visit us, we will find the same old there as well.

Before we continue, I would first like to apologize for an unexplained no blog yesterday. Flying time again. The airports are full again, the lines long, the planes delayed, people running like lunatics through the concourses to catch their connecting flights, and now we add on the eternal lectures re wearing masks, accompanied by threats of federal crime, being tossed off the plane, mind you, everybody is wearing one - and the unbearable crowding, a la sardine style, into jammed planes. Oh, don't you love the warning that if you do not surrender your rollaboards, they will be confiscated anyway if the flight attendants deem the overheads are full. And as for service? Forget about it unless you are in Business or First Class. The rest of us, we just pay through the nose, endure the 'charms' of flying, and remember to bring some food and drink for inside the plane - choices are quite limited. Be that as it may, plane travel does serve a purpose, allowed us to attend a wedding and celebrations, and can tie the country together. We will see. The jury is out on that.

Back at the ranch we are back at the same old filth and garbage that has plagued humanity since time began. With the first person  who looked upon another, of differing gender, color, place of origin, physical appearance, whatever the choice or excuse, it all began to go wrong. Sorry to say, religion, the very thing that should unite people, give them standards, morals, values, of high standing, that very same religion instead turns the world on its axis, upside down, malicious and vicious. Where have we gone wrong and how do we self correct? Can it even be done?

 "One nation, one religion" ... under G-d". What god? Which true god wishes this to be? Which true G-d wants the believers to kill others, to destroy all those who are 'different' in one way or another? To chase them down, to obliterate them from the face of this earth, wipe out even the memory of their existence? Which G-d, which true G-d, has spoken to His or Her people and told them to refuse the benefits of science, of discoveries that benefit humankind, choosing instead, opting for, the death of those pitiful believers? WE have twisted the alleged words of gods throughout the centuries until they benefit us, allow for our own sins and crimes against humanity, excuse the results as collateral casualties of the beliefs of the time. That would fly, if we did not go right ahead and repeat them!!! When we definitely know better. Or should.

So yesterday we are told of a preferred new Pledge of Allegiance. One religion. Here we go again. Mind you, this is not new, a sudden uptick in nastiness. No indeed, for it is a canard, a filthy belief in the inherent superiority of one religion over another. Catholic, Protestant, sects within, warring. The same for Islam, with Sunni and Shia at it and Yazidi blasted by both. Jews and their warring sects wishing to dominate the others. Where, when, and why have we decided that one is the best? Whence? Derivation? Benefit? 

Actually, there are no benefits unless one calls it good for the soul - the terror of the flames and torture of the Inquisition, the burning of witches right here in good old America, the second class citizenship of too many, the overzealous Zealots of Islam and Judaism, so contrary to their true beliefs and once again, forever and eternal, the horde of those who are believed to be dispensable, perfect as pawns in the competition of nations. Now it is out there, public, the proposal again, to make this country, our America, into a one religion country and by the way, Heaven help the agnostic and atheists in this equation! 

Think not, that this does not impact negatively on the rest of the thinking of the nations of the world. The harmful effect of a powerful country even thinking aloud in this manner is disastrous. Yet there it is. And who is first in this not so brave New World? Is it the Jews again? Or the Moslems or perhaps those pesky Catholics, or that one annoying sect of Protestants? Who knows? Where does it stop? Well, it doesn't. Never. We see that. We felt that. All throughout the centuries. Through all the blood, the rapes, the awful horrors that we inflict on other humans because they are not just like us. The tragedy is - they are indeed, just like us and our actions bear spoiled fruit in the shape of the same horrors upon the oppressors in turn. What have we done!!! We have so very much perverted the words, meaning, intent, and beauty of religion.

Today, here in the USA, we have states promising bonuses for reporting 'wayward' teachers. We have Churches claiming religion bans vaccine. So much better and oh, for sure, G-d's will that people die. For sure. What the hell is the matter with people today? Furthermore, the exaggerated sensitivity of those opposed to these negative facets of humanity are not blameless. They foster, in others, a backlash of anger. Newfound, newly restored, newly versed actions and reactions. An evil mulberry bush dance.

"We’re in hell,” intones one TV pundit. So true.

Where are we going? Why have we chosen the wrong horse to ride? On the wrong paths. Why do we once again have hordes of relief seekers massing at borders worldwide? Have we forgotten so quickly the hordes of stateless Jews thrown into the no man's land outside Poland? As they do it again to another group? Are we classifying all those who came illegally with the dirty word "migrant"? Despite the fact that so many have become contributing members of society, with American families, whatever that means. What are we doing? Where are we going?

"The signs on the road ahead give cause for concern. America suffers from a list of societal and political conditions that predispose it to violence, and the list seems to be growing longer. At the same time, states that have always defended their sovereignty are more and more defiant of federal authority,..."

Not "Look, see what G-d hath wrought", but rather a 'Look, see what man hath wrought.'

Have we truly advanced since the first war club of bone bashed another? Are we proud of what we have accomplished? In all areas? Think about that. Now what do we do?

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