Wednesday, November 17, 2021


  Maybe that is what is needed if we are to return to any kind of sanity in the near future. It is absurd how absurdities have become the mantras of the day, when extremism has become part of the ordinary, and most people appear to be wandering about confused, ignorant, convinced of their own superiority, or just plain stupid! When, how, do we gain their attention, perhaps entry into their heads and hearts? This entryway appears to be growing ever fainter in its possibility. Improbabilities have now become the possibilities, even realistic probabilities. Steel pole? Please?

Maybe it is the water? The air? The plastics? Something has definitely gone wrong with the thinking process of Americans or is it that the majority have simply faded into the background, allowing for the fringes to push their way forward and gain all the attention and all the power. This is a reality denying attitude, and yet, so American. 

I believe Americans have a national trait which allows for optimistic, reality denying thinking, that all will be right in the end, that balance will  prevail, common sense will overcome all. Hence, we can continue to laugh at the deluded, at their persistent belief in pure nonsense. Trump will be "reinstated". "Elections are all rigged". If a GOP candidate wins, it is G-d's handiwork. In fact, to them, it is obvious that G-d is on their side - for so  their pastor or religious leader has said. And so they believe, despite all the negative consequences. Despite the deaths. Despite the cracks in the firmament of the nation. Despite the ever growing danger of the outrageous thinking and actions of the fringe, their growing success in destroying the balance of this country, destabilizing it to such a degree that once unthinkable thoughts are now commonplace.

It puzzles me. It frightens me. No, it terrifies me. When I read of open calls for a "white Christian country, one religion" I get scared. So should you. When my thoughts and opinions, the very same ones I was told were absurd, extreme, jumping the shark, come out of the mouths and pens of the thinkers of society, when I read book after book, fiction and non fiction, echoing these thoughts, I tremble. I wonder. What took them so long? Were they afraid to speak out? Where were these people till now? As for all the truth tellers and their tell all books, why did they enable the madman? They allowed this. Writing of their fears, their secret meetings, are nothing, of no import other than to underline their complicity in the destruction, in the rape, of our nation. They allowed the avalanche of insanity to begin, to pick up speed, allowed a rolling ball of absurdities to pick up political validity.

It worries me, frustrates me to the nth degree when I daily read and hear of the uncovered filth, of  alleged crimes of Trump himself, his advisers, his family members, his financial organizations, his lawyers, when the echoing screams of dying officers on Jan. 6 reverberate through the air. I wonder why the hell have we not acted already? Why are these people not imprisoned already? Why have they not been called to pay the price for treason? Why are they continuing in office? In State Houses. In Congress. As judges. As once loyal citizens of a nation rather than cult believers.

Time to pay the piper. If not, those rats of Hamelin will prevail in their current role of the rats gnawing away at our foundations, threatening the children of this nation and their futures. Paying up hurts; I know that. But not paying hurts even more. Like the stored jets in the desert, now infested with scorpions and snakes, posing danger to all unless thoroughly cleaned and inspected, so too is our nation right now. The snakes, the scorpions, the traitors, the haters are all there. The inspectors in the desert use "whackers" to chase the snakes out of their hidey holes, to prevent future dangerous possibilities of poisoned bites. 

We, too, need these whackers, these steel poles, these broomsticks. We need to chase the snakes out, wake up people to the danger they pose. Fight them. Get rid of them and do what must be done to preserve the nation. We must relegate the fringes to where they belong - on the fringes of society - and "The fact of the matter is, the only way to save our state, so to speak, is to fight for the rule of law and to fight for our democratic values ..."

Enough talk. More action.

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