Sunday, January 14, 2024


 I recently read a statement which went something like this: "It is better to talk from a scar rather than a wound". Sounds like one of those oh so humanistic and wise statements meant to come off as advice from a truly wise person, but really? Are scars and wounds actually that different? So much so that one talking with a fresh wound will talk markedly different when gazing at the wound's scar? Does the heat of the moment, the wound fresh, actually differ from the cooler, perhaps cold feeling as a scar covers over the wound? Keep in mind the flipside of the original statement. Recall this: "Revenge is best served cold".  

Wounds can fool people. They can look better or worse than they are. They can generate an ugly disfiguring scab and final scar, one that limits movement or produces endless hours of pain, or simply reminds the wounded of the before and after, the change in life represented by that scar. Particularly in the situation where the scar is a major change such as amputation, disfigurement, limitations which demand huge adjustments, some impossible to attain. 

I reject the initial statement as a pithy example of the equivalent to fool's gold of the miner digging for the real gold. These false supposedly uplifting statements simply raise the frustration level as the cost of war is demoted to a scar, a simple scar. Well, there is no such thing as a simple scar, for that scar represents much. It is a healing process as well as a constant reminder, a fuel for nightmares. It is the never-ending pain emanating from that wound, physically and emotionally. A cause of vicious nightmares never to go away.  

Unfortunately, mankind has formed a path for society, for all times, for all nations - a permanent struggle, a state of war which heats up or cools down or waged perhaps in words which had been better left unsaid, which cut deep into the psyche of the recipients, or via deeds of violence and bloodshed.  We return again and again, futilely, to the beatdown, even as we know its affect is temporary.   

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, whose presence is sorely missed at the Supreme Court, whose wisdom would serve us better than the ignorant divisive words of present Justices, said, " Fight for the things you care about. but do it in a way that will lead others to join you." That is meant to imply that the leader must be of good character, unselfish, willing to observe and serve truth, who puts aside bias and false sentiments. of old, or fresh off the hate stove. Do we have any such leaders at present? Few and far between if even that many. Instead, we resort to violence, to oppression, to false and violent demonstrations, where the duped, the ignorant, the hate filled, the bloodthirsty, hang out and get their special brand of validation. 

Tragically, there are times that one must fight, no other choice remaining. The Bible tells us there are two kinds of war- that which must be fought, and those which are a matter of choice. A release valve, a deflector for malicious, incompetent, leaders who generally throw in the religion they prefer as part and parcel of this full service state of mind and war. 

Strangely enough, there are rules for this so blatantly ruleless world, rules observed in the breaking rather than in the observance. Accusations grow in number and absurdity, generally one side better at it than the other, merging with long held attitudes of the world at large. Much of war, by its very definition and course, can, must be ruthless.    Even as one combatant clearly trying to hold to the impossible, is accused of the very crimes they are trying so hard to prevent, even as the enemy brazenly flouts all rules, an integral component of their war tactics.

 Thus, we have a defending nation, brutally set upon in a most vicious attack, aimed at civilians.  t Slaughtered, butchered, in a mad craze of hate and glee.  Civilians joined in. They killed all those they found, hunted them down as prey in the field, cloaked themselves as civilians, and proceeded to kidnap, rape, butcher, behead, burn alive, all ages, all genders, anyone. Any and all who fell into their monster hands. Those they kidnapped are dying, or dead, or living in circumstances that preclude survival. Food and medicine withheld. Human company, even light, any light, sanitary conditions vile, denied everything, caged, separated from loved ones and the world forgets to remember them and who started this? 

 All that is needed to end this war, to end peril for civilians, for not so innocent civilians, is one simple deed. Lay down their arms. Stop attacking cities and farms of Israel. Accept her presence and the   right to exist. The same applies to the Jewish people -they are not to be victimized, designated for genocide. 

Monsters they are and to defeat monsters major efforts to conquer them are needed - to remove them from possibility of inflicting more devastation upon the world. Hamas are monsters cloaked in bloody human skin, fooling only those wishing to be fooled. Along with those who go along, throwing away courage, decency, humanity. all complicit. All the rightful targets of any charges of crimes against humanity. 

An old native American proverb tells us, so very wisely, so truthfully, so frighteningly, that "What happens to the land happens to the women".  I refer you back to news reports re the women taken or murdered by Hamas. Now read them again. Ask of all - who are the true enemies of mankind, of womenkind? The answer, the truth, is clear.

Usual hugs and kisses sweet boy. Miss you and your grin. Love you always.

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