Thursday, January 18, 2024


  Thousands of dead, many injured, and yet the dangerous and deadly farce goes on. The world tsk, tsks re the slaughter of civilians, yes, Jews, but still...and then the standard to be expected reaction, reversing those pathetic shadows of concern and understanding, and falling, running, leaping, with relief, into the more comfortable role  of criticizers of Israel, by extension the rest of Jewry all over the world and here we are. One sick joke after another. Again, and again.  Cruel and sadistic teasers re the hostages as the people of Israel, as Jews all over the world, wait, wait, and wait some more. Are those two adorable Bilbas babies dead? Yes, says my gut and heart, even as the unrealistic hope remains - maybe, maybe. 

Are those elderly so desperately in need of medication, alive, after 105 days of brutal captivity? No light. No air. Barely any food at all. Barely any water. Dragged pillar to post, held as shields for the cowardly Hamas leaders. The beautiful young ladies remaining in captivity, civilians or just inducted, cadets, of the army - so what the hell do you think happened, is happening to them. Read, listen, to the statement of those released and know the truth. Know the  truth and acknowledge it. Impregnation after repeated assault, and then forced marriage and a lifetime of slavery.  Sick  jokes proliferate, do they not!?

One thousand times the meds sent to hostages was the price and we gained zilch other than handing tools for healing their wounded, to kill again.   Absolutely no proof allowed, no useless Red Cross, no proof at all. Leaders? The jumped-up King of Jordan? The pathetic PLA?  Saudi Arabia?  Qatar? No one around, is there?

 The joke is on them, at the inevitable end, for here we are, and here we will stay. 

Sick jokes, playing on the fears and hopes of a sick mother, of anguished families, of a nation yearning to see its brothers and sisters home, where they belong. The entire sick joke of Jewish continuity, the ever present attempts to destroy them, martyrs galore through the millennia.    

We humans are sick jokes as we continue this awful situation. Are there innocent Palestinians in Gazza - possibly, though not probably. Fed with hatred from birth to death, what else can we expect? It is a culture of death, celebrating the spilling of blood. They 'host' tunnel entrances and exits, store arms beneath their child's bed. They dress as civilians, all the better to kill and claim innocence. Fake pictues used as 'proof' of death, even as one sees a wiggle beneath theeever present white sheets. 

Sick jokes, again and again, with Jewish dead, hurt, disappeared, swept under the rug, discounted. Jews who seek to downplay their Judaism, past their sell by dates - sick jokes, all of it, all of them. Discounting the strong connections between all Jews, uncovering them within a brief conversation.            WE ARE FAMILY.

 Not the superficial Sledge version, but a deeper than deep relationship, since Abraham and down to the last Jew on earth, G-d forbid.

A thousand times the medicine. Three times the people. Jews are used to this kind of blackmail, one way or another, in a chain through the millennia. But thte joke is on the oppressors, the haters, as here we are and here, we remain, outlasting powerful empires and ambitions to destroy us.     e  The real joke is on the haters, those who plan without understanding history. Too bad for them.

Even as I wish the Lord Above would come into the fray a tad earlier, so as to avoid death and anguish and grief.

We are used to always and always is our ally.

Sick jokes have endings and then the joke is on those who wish to use them for nefarious reasons.

Always is the answer.

And always are my hugs and kisses for my sweet Yitzy, so missed, so loved.

Always and forever.


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