Tuesday, January 26, 2016


     Hate is an awful state of mind. It can obsess the mind, heart and soul of a person or individuals, crowds and even nations. It causes a short circuit in the thinking process and shrivels the humanity of a person to the point where that individual can become more animal than human.
     Unfortunately we have hatred growing apace in the world today. We have ostensible co-nationals attacking each other and why? Because they believe in a somewhat different version of Islam, yet they all kneel and touch foreheads to the ground, all oppress their women in the name of religion and  G-d and go out and slaughter innocents and honor those who do. And before someone starts yelling that all are not like that, well, I know that, but where are they and where are their voices? They hunt down those who speak otherwise, put fatwas on them, force them into hiding or threaten their families, but if enough were to speak out? In any case, they do not.
     So today another young lady, a beautiful 23 year old woman out shopping in a local grocery store is being buried for the huge sin of being a Jew and living in her homeland. Along came two animals in human clothing who stabbed her to death, stabbed another, older woman and then, upon being held off from further destruction by the brave shopkeeper, ran off but not before throwing three pipe bombs at the store which thankfully did not go off.
     Today's Jews in Europe are frightened. There are stories of French Jews, leaving the country, others mulling doing the same, Swedish Jews who live in a country with one of the most hateful politicos ever, the new government of Canada warns Israel that there is too much violence on their part, all the while ignoring , blindly avoiding the truth as to who exactly is creating the violence. No, Israelis will not bare their necks, will not meekly undergo the executioner's knives again, will not go gently into that good night. No more! And if this bothers the haters, the anti Semites of new vicious mouths, minds, hearts, and arms, then so be it. But hate, hatred such as this, curdles their souls and one can only wonder why they engage in it.
    Hatred rests in the heart of Putin who was involved in the radiation poisoning and killing of Litvinenko years ago, is cold with misplaced patriotism when he invades  another nation simply because he covets their land and their independence from Russia. He orders bombings with impunity of the people in Syria - and incidentally, many of the victims in the Golan Heights area have come over into Israel for medical aid, for surgeries, for food and water, for warmth and help, but the world says nothing. In Africa the tribes are killing each other instead of working somehow to deal with increasing desertification, in Italy they are discussing with raw voices and emotions whether civil marriages be allowed and whether two men or two women can raise children and both be acknowledged as parents. Really? Still? Enough! And in Ireland Catholic baptized kids get entry into schools, public schools, before non baptized kids. C'mon already. How much more of this? And the right wing parties in Europe are on the rise again.
     And amongst Jews themselves there is much roiling of the seas as various sects compete with each other, even hate each other at times until push comes to shove and we are all forced to remember that Hitler did not care what level of outward observance was there, nor how much Jewish blood ran through your veins - only that you were Jewish in some way and off you went.
     And here in the good old USA we have the most hate filled campaign ever. The candidates all spew hatred from their mouths, particularly the Republicans - hate of immigrants, hate of the different, hate for women who need abortions, hate of women in many ways, hate for fat cats even as they take their money and the hate fest continues. "Where's the sunshine?" asked the song of the Fifth Dimension, asked the pleading voices of the young at that time and we are still asking it.
    There is nonsensical shouting of "white privilege". What privilege? I had to work hard to get to where I was professionally and in this world and so did all of my friends and especially my parents. We were poor growing up though we did not realize it as so was everybody else around us so what privilege I ask again. And "Black Lives Matter" - yes, of course they do but so do the lives of all others and why do we encourage this separateness? We are all people together so enough with this hate mongering. Hatred has no bounds.
     Where does it end? Where does it take us? How do we cut this cancer out? Were I the one who had the definitive answer I would gladly share it with the world, but I cannot even get the hatred here in the Village to stop. The incumbent party is so hate obsessed that they cannot, never mind will not, discuss the issues. Their addled brains, such as they are, their wizened hearts are so hate clogged that they pick on ridiculous lies, obscene name calling, intimidation and when it does not work on those who oppose them, they go bananas. They roar and shout and curse and make up lies and what infuriates them even more is when they are laughed at, their idiocy shown for what it is. So sad, so very sad.
     So what is new in this arena. I have told David Israel and his crew that they do not scare me, nor intimidate me, and I will not go away. They do not like that. When the "Ken" doll get his new clothes he thinks he is the Emperor, but truly his heart, such as it is, and his nasty mind, are still bared to the air, to the people. Refusing to discuss issues, or unable to discuss them because he knows he is wrong and has done wrong to this Village, he picks up on nonsense and pontificates with a whole burst of smelly and foul polluted air. Their latest moronic adventure is discussing whether after I lost the election two years ago, the one that David Israel co-opted as he ran for a third term, overturning the two term limit that the Village always had, the one where the votes were manipulated and yet I still had a great showing despite all repression and censorship, whether I cried or not. The truth - I did not. I was at home doing crosswords, getting ready for the Sabbath, the election out of mind when I received a call to come to UCO and the Security Committee meeting. Why? So David Israel could gloat? Who knows and who the hell cared - then or now. So I lost - so? Life goes on and thank G-d I have a good one, filled with friends, with family, with a true partner for life, with activities and good books, shows and all that I could want - ok, perhaps some more money to ease things, but we all manage. But David Israel had to see if I would break down or something so.... now he says, "The results in the UCO Presidential election were announced at the Security Committee, and Ms. Sutofsky did indeed collapse in Jerry's arms weeping"
   Dear Lord in Heaven! Let's go to the videotapes as they say or said on TV. What you see is a woman with a disgusted look on her face that she will now shake the hand that he oh so generously rushed over to shake. Yuch!!! After six weeks of constant scrubbing I still felt the touch of that scrubby paw.
     Now I am told I cried in Gerry's arms - and get the spelling right idjits. In a pig's eye! I do not cry often. I do not cry in public except at sad movie endings and even a Broadway play or two. I cried in public at the deaths of my parents and my husband held me, yes and so did my neighbor. Perhaps he even gave me a hug that day in UCO but who remembers, I doubt it, and who cares but cry and sob? Gimme a break!
     And then of course, there is that filthy pig Peter Cruise who now claims to have known me my whole life and that I was a bully. You poor deluded fool. Never would I have allowed such trash as you are into my life and a bully? Moron, I was so shy as a kid that it took a lot of hard work and courage on my part to learn how to be a public speaker and how to feel comfortable in crowds of strangers. It still takes work, but I have the courage to do so whereas you and your hate filled little troll, pathetic, pitiful, demented paranoid manikin David Israel have not the courage of your convictions, such as they are, so you hide behind hate and nastiness and cowardice. But never you mind, you are known out there and while your insane hatred matches the world of today, the time will come when you and yours, when your international compadres, when your political leanings of fascism, will once again be banned, be vanquished from upon the face of this earth and certainly from this Village. And Lanny, good on you for trying to do the right thing, though pitifully skimpy and not enough in your combined meanderings of the mind. And Grace, you are a fool beyond words. What in the name of all that's holy are you babbling on about? No one is sending you filth. More imaginary stories in your mind. And do not threaten me with the police or we will have them question you about your rantings in what you send me.
     So shoo, scram, run away with your tails between your legs. Go look in the mirror for proper things to hate and stop with your childish lies that one makes up and the other swears to. Say what you want about crying or whatever, I am done with this topic for it serves only as a tool to show your low levels of humanity, such as they are, to point out your pathetic and demeaning behaviorisms, your cowardly streaks and hollowed brains. Go to Hell for all I care. And for G-d's sake, grow up, come out of the darkness, have some courage and talk on the issues, the issues of the Village, not inanities that you make up and have no bearing on anything other than on your blackened souls.

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