Sunday, January 31, 2016


     "Honesty is such a lonely word
       Everyone is so untrue
       Honesty is hardly ever heard
       And mostly what I need from you."
     So sings Billy Joel and as I listened to the tribute singer last nite, I thought to myself how true and how apt this is. Would that we had some honesty around here, that words of honesty and honor be sent forth from those who believe they represent UCO, but we do not have this. We do not get this. And we do not expect it any longer. Too much time has elapsed since we heard any word of truth or honor from their mouths. No, instead what we get is the head of the crew who would not recognize the truth if it rose up and slapped him in the face. And then we get all the  little and petty individuals who lie and swear along with him, those who have lost all sense of self, of truth, of inner dignity as they lie their lives away.

     Sometimes their truths or rather untruths, are petty. Like them. But sometimes the lies are more serious than that. The other day I wrote about the anti - Semitism that is running rampant around the world, wrote it a day or two after the International Day of Holocaust Remembrance and this , I cannot even begin to express my contempt for this pathetic excuse of a human, Peter Cruise, allegedly, writes to me in his usual loving and ignorant manner -
"Another Baker visit is in your near future." So, the moron not only admits his complicity in the shameful use of governmental entities to attempt to threaten dissenters (such a good pupil, huh, David) but the idiot also is so clearly that as he forgets that he sent the cops to Olga. Not me but you want to send them to me, no prob, and then they will just go to you - with the straight jacket! Another creep to join the Holocaust deniers.
       And how does he allegedly sign this? "Miserable lesbian", trying to imply who knows what? That either I or Olga is a lesbian? Well, certainly Gerry would be interested to have a discussion with you, fool, and in any case, what are you implying? That to be a lesbian is shameful? Rather than that, think how shameful it is to be you and how more shameful it is when you are let out in public as David Israel lets you loose from the leash.
     You see, Peter Cruise has a habit of sending thru nasty anti Semitic and/or nasty sexist and obscene remarks and signing them with what he feels is an insult apropos of the comment - such as the one above or miserable yenta. Lord, what a fool this mortal be, to paraphrase the Great Bard.
     Sometimes one gets tired of this garbage being sent one's way and wonders if we will ever get rid of the trash at UCO. It seems dark, does it not? But remember what Ralph Waldo Emerson said, " When it is dark enough, you can see the stars." These stars are the signs of hope for the future and remember that old saw, 'What goes around comes around." Understood?
      "...if you look for truthfulness
You might just as well be blind"
      Billy Joel might just as well have written this song with our current UCO in mind. The lies that just spew out of there are enough to take a scholarly man such as Stew and fill him with disgust. It is enough to take any of those in the Village with any character straight to the sink to throw up in disgust at what goes on here, at the lies, at the waste of money, at the refusal to speak to the point and discuss issues, at the refusal, nay, the repression of our rights - free speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly.
     Nor are we who dissent from the lies of David Israel et al any different from those in the rest of the world who fight for their honor, for their rights, against oppression, against overbearing neighbors. We are those who know the truths and the lies and easily distinguish between them so when an animal such as Rouhani says on that very same day - the reality of it is not clear!!!! we know the truth and we know the truth here .When Putin says lies about neighbors so he can go on in and take by force what was lost thru democracy, we know the lies. When the world so hypocritically tells Israel not to use violence when their citizens are attacked as they walk, as they shop, as they sit in restaurants, and as Hamas rants about their new tunnels and the threat to go into Israel proper with bombs and attacks - we know the truth. Been there, done that and with G-d's help we will continue to be there.We know the truth. When people rise up and fight for a different government, one who upholds their rights - we understand. When women who are abused in the name of religion or in the name of weak and pathetic men rebel  - we understand. When the world is afraid to speak the truth about radical Islam, about the worry about the migrants - we speak the truth. There did not have to be these riots now in countries who are tired of the burden, of the lies of those in government. Dissent is an honorable thing to do when right is on one's side and for sure - we have the right in this dispute here within CVWPB. For sure!!
     Goethe said, "Our passions are the true phoenixes; when the old one is burnt out, a new one rises from the ashes."
     Our passions for justice, for rights, for honesty, for the welfare of the people - will not die and even as one person falters or needs a break, there will be another in that place - rising anew, just as I did once I saw the truth of UCO and was on the receiving end of abuse and filth even before I barely opened up about it. Such is the fear of David Israel. Such is the dishonesty of David Israel. Such is his uncouthness, his lack of respect for others, his lack of character, his selfishness, and his cowardice for refusing to face the people and the same for those whom he drags along behind him. And where will they all go? You answer that yourself. And where do you wish to find yourself on that day? Ask that of yourself as well. What is the better boast? I oppressed people, lied, cheated, ruined a wonderful place all in the name of a petty tyrant and a petty role, or I woke up and saw the light and knew the right and fought for it? The choice is yours - live with it and die with it and worry about in between. Happy dreams.


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