Stew Richland
I was under the impression that the UCO Reporter was the official Village newspaper. I was also under the impression that the purpose of the Presidents column was to inform the residents as to nature of UCO projects and activities. Yet our President uses his bully pulpit in the latest edition of the Reporter for campaigning not informing, Using Dave’s own characterization, what we have here is real “eye pollution.”
Again using the criteria of a biased observer, he describes the recent Delegates Assembly as the “theater of the absurd.” His column is laced with the same distortions of facts, the same misrepresentations of the truth and the same sophistry.
Blah, blah, blah. Even my eyes are glazing over. What is the Theatre of the Absurd? It's a phrase that's often bandied about and used constantly by our leader. According to current usage it is a play that has a meaningless plot. This is what Israel wants us to think. But communication is the key and that is why Israel will resort to any tactic to limit any opposition to his regime.
Like the rotten apple found in the bottom of the barrel working is rot to the top is the fact that our official Village newspaper, which constantly informs us in each edition that it will print arguments on either side of issues and to afford a forum for an open dialogue of the issues. Opposing ideas are important and will be considered for publication. Bogus, Bogus, and more Bogus from them. When was the last time an article was published challenging Dave Israel’s policies or actions. However, you did place an Israel campaign announcement prior to the official February candidate announcement date.
I call my readers attention to the fact that Dave Israel is running for his fourth term as President of UCO breaking the time honored tradition that a person will not hold the office for more than two consecutive terms.
On 7/11/2008 Dave Israel Posted the following:
2) I was/am opposed to removing term limits; Autocrats abhor Term Limits because they preclude their becoming permanently ensconced in their Autocratic positions
On 5/23/08 Mr. Ed Black posted the following:
The UCO by-laws do not need any tampering regarding the very effective term limits issue. They were placed there many years ago, when those proposing it realized no one person should be allowed to occupy any one office indefinitely. Just the fire in the belly of any newly elected to do their very best, is itself one very compelling reason to allow the limits to stand.
I doubt if the UCO reporter would publish these observations. This explains why the Century Village Messenger Club was born. The Messenger is our present day “gadfly” in the tradition established by the “Muckrakers” and lives up to the motto of the New Your Times, “All the News that’s Fit to Print.”
Mr. Black also reminds us that “the Nominations Committee was originally developed to go out and beat the bushes for qualified applicants to run for "officers" of UCO.
Well looking at the record so far, this current Nominations Committee has produced nothing original in modernizing the election process. It would be great if they would go out and beat the bushes for qualified candidates. However, behind the bushes is a wall. This wall was created by Dave Israel in cahoots with WPRF to minimize any attempt by any individual or group that wants to challenge the existing UCO fiefdom. NO CAMPAIGING IN THE CLUB HOUSE OR THE POOL AREAS.
If Dave Israel is a proponent of fair play (Bazinga a gotcha term from the Big Bang Theory), why would he insult the Messenger Club’s sponsorship for a “Candidates Forum.” He debases this attempt of encouraging all those who seek a UCO position to have a face-to-face discourse with all interested Village Residents. When the UCO president shut down alternative forums for democratic political discourse, the Messenger had to resort to extraordinary efforts to provide an unbiased form for our residents. The question is why did this have to happen to begin with. The answer is obvious. Dave Israel is so driven to win the March election, that he connived to have the plug pulled on any political campaigning on all WPRF properties. To further illustrate how low he has sunk, he states that people will not attend Messenger sponsored forums unless free food is offered. Now you know why he is called the “SNIPE” king of C.V.
If Dave was interested in fair play, and fidelity to fair play he would never have called Code Enforcement to tattle about Phyllis Richland’s campaign banner. He could have taken an upright position to insure that every avenue for fair play was open to all. Dave just lacks genuineness.
He uses terms like “parallel universe,” (it seems he is enamored with sci-fi references). as benchmark terms towards those who oppose him. Dave look around! Listen to what people are writing and saying about you. Gandhi once said, “Truth never damages a cause that is just.” This is the guiding principle of the Village Messenger. We believe, when the time is right, that the truth can set us free of your administration. We believe that sharing our truth is best done in concert with our community, and other truth tellers. Our goal is to spread the truth far and wide–creating ripple effects, and inspiring others to do the same.
Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the village…would do this, it would change our community.
Thank you–William Faulkner – for this inspiring insight.
Thank you–William Faulkner – for this inspiring insight.
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