Thursday, January 28, 2016


     You know that it gets to a point when the nausea is overwhelming, when all one hears and reads are lies out of the Israel camp, out of the mouths and pens of his shills. Lanny has written more of his bumbling hot air fatuous pieces, all saying nothing but lies. They insist that only they are right and tout supposed accomplishments yet where and what are they? All we hear about is Wi Fi and the computer system in UCO, the same computer system that David Israel uses to punish his straying officers by cutting off their computers, so often that it has become an in joke - but not for the likes of those not in UCO to know. Of course not, for that would be too much honesty for them and they might pass out.
     What they do know is how to mumble. Accomplishments, Lanny and David howl. Really? 1) Electronic touch screen voting (coming to our UCO elections in March)
2) Electronic clicker voting at Delegate Assembly, coming soon if Dave is re-elected.
3) Village wide Broadband Wireless Communications, adding untold value to our apartments.

     The touch screen voting and the clickers have been ideas and suggestions for years but David Israel ignored them until the shouting about corrupted and untrustworthy voting during election and in the DA were too loud to ignore anymore. Revolution threatened! and as for Wi Fi, the Village has spoken and what they said was NO< NO< NO.
     But David Israel cares naught for the wishes and desires and needs of the electorate, only his own. He pushes his desires on others. He sits in his lair all day and all night seeking ways to punish his opponents and thinks that all others want to do the same. But there are other needs here in the Village other than Wi Fi which WE ALREADY HAVE!!
  What we do not have are working and well conditioned and paved roads. What we do have are falling apart roads, disintegrating into rocks, pebbles and sand, oh so much sand that soon we might form a beach and perhaps gain some tourists! We have holes developing in the roads, real holes and not only extremely long and ever widening cracks. We have a perimeter walkway that is pockmarked with black tar over areas and why? Because the job that David Israel and Ed Black so illegally signed off on was a work of trash, of chicanery and total incompetence from the very first word of a 1 page contract to the last roll of the machine. It was crap from the onset and worse now. Now that is an accomplishment!
     What else? Oh, yes. The water, the stinky, green, algae infested water, the loss of our turtles, the canals that are so bad that people living by them cannot open windows for the odor, the wasting of so much money and yet the waterways get worse by the hour. We hear of aeration but when I walk around the Village, the waterways are really bad, no improvement to the naked eye and the blue of yesteryear has morphed into the putrid green of today and the foreseeable future, at least as long as David Israel is in office. You will be able to use Wi Fi in that far off piece in the corner area near a lake even as you use nose clips to hold off the odor. Wow!!! Such an accomplishment - NOT!
     Want more? ... who were utterly opaque to Information requests, to which they would reply "Why do you want that - no matter what you asked for"! 
       Excuse me? Who does not respond? Why, Duvidl, go look in the mirror if you can tolerate it and see who does not answer, who fudges and obfuscates, who delays and denies, who fiddles with ballots, then destroys the hard copies and then, ignoring what he was supposed to do, then provides these COPIES as proof. What a liar! Beyond belief. Nauseating and this is who overturned by chicanery the term limits that ruled and sustained our Village since the inception of UCO, but not good enough for David Israel. No, he must be Il Duce for life, Dictator for life, Tsar of the Village and Lord help those who oppose him.
     There is more to do is their theme? You betcha there is more to do. Simply to undo the harm that they have wrought will take a great deal of work. Simply to get our finances in order is a Herculean task. Certainly to rid the Village and UCO of inefficiency and lies, of terror tactics, of demagogues and petty underlings who seek only their own power, their own fiefdoms, who work only to the lash of a nasty tongue and in fear of loss of their validity in life - all this takes time and all the while the new administration will be using their powerful years of experience both within UCO and from previous lives to right the wrongs, to correct the inaccuracies, to bring our Village back to what it was and what it should be going into the future. They will bring back America into our grounds with freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, freedom of speech and will not be calling upon governmental entities under false names, the wimp! to raise havoc within our gates - and even without! Such is the hubris of the man currently at the head of a pathetic and ineffective, even harmful UCO. And all the lies that Lanny puts forth will not obscure the truth - WE ARE WORSE OFF NOW, SIX YEARS DOWN THE ROAD THAN WE WERE BEFORE HIS PRESIDENCY BEGAN. Plain and simple.
     But wait, there's more. Lanny writes the UCO Reporter is a truly independent newspaper . One minute while I stop choking. Aha, okay. The Rag as an independent paper. I think not. When it is used in its entirety now as a shill for David Israel, as a Pennysaver full of ads, as a paper that forgot its purpose with no opposition allowed, with lies, with editors who do as ordered so that they can be approved of by their master, with editors who are lapdogs to David. NO. This is not an independent paper but a rag run by journalists who have forgotten what an honor it is to be a true journalist. They dare compare themselves to journalists such as  Jane Mayer who wrote Dark Money and then was hassled and came out on top anyway. This is a journalist who has courage, who seeks the truth. No, our current editors are like the people who twisted Planned Parenthood in knots, who raised the screaming hordes with pitchforks to chase them, who had extremist political figures joining the witch hunt and for what? For nothing, for it was all lies and twisted pieces of truth and now the liars are the ones facing prison. Hmmm, could be a nice place to go if one were convicted of abusing the rights of others, of telling lies in print, of abusing the public. It's a thought.
     So, yes, Lanny, did you think we would let your lies stand? Did you think we would let you rant on and on without refuting you? And so easy it was to do that, Yoda says. Why not go back to having your oh so unintelligent and so inappropriate discussion of whether I cried or not after an election loss - and by the way my friends, and especially those who were there, thank you for the great yuks they got from that! And then of course you let in the nasty critter Peter Cruise who once again resorts to physical threats, not content to have threatened to blow me up, now he proposes
+Lanny Howe Just your boot kicking her rear end is all she deserves the benefit of
     And this is what you propose to keep in office. It has long been said that we are known by the company we keep. Well, Lanny and all of you, look around and see the pathetic and nasty company you keep. Do you not have a better and higher opinion of yourself and what you truly can achieve? I am sorry for you and by the way, in full disclosure, all these names you call me, all these threats you so lovingly think up, all your anger as you spew forth foam and spittle - all these things give me big laughs and I giggle all the way through reading them. You see, laughter is the best medicine and since I do not feel well today I can use all the laughs I can get, so go ahead, keep it coming, keep up that wonderful display of the inner nastiness, of the empty void where it comes to values and morality, of decency. Keep it comin'.
PS: Read the comment below as it is most accurate and thank you for reminding us all of that freedom.

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