You couldn't help yourself, could you? Like a child with a secret to hold, unable to resist its temptation, seeking importance, despite the ugly truth it revealed, there you went again. At some point in time your carelessness in revealing the truthful goals of your crazed policies and MuskRat activities, will finally coalesce in some minds and your fan ever dispersing falsehoods and damaging policies will truly be challenged. It will attempt to remain standing in the face of the huge onslaught of long denied truths, but, as usual, no matter how long delayed, the truth will inevitably out.
The ugly blister on this nation's soul will burst and out will spill all the nasty ugliness within. Your capitalized words bearing witness to your oft denied ambition will lead the way. No eyes will be able to turn aside. Hopefully this nation will understand and know what they must do. Then we will turn the dial to the right point and MAGA will be true, as we thrust aside this bizarre era, this national aberration, and indeed, Make America Great Again. Properly. Humanely. Adhering to the ethos of this nation, to its proper role and responsibilities in the world, so long trashed, denied and set aside. We will find and revitalize our denied "Americanness" and be true to the precepts and motivations of this nation.
It is too long a time that the public has turned blind eyes and unhearing ears to the truth. Once again, we muted the shrieking alarms, the tolling of bells, and in less than a century we have allowed ourselves as group and as individual selves to be caught up in sociopolitical trends of the times, with much intentional and collateral damage, both literal and figurative, both domestic and international. It is now up to us to spread the truth, open eyes and ears and souls and peacefully and promptly deny the ambitions of a man so diametrically opposed to what America is, what it represents, what it means for the world and for the future of humanity.
Here is the clear and present danger you and yours are to this nation. In loud strident voice and false denial, you rammed the bulwarks of our nation. You and Elon and the MuskRats and all the sniveling, fearful cowards who fell in line, who sold their souls to you, the Devil's representatives on this earth, conspired to break this nation over your knees. To deny all that America is and meant to be.
Here is what is on your plate, the ugly detritus of a horrid meal - the heart of this nation.
Destruction of a federal workforce which has enabled this nation to function since its founding.
Enabled the return of destructive policies: nepotism, the spoils system, the rewarding of influence and the termination of Merit.
Bribery reinstated as a viable tool of the corrupt and those who corrupt others.
The politicization of departments of this government and the destruction of a three branch form of government which served us well and kept those with unholy ambitions at bay, limited in their reach.
The vile criminal use of this nation as we deny or openly boast of conflict of interest to improve the wallets and estates of those meant to serve this nation and the people within.
Shredding Abraham Lincoln's vision of a country running under the principle of by the people, for the people, of the people. Challenging the achievements of FDR and spitting upon the honor of George Washington as he refused the crown.
Single handedly contributed to a huge rise in unemployment and the dashing of hopes of economic improvement for literally millions of households of this nation.
Employed brutal, inhumane, immoral tactics to enforce hateful immigration rules and keep a broken system in place, to use politically, rather than to apply all efforts to improve it and make it work, always honoring the promise of the Lady of the Harbor. The promise that drew so many here - including ourselves.
Threatened the social safety net of this nation: Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, food aid, health care, safeguards for workers, for blue collar, for white collar and for any collar in between.
Turned back the clock on climate change awareness and the desperate race we must win against our own self destruction of the planet upon which we live.
Spurned any avenue of success down which we walked so proudly, always remembering to seek improvement, to make it better for us, a primary nation and leader of the world. Now canceled.
Encouraged and used the ugly, poisonous thorns of hate and openly encouraging rebellion against this nation, attempting to overthrow its government.
Shamed this nation before the eyes of the world as you appease Putin, endorse his lies, pull away from our allies and responsibilities to this world.
Failed to acknowledge within your rather limited mind and intellect, your inability to know that the "great blue beautiful ocean " will not enable us to safely isolate ourselves from the rest of the world and in fact, that has long been the case. You have forgotten the butterfly effect.
You have encouraged incompetence with your appointments to posts of this nation. Hence, turned your back to the people of this nation
Endeavored to turn upside down the founding principles of this nation in so many ways, too many to delineate in one posting.
And here is you, ugliness uncovered. You finally did it. You could not hold nor keep that not so secret, secret. The child you are, always seeking fame, is what you have been and always will be.
The now out in the open secret? You stuck your nose and your fingers into places where they most emphatically do not belong and employed a quid pro quo political dirty tactic in New York City and State, boasting that you saved the city as a result of your edicts. You boasted - in print - online - "New York you are SAVED". City and State. You boasted and signed off with your now not so secret, secret, the depths to which you have fallen and your crazed ambition to reach and take the highest position over all others, individuals and nations. Your unholy ambitions, you dirty soul, are broken open in your own words complete with your obsessive capitalization.
For all to see and know.
You boasted and signed off with -
And there it is and there it has always been. Admirer of and appeaser to the fascist Putin and of all authoritarian rulers. Quick to hijack all within his reach, already using the Royal Prerogative, issuing royal edicts currently termed Executive Orders. He wages war against his own nation and all the people of the world as well. He has no boundaries in his inhumanity even to the point of imprisoning children, detaining them in most inhospitable places.
Thanks to you and yours we have lost our souls. We have fallen willing victims to the siren cause of Lola and given Lola whatever she wants
Yes, you couldn't resist the moment. And I am happy for that as perhaps now people will wake up and understand what you mean for this nation, for this country, to those who fought for it, died for it. Those who helped build this nation. No longer at peace, all rolling in their graves. Lost in nightmares they had fought so hard to prevent.
No, Donald, you will not be King Donald I. This nation will not succumb to your poison, not allow the poisonous fangs of you and yours to sicken this nation and make it as dust in the air.
Not yesterday.
Not today.
And certainly not
On the Morrow.