Well, well, where the hell are we? What's next? Who initiates the next step? Or has that step already been taken? Perhaps noticed or perhaps not noticed enough but read backwards into recent days and see its evidence of existence, growing in numbers and strength. It is there. It is becoming ever more evident, its light shining through the clouds of obfuscation of the Triad of Traitors, slight, but there nevertheless, growing in power and duration, day by day, even hour by hour, depending on the number and content of those illegal royal edicts coming through the odious tunnels of their promulgators.
More and more people are stepping forward, defying the blatant illegality of those edicts. Their demands are refused with growing numbers in compliance defiant. They refuse to quit on themselves and on the American people. Make no mistake about it. That federal employee down the block from you, in your building, the next town over, filling the corner coffee shop - they are us. No one is exempt from the bulldozer Tyrants use to clear the way for them as they reap their ill-gotten gains of wealth and power. No one. Remember: the bell tolls for thee as well, only the timing differs. We are growing an aura of encouragement to all those who oppose the fascistic authoritarian decrees, actions, and speech of Trump, Musk, and MuskRats, that Triangle of Traitors and Terrorists. An unholy trio. However, their clouds of dark obfuscation are thinning, their goals and harm becoming clearer, even as the light of resistance strengthens every day.
This battle has barely begun. In fact, some continue to wrap this darkness around themselves hoping it will stop the Crimson Tide approaching, dampen the roar of its waves ever louder, wider, as obstacles before it disappear. That Crimson Tide of former and regretful supporters and voters for Trump, ever so rueful of deed and consequences, is growing apace. Crazed children of the MuskRats have been set free to wreak their damage, even as some have already resigned, refusing to do damage to their nation. People are coming to the realization that what they voted for is what they got. Exactly so. And now the chickens have come home to roost, and it is not a pretty picture.
The red states are bleeding. Healthcare is compromised and difficult to access. Crops rot in the fields unable to be sold. Stores remain empty for the usual patrons have no money. Schools deteriorate as teachers leave, seeking a more hospitable environment. Gangs of white power. grow in number and influence and violence. Opposed by other gangs. Children go to bed hungry with hollow stomachs and befogged eyes.
We. We Americans enabled all this. We refused to hear the words and understand the meaning. We empowered the Triangle, that evil Triad, but we have also begun empowering the Crimson Tide, the legal bloodletting of that Triangle, the willful destroyer of America and Americans. If we stand together, we can defeat them. If we refuse their illegal demands, stand beside our judges so as to free them from fear and threats. and insist legislators to do their jobs, to serve the people, then the Crimson Tide will be successful and triumphant. It will defeat those who wish to destroy America and Americans. Only if we stand firm.
We are in a damned poor place. If we do not act promptly, it will be ever more difficult, perhaps impossible, to wrest ourselves from the quicksand employed by the terrible Triangle. We must demand the firing of all the incompetent, inefficient toadies, violators of legality and morality, even to criminal levels. We must take back the nation. Take back the schools. Put sensible laws back on the table. Back in our books. Back in our hearts. Use the same tools used by the Triangle to oppress us. Reinforce the strength of our Constitution, our Declaration, our own stamina. It belongs always and only to the people of America.
We must pick up that torch now flickering weakly. It is the torch mentioned by JFK in his inaugural speech. We must be as courageous as he was, as he insisted, we should be. Only we can fix the wrongs already imposed upon our nation. Only we, the people, can help the people.
If we do not do it today, we will not be able to do it
On the morrow.