Friday, December 12, 2014


     This is a message to Peter Cruz, a man who should be barred from UCO. To put it simply - the man is a fascist. He advocates the use of force and certainly, at the very least, the implied use of force and fear. Just read his most recent comment on the other blog and you will agree. And I quote:

      Plcruise said...
The voting was NOT accurate. The counters were completely confused as to who or what to count. I asked the guy counting on the stage left and he was not sure what motion was being voted and did not record any pro Wi Fi votes as he proceeded up the rows (I watched closely). As someone who was THERE, the meeting was out of control and Dave's fellow UCO officers, the ones that are not trying to stab in him the back continually--you listening Ziccardy et al. --just sat there offering no support. A very bad scene and it will be continued in January if PBSO is not present.

     (Please note the underlining is mine.)

     Lie #1. The voting was as accurate as any other DA vote. They all stink and are rife with miscounts, by accident and on purpose and I would even agree that the number of 78 Pro votes was off - there were far less. I was THERE TOO and looked at the hands in the air.
     Lie #2.  The point is that there was an overwhelming anti Wi Fi vote there, by hand or by voice. The issue was a moot point, obvious and strong. Trying to count nearly 200 votes against was a ridiculous idea and we would have been there forever with the system. Even the Grand Poohbah realized that and accepted the inevitable.
     Lie #3. This is the worst. First, it was not a bad scene. It was an energetic explosion of pent up anger at what the Grand Poohbah and buddies have been doing all along to suppress opponents but the worst is the statement that the vote and the situation would have been different and will be different if PBSO officers were there. FASCIST!!!Would the presence of PBSO deputies have forced the officers to speak vows of support? There are countries in the world who do this and if you need to go there to be more comfortable with your views, then please do so, but do not attempt to practice nor force these views and behaviorisms on us here in the Village.
Are you actually suggesting that we need to have our votes controlled by police officers and implied and real threats to our physical safety? Are you saying that senior citizens need to be watched with implied and real threats in a fake demonstration of democracy? FASCIST!!! You are a disgrace to every American who ever stood up for the rights of all, for every American who fought in wars to defend our democracy. FASCIST!!! Get the hell out of UCO. You should be ashamed of yourself and you, David Israel, should disavow his statements or else understand that you, too, are a fascist at heart.

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