Thursday, December 11, 2014


     Busy time of year. Making sure all is in readiness for the onslaught of guests at Hotel Sutofsky and checking on all the weather situations all over the USA well into January, worrying whether flights will be ok or not, whether Orlando weather will be good, whether West Palm weather will be good. And of course, what the heck do we do with the kids if it is not!!!!!
     When they visit, these kids do not see anything wrong here in the Village. To them, it is life in a year round hotel what with the courts and the pools and even the shows. What they want to know is why they can't go to the shows!
    It is too bad that their bright view of our "year round hotel" is not quite the way they think nor the way it should be. We obviously need a new hotel manager and staff and resignations would be a wonderful holiday season gift and end year bonus to the residents, but if that does not happen, I am content, I have decided, to watch the Grand Poohbah fall into more and deeper holes as he ignores the wishes of the residents, as he tries to fumble his way out of the holes he has dug for himself and let him enjoy his last year in office - if he can, knowing that there are close eyes on his deeds.
     What we do need to do is look for new staff, new Board members, if not for this election then for the following one, a major one. Victory is at hand if we remain strong and deny the Poohbah his perceived power, if we ignore the inanities of his crew. Actually, I am quite pleased to find myself assigned a level of power I never knew I held. I am a "train wreck", someone who will ruin the village. Truly?? I know even one voice can make a difference, but I believe I am here to help save the Village rather than destroy its integrity, its financial stability, and make sure that reality is the way we attack our issues, rather than with expensive and unnecessary pipe dreams.
     I early morning daydream of a bright Village with great roads, a safe perimeter walkway, of well kempt swales, of clean and functioning drains, of a WPRF that stops spending our money on nonsense and hires contractors that actually do a job that will last more than three years, of an election process wherein we return to the values of the USA - of open debate, of free campaigning, of impartial processes, of truths rather than lies.
     Quite frankly, I could care less who is elected president in that election. I could care less about the names of those elected to two VP seats open this election and to the names of Executive Board members. What I do care about, and care about deeply, is the hope that the people attached to these names do the right thing. That they realize that they are here to serve the people of the Village, rather than the other way around. That they are not rulers, but rather the ears of the residents, the council that is supposed to come together and improve the Village, the council that consults with the Village and does not take a conceited and egotistical viewpoint that they know best and will plan for the incompetent children of the Village. That - we do not need anymore.
     So join me in my early morning musings and daydreams and let us make it a reality, one that the Village sorely needs. Proof of the pudding - go look at the anger and the vitality evidenced in the past delegate assembly. A favorite popular singer sang "Hear me roar" - well, Poohbah, et al - hear us roar.

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