Wednesday, February 11, 2015


     So it has started. This is the reason why I waited till the DA to announce that I was standing for a seat on the Executive Board. I knew that if there was one candidate that the Poohbah would campaign hard against, that would be me. You see, he does not frighten me and I can answer him back, and in a debate, I have put him under the table.
     The "brave" one brings out his shills, unable to face me or meet me one on one or even to state what he thinks he has to say. Thinking about the Lion of Judah again, David? Or perhaps Ra the sun god of the Egyptians? Yup, folks, that is what he called upon as he badmouthed Ed. Not normal. Not adult. Not mature.
     We have, ladies and gentlemen, in corner #1, Gracie, my not so amazing Grace, she of the faulty memory who can only repeat her pathetic statements. Please note her comment on the other blog -"The roads I am driving on are not crumbling away. Yes they have cracks that we were told would come back as we went cheap on paving over cracks...."   Ad infinitum ad nauseum but we must have pity. The poor girl has nothing else to say and obviously her eyesight appears to be going as well.
       What else does she have to contribute to her posting? "She remarked facilities being closed for a long period of time. She must have never had to get a work permit". Yes, we have had to get permits, but proper time was allowed and proper planning put into place. We did not have major pools out of commission for months and months, including the high season. Anyone go swimming at the resident pool yet? But again, it's okay, as Gracie cannot see well, not physically I guess and not mentally either. So enough with her. Whatever shall I do? Just ignore her and make believe she wafted away with the breeze.
     What else do we have? Hmmmm..... Aha! We have that mealy mouthed Petey Boy, AKA Peter Cruz, he of the nasty comments, willing to  consign people to trash and other places according to the category they are placed in. Let's see what he has to say?  "She conflates and misdirects with the best of history's creeps."   Ooohhh, Petey boy learned a new word. Guess he learned it from that paragon of truth and virtue, Brian Williams who also said he conflated his story, mixed up his helicopters, poor dear. Good for you, Petey, learning is good no matter the age, but thank you for making me so important as to be part of history and for giving me so much power. You are truly a pathetic specimen of a human being and if this is all you have to say, then I say POOF!!!! And Away You Go!!!!
     So what do I bash, or conflate or lie about? Got me!! I CRITICIZE, yes, in all areas that affect the Village. I get others to read my blog postings and believe what they learn from it. I have joined with many others, a growing number, who are opposed to the fascistic behavior of David Israel and his cronies, and that includes the oh, so wise, Lanny Howe, who thinks he is the Oracle at Delphi as he pompously orates in writing without making any sense. Poof with you too!
     I have shown the level of what these people have to say, their moronic, sophomoric, babyish statements. Our poor VP candidate is so embarrassed by publication of his alleged remarks that he has not even posted one to me today. Poor me. No comic relief today, just from Gracie.
      People, once again there is no depth to what they have to say. Yes, they attack and they attack on a personal basis but where are the issues? Where is the meat of the problems? Where are the answers to the questions of our funding? Why the slush fund again? Where are the open books of our Village? Where is the freedom of speech? Of the press? Where are the answers to the process and procedure to insure a free and honest election? Why is it okay for foul mouthed people to head committees because they are Poohbah lovers?
     Folks, I predicted heavy attacks against me and here they are, beginning with a phfft!
Do not pay attention to the man behind the mirror. Pay attention to the issues and ask David Israel why he will not debate and defend his actions, his non existent programs.

And while we are on the topic, why was there yet another violation of the Sunshine Law? Why did David Israel hold a secret meeting of the Wi Fi committee, now named the Broadband committee, in his office? Why was it not announced and why is it taking place in the first place. The village resoundingly voted it down. We cannot afford it. There is no need for it. We do not need another multi million dollar boondoggle and hey, Gracie, how long would permits for this ridiculous proposal take? How long would we be handing out money hands over fists, with infrastructure being built for years and our lives ruined for years.
We have the Wi Fi we want and need. Cut it out and cut out your secret meetings. Sunshine law, my friends, sunshine law. Am in contact with Tallahhassee now. Wonder what they will say and oh, Petey Boy, I am not part of a suit, you ass. Stop beating that dead horse. Yes, there is a suit in the offing, with worthy residents of the Village involved, but I challenge you to find any where on any agreement that I am a part of it. Hmmmmm. Another lie. Whatever will I do with you naughty children?

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