Monday, February 8, 2016


     Lots of screaming and yelling going on in the Village and I thought I would just take a moment and use my armchair psychology as I thought about the characters of our drama here in the Village.
     First up? David Israel. This man is a puzzle. Perhaps he began years ago with good intentions and perhaps he had this dictatorial takeover already in his head, but whatever the original motivation, he is now poison for our Village. He has allowed all the faults and vices within his mind, heart and soul to take him over, to possess him and he cannot think past the important central question in his life -how to maintain his position and grasp on the reins of power here in CV. He has nothing else in his life. That is sad - for him and for us - for we have become prisoners to his perversions and machinations with a goodly portion of the people involved running scared from his threats and perceived powers. He has become almost , no, definitely, obsessed with his computers and forsaken the paths and connections of humanity.The man needs to go, for his sake and ours.
     His buddy Ed Black is also a puzzle. Either he is pure evil or a good con man and there are days that it is hard to truly know which is which, or even if it is that he is so entwined, even conjoined with his pal, David Israel, that it is hard to separate the personalities and motivations for each. Suffice it to say that at present he has been known to be quite sharp and biting and at times even helpful, but overall the rating is a huge negative one. He has usurped elected officials' powers and jobs and is now trying to rectify that by running for office. I say that he, along with David, need to be retired and should the next president find a way to harness his skills for the benefit of the Village, then fine, but must be VERY careful. While he has admitted knowledge of David's nastiness, and said he has made efforts to improve that situation, I see no proof or evidence of a public admission of that so I remain wary of him, very wary.
     Then of course we have Joy Vestal. Oy!! Sorry, but I cannot find any positive thing about her. Got one. She can do the physical part of putting out a paper but as for the heart and soul of a journalist? Gone, baby, gone. Long time ago. Got another one. Beautiful hair but what is under it is a nasty mind. She is sour, nasty, mean and a vicious liar, alienating all who work with her, in the long or short run so very, very wary and very cautious around her. Watch the back! Turn her out from office - major improvement that would be.
     Some of the minor hangabouts? Jackie Carlin? Nasty as all get out. Used to be different, especially when she did some yeoman work setting up CERTS, but that part of her is long gone and it seems she looks for trouble and to irritate and look no further than her behavior at the most recent DA. What the hell was that all about!? The sad thing is that she drags along with her good people such as Lori Torres, a sweetheart, but why she puts up with David's abuse and devaluation of her in public is beyond me. She deserves better and needs to look towards those who will appreciate her and help vote them in.
     Bob Marshall - well, he is gone as of March and about time. He signed the wrong things and diddled with our funds and needs to go, long time ago. And please, take along with him his most annoying Molly, wife. She has that damn gavel and uses it as a hammer of Thor, calling time inappropriately and unfairly and this last DA just goes to prove a point, that her timekeeper skills need refreshing. Fair play? Never. Here we had a lovely, sweet young lady running for a state office, telling a heartbreaking story of a searing and life changing event in her life and Molly bangs that damn gavel. Even David's stooges in the audience were yelling to let her continue and shamfaced, both Molly and David shut the hell up.
     And now, fair is fair, the other side, not the giant conspiracy that David Israel tries to portray, but a collection of individuals, strong individuals, each with a vision, united in the knowledge that David Israel and cronies must go NOW!
     So, Phyllis Richland. A bright, feisty fighter for what she believes in. A caring individual who looks upon all residents as her family and she will fight for her family tooth and nail, even shout for them, be what may. A wonderful and loyal friend, she has a  soft heart and tough heart at the same time, not so easy for David to shut down and a woman that people all over the Village are backing. Would that our delegate system had been long retired in favor of universal owner resident voting. The popular sentiment is hers by far.
     Ed Grossman. Everyone knows Ed. He makes himself known and has a hand in a zillion pies, a bakery of his own. He has little patience with what he perceives as injustice, irregularities, financial stupidity and chicanery along with incompetence and he will let you know that. Not afraid of anyone, he is backed by a wonderful partner in life and by good friends who keep him, even at the last minute, on the rails. He is a strong person, taking much abuse from those who should know better and gains nothing from his fights and tilting at the windmill other than the knowledge that he has done his best and can say so at those Pearly Gates, to 120! To understand Ed is to get past the exasperation he at times engenders and to see the good person that is there, the huge and warm and open heart.
     Olga - I love that woman! She is bright, open to all, will give you the shirt off her back and then go find another one for you. Brave and open minded, she knows no chicanery or tomfoolery and will say exactly what she thinks, feels and knows. She has a great sense of humor. She is a strong woman and can rub some people the wrong way, but these people are uncertain in their own identity and purpose in life and in the rightness of what they are doing. She has absorbed much abuse from David Israel et al, even having the law sicced on her in a sick and nasty way and can laugh about it and about those who instigated it. I wish people would appreciate her more and understand and see her for the wonderful, warm, intelligent and caring person that she is and the help she would be for the Village as VP.
     Ahh, bet you thought I would leave myself out. Too bad, you lose. What makes me tick. Well, I hate liars and their stories. I have no patience for stupidity, particularly self induced stupidity and blindness. I hate injustice and am passionate about what I believe. I am a proud Jew but one who will argue with other Jews about certain issues so I guess no one is safe from me! Ahh, yes, my grandchildren are for I love them as we say, to Infinity and beyond and would protect them with my life - okay, my kids too, but like to tease them.
     Do I have a sharp tongue and a sharp pencil- or keyboard, at this point in time? Yes, and I do enjoy taking people who deserve it down a peg or two. Praise is given where praise is due and at this point in my life cycle I am not afraid of anyone. Oh, perhaps what might be what with the nature and behavior of the world at present, but not from the petty little people we have here in UCO who think they will and can rule the roost in an inherited princedom. Nope, you guys give me great cause and opportunity to giggle madly as I take you down a peg or two and I fully expect the usual nasties to go berserk at this posting. So what? Like little gnats that one swats and steps on or smacks down. Though Joy Vestal does not appreciate my writing, no false modesty, I do have a skill in writing - good, in that I cannot cook or bake or sew a hem! and I will use that skill as I see fit.
     And I will return for more, so not to worry - or perhaps do worry - but the light and the pain of this sudden migraine are killing me, so ciao for now.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely not Psych 101 but more appropriately, Thesis from a Doctor of Psychology.
    Absolutely brilliant article Esther. By golly, you nailed it right on the head.
