Sunday, February 7, 2016


     While we do have alligators and snakes and  a whole lot of ducks, we also have other critters roaming the Village. One of the worst is the neighbor from Hell and here is the tale of one.
     An apartment is inherited from a parent who has passed away. The inheritor, a child of this owner, is known to the association and has been there in that apartment so there is no mystery. The neighbor from Hell does not like this and why? Who knows, as this person is known to be paranoid and senseless in many discussions. The neighbor, the president of the association, refuses to follow the law and does not carry out the proper steps to the transfer and to allow the "new" owner to have all rights within the Village, including making it problematic to even enter!
     The new owner sues, goes to court, pays large legal fees and guess what? WINS!!! Yes, that neighbor from Hell lost and is directed to follow all proper steps and to pay the full legal costs of these terrorized people - all that they had asked for. When he knew that it was trending this way, the neighbor from Hell offered to make things all right but not to pay their costs so now the legal decision.
     So - guess who the neighbor from Hell is? C'mon, you do not even have to guess. Yup, got it in one - DAVID ISRAEL, the same one who as President of UCO also refuses to follow the rules and the law. The same one who refuses to allow freedom of speech and press, freedom of assembly, who refuses to behave in the proper manner of a chair, who violates Robert's Rules though mandated to follow it by the by laws, the rude and crude man who sits there with a troll like grin on his face, a rictus of anger and contempt for all that refuse to kowtow and beg. The man who takes credit for an insurance lowering of fees, but one that actually had NOTHING to do with him.
     And now? Is he done yet? Uh uh. The man refuses to learn his lesson. He has NOT paid the judgement. He continues to harass these people by threatening them, demanding that they take down a sign inside their apartment by the window supporting Phyllis Richland. And worse is yet to come. This ostensible leader, this pathetic lonely old man who has nothing to do but sit in UCO all day and seek out trouble, or ride around the Village and look for signs to tear down or inform upon, this pathetic old fool has now turned into a Peeping Tom, shading his eyes and looking, peering into their apartment. What does he hope to see? I shudder at the thought of trying to pierce the thicket of his mind, but it ain't good. Most of us know the protocol of observing privacy and not looking into the windows of the units we pass, but here he goes and deliberately and with malice aforethought go purposefully looking into their unit. Truly, the neighbor from Hell.
     The signs of the times - those plumping for Phyllis Richland are springing up all over the Village and the people are defiant and determined. They are being placed on private property of the associations and therefore are sacrosanct though David Israel has had Platinum guards tear them away - so, David, do you prefer orange or stripes on the new uniform you so obviously desire. In fact, what do they have in Federal prisons as you violate the Constitution, the law of the land, the one that supersedes all other laws, every day, with your refusal to allow the rights given to all within the Ten Amendments, the Bill of Rights. Remember them?
      But again, in a sign of the times, there is a big meeting taking place on February 24 in the Clubhouse no less, a People's Forum wherein all delegates are invited, all candidates are invited and watch the chicken moves of David Israel and his crew. Bet they will not show up. It is hard to tell the truth, is it not, particularly when one is so used to regularly telling lies, when one is not used to people disregarding his dictatorial decisions.
    More? Not to worry, there is plenty to go around. Howie O' Brien is a nice guy outside of his position as Treasurer. He seems to have shot all he had when he took down an embezzler at his association for now he bows and scrapes before David and Ed Black and refuses to answer questions or answers in a manner that says, "because I feel like it or don't feel like it." We get admissions that our budget is off, and we will have to deal with the consequences of that next year and down the line - but oh, do approve the budget. Why? Because David said so and there the zombies went, listening to the master. Perhaps they are all hoping they will die before the consequences and penalties for this vote come due. Well, some of us will be here.
     Or, of course, we have that supposed reporter or journalist, Joy Vestal. Her appearance in the most recent DA was pathetic and outrageous. She plowed into the other speaker's time and words and then proudly stated that no could stop her. That is a boast? Shame on you, for it just points  out your acquiescence with this repressive program of David Israel, his refusal to allow the paper to function as free press or the Channel 63 WHICH BELONGS TO ALL THE VILLAGE function freely as well. Newly nominated candidates, who happen to oppose David Israel are now being told no room at the inn for them. No interviews to be taped. Jon Gregg, the principled former head of Channel 63 says it would be easy to allow these interviews and prep for airing. He knows! We know!! And Joy knows.
     A journalist is one who reports the news, all sides of it and if taking sides is supposed to list this report as an analysis or an editorial or an op-ed. The Rag, once a distinguished Village paper, states that there is a promise of fair and equal reporting of both sides of an issue. I cannot remember the last time such an oppositional piece was allowed, only the opinion of David, his use of his presidential column as a political plumping piece, the REFUSAL of Joy Vestal to carry out her responsibilities and the duties of a true journalist make her an oxymoron - the combination of two ideas or terms that simply cannot be. She states at the DA that if someone were to submit a piece she would print it. BULL!!! I, for one, have been categorically denied any and all access to the paper. While I am a good writer and people can attest to that, there are many other good and better writers who would gladly write and contribute but they, too, are banned. Journalist? No way, no how. Rag writer, yellow journalism, oh yes! Shame on you and take the sobriquet of liar and loser on you with full understanding that they fit you much better than the name journalist. Here is a quote from a recent book I read.
     "Journalism is a noble profession, an important profession, one that lies at the very beating heart of a functioning democracy."
     Read that and weep my fellow Village residents for we have no free press here, and we have no democracy here in the Village either. All hail Dictator David! And if that sticks in your craw, then do the right thing and vote for Phyllis Richland. Vote for the candidates that want change, proper behavior, civility within the Village, a chair that conducts meetings properly, not slamming gavels and throwing tantrums. Yes, he may be mentally devolving but that does not make him Ruler For Life, nor give him that right. Not of me and not of you.
     DUMP HIM, GET HIM GONE. No lions, no tigers, no liars, no Peeping Toms and no threats.

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