Friday, February 5, 2016


     "You shall arise each morning to do the will of your Creator." So it is stated in the beginning of the Shulchan Aruch, the book which contains the Jewish code of law. It tells us that there are things that are worth fighting for. Evidently Lanny Howe has a problem with this as he so descriptively announces his "yawn" level with the major arguments and issues at hand in the Village.
      But some people know that there are things worth fighting for and we will persist in that until we clean up and out the trash from the Village UCO and set in place an administration that is not bored with the right nor insist on the wrong.
     Lanny is incensed that we want term limits back in place. He wants to keep David Israel in place and thus insure his role as Village Pomposity. So yes, by all means keep the current status quo, else how would we have such benefits as broken and non serviceable roads, cracked and devolving as we speak. How else would we have stinky and putrid water, canals that demand closed windows, loss of our turtles, large and small, benches that are dangerous and poised on an uneven layer of rocks - perfect for aged and fragile feet! How else would we have a UCO that cannot run its finances properly, that does not behave in a responsible fiduciary manner as they refuse to have the proper fees necessary to pay current and future bills nor separate funds into proper designated accounts, nor outline clearly what is being spent as they so irresponsibly raise the No Questions asked level of spending, as they spend hundreds of thousands of dollars fixing up Mr. Levy's property - so generous, are we not - and violating our security.
     As if it were not bad enough what with the musical chairs game of changing security companies, we now have the wonderful plan of Ed Black and David Israel to cut the non decal line delay by giving away decals to "properly" painted trucks, to "known" people. Really? AS if no one has seen the easily repainted trucks used in crimes? As if no one has seen iffy people come into a place using subterfuge but hey, we won't know because they now will have decals and entry into the rich pickings because they have properly painted trucks, whatever that means and they do not have to go through security, just glide on by. Wow, I am so impressed at this cleverness. The union of crooks must award this five stars!
     Then we have poor Lanny who is bored and reduced to yawns and evidently sits there in the DA dreaming and fantasizing about "whippings". Really, Lanny, is this what turns you on, gets you excited? There are countries in the world who still lash and whip and beat - legally - so why not take a trip there? I will pay for the ticket if you promise to stay there for oh, three years maybe?
     And let us not forget the ninny, Elaine Brown, who needs to be put out to pasture for a while. Exactly who is it that breaks rules and the law?Who trespasses on private property and  steals private property? Will  David look better in an orange jumpsuit or striped clothing. Vegas bookies are taking odds as we speak! Who has nothing in life except to scroll through hundreds of pages on line to find picayune laws that are ignored in real life, who has made himself an ass in the eyes of people with his nitpicking and constant whining, and who has failed in his silly quest anyway for the signs they are sprouting and will continue to do so no matter how many times they are illegally torn down? Hint: This is not Don Quixote!
     Who is it that flies in the face of Robert's Rules? Ahem, that would be the current President of UCO, who says that these rules, used for so long, that are in our bylaws mandated to be used, why they are a waste of time. Guess we are not as trained in their use as the British parliament, that body politic which offends David Israel, shame of the universe. So exactly who are the real culprits here, holding back progress, perverting the truth, inviting trouble into our Village, shaming people at will because they dare to defy the all holy David Israel? You can answer that yourself.
     But I guess we all are supposed to learn to kowtow to our Dictator for Life, he of the fascistic ranks who violates what 718 says - that meetings and discussions, that "no entity or entities shall unreasonably restrict any unit owner’s right to peaceably assemble or right to invite public officers or candidates for public office to appear and speak in common elements, common areas, and recreational facilities.” Need a translator here, David? Eva?
    Evidently free speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, all American rights so proudly enshrined in our Constitution, do not hold sway here. David Israel evidently outranks the Federal government. Wow! Must have been decided when he saved us all after 9/11!
     So we have no paper other than the opposition paper which has grown by leaps and bounds, our infrastructure is rotting around us, our Village administration is composed of the same few people reincarnated on various committees and well instructed as to how to vote with their master or else!!!!!! The voting sheets are actually comic in their follow the leader voting.
     But you just keep it up, David Israel and we will see what your legacy will be - as if anyone truly cares. Time and Nature turn all to dust, Ozymandias, so you just hang in there - and so will we! Hey, why not take a lesson from the other current flawed race going on, also for a presidential position. At least they have true debates and more than once! At least they have the courage and the strength of their convictions to get up there, stand in front of the people and let fly. Guess they have something you do not. Can you figure that out? Actually, more than one thing.
     So keep on with your pathetic strivings for life time dictatorship for life does end. Keep on plotting and planning with your shills and do not forget your gavel and your inappropriate use of it as you so inappropriately run - or do not run - a meeting. Your fame or infamy, rather, has spread far and wide - thanks to the world wide web maybe? For millions of people. In foreign countries who also have governments trying to repress their citizens, people who are inspired by the story of another embattled area, of a government gone wrong. Who knows? You and the Shadow, huh?
     Time to hang it up, David and keep a little dignity, try to keep the torn and ragged remnants of any good you have done wrapped tightly around you. And understand that no matter the results here, in this election, WE ARE HERE too and will not go away and will continue to keep a sharp eye on UCO, no matter who is the leader - for that is our American right and responsibility. Think about it and maybe, just maybe, you can get a glimmer of understanding and truth through your twisted schemes and streams of ambition.
    G-d bless America - and CVWPB - an American standard ending of all speeches. Sounds good. Would that we could have a government here in the Village worth blessing.

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