Wednesday, March 26, 2025


 I don't know; I can't figure it out. Is it me alone or do others feel the same?  Are we all nuts, off our game? I just spent 45 minutes watching one after the other videos of people doing some of the most ridiculous and/or dangerous things and they celebrate themselves for doing so, even as others celebrate their stupidity of useless misplaced misused creativity and energy.  

And I wonder why? Why? What is the purpose? What do we gain from this? Some ideas are worth developing, such as flight, but what is the purpose   of so many others? Why was one raised high in public opinion for jumping over cliffs? What is the purpose of an overeating contest especially when there are people who could make much better use of that food other than the one who consumed it in order to win some kind of prize for doing so?  

At the very least some of these ridiculous videos and contests should have some kind of product that's usable, even though it might be a tad odd and perhaps not even worth all the time and the money invested into making that product. All that which was invested could perhaps have been better and more profitably used in the recognition and development of better pathways and solutions for the woes which plague us here on Earth. However, that is not to demean the creative arts for art of all sorts are of extreme value, be it music or painting or sewing, or any the myriad art forms. For they can and should be used to unite people, rather than separate them. 

At least some of these videos have a positive purpose and end with a product usable, possibly decorative or soul satisfying, thus worthwhile. However, what about the videos which show people engaging in life threatening actions and behavior that you definitely tell people to not do this at one's home? Do not do this on your own, and do not try this anywhere, anytime, anyhow. Yet, on this ridiculous parade goes at times with tragic outcomes. Hours of times that can be better spent elsewhere, but redeemable when the end result of discarded bra cups and other materials result in a kind of wall or floor mat. But what about the person who drives his van down a steep mud bank into a fast-flowing river, fast and powerful enough to wash out a road? Turning that truck all the way over on its side repetitively in dangerous maneuvering to reach the other side. For what purpose? If anyone other than some stunt driver did this, the outcome would not be positive at all. So why do it? Why do we watch it and marvel at the stupidity of it. Does it transform us somehow? Why the hell did I just spend all this time watching this nonsense? 

The answer is because many people are fascinated by the behavior of others, and that includes me. What makes people tick? There are several shows which I have watched for exactly that reason. A bunch of unattached men and women go to an island to rather cheesy accommodations where they are encouraged to behave in manner more suitable to middle school children than adults. Or where people are placed in dangerous situations, untrained people climbing high mountains with perils of ice and snow, steep falls, or being left alone to fend for themselves with some aid from family members who try to overcome any and all misgivings because at the end of the day, the winner will get $250,000 or some such sum. When money doesn't even go very far, even large sums, what the hell are people doing? What makes them tick?  

 And on we go into the real world where people risk their own lives, yes, and they risk the lives of others, in double, triple, quadruple, endless numbers of casualties. As people fight for something they believe worth fighting for, in many cases correct, too often the basic basis underlying it, the justification for these wars has been perverted and twisted almost beyond recognition. At times, that recognition of perversion takes too long and so many die, so much infrastructure necessary to survival of humanity is destroyed. Lives and futures are crashed and crushed and at the end of the day one could look around and shrug shoulders in confusion, questioning, asking what the hell was that all about?

   Apparently, a march of north Gazans wanting Hamas gone, took place, a positive sign for a conclusion to the horror generated by the massacre of Oct7, 2023 and all that ensued worldwide. That is incorrect and misleading, as this war has been ongoing over a century as Arabs and Jews returning to their ancient ancestral homeland clashed, with Arab peasants goaded by the Effendis who owned their land and labor to fight these 'interlopers'  even as these new inhabitants bought the land and worked to transform a land of swamps and desert and rampant poverty into a vital modern land, what is now the state of Israel, and open to all. So, who is responsible for this latest aggravation of warfare? Simply put - Hamas, the very organization Gazans are now protesting, pretty damn late, perhaps too little, too late, for where were they before? Were they cheering the hostages taken, abusing them - where were they? Will there be any positive consequences to this march? Will our remaining hostages, alive and dead, come home? All that planning of massacre, all the deaths resulting, all the Anti Semitism spilling its toxicity round the globe, why could we not have engaged our abilities otherwise, to solve the issues, rather than exacerbating them? For sure, I have no answer. 

What does humanity do? It engages in waste of time and creative ability.  Yes, sometimes even   ending up with something worthwhile, an idea put into reality. But for the most part we are wasting our brain power rather than using all of its mighty potential, all of that energy, all of that creativity in coming up with thoughts out of that damn box with ways and means and manners of draining the negativity out of humanity and replacing it with proper thinking.

When will the universe understand, in worldwide recognition, that we are all in this same leaking boat known as Earth, challenged to the nth degree, and we will all go down together. Why is there not enough motivational power in that recognition or do we defy that recognition, to our own peril?  

Can there be a chance when the head of government of the United States of America is clearly demented, dangerously so, as he governs as a dictator, his efforts augmented, inspired and upgraded by the machinations of a dangerous man known as Musk?  They trample upon the foundation of America with heavy boots, spiked soles and arms holding weapons that shred all that was America, that is America and put it back together again in unrecognizable form.

Executive degree after executive degree, the spewing of a hate filled man pour forth from the Oval Office, each and every one of them further limits the legal rights of Americans. Each and every one of them increases and heightens the level of tension worldwide and we edge ever closer to full catastrophic global warfare, and this time no nation will get out alive. The remnants of humanity will fight the next war with sticks and stones and break the bones and learn again new words of hate and violence and prejudice for apparently, we never learn. We simply never learn. Too busy watching videos of nonsense, all the better to mute reality.

A man said that a politician is the one who looks to the next election while  a statesman  looks to the next generation, to make it better, to make it   peaceful and productive, to enhance the rights of all to live life as it should be, as it can be if only, if only we would pay attention and do what is right.  If we do not waste our creativity on stupidity but instead apply it and find new solutions other than those which have failed before, repetitively so.   

How do we fix this mess? How do we find that which is good, which is shared with all people and highlight that, elevate it to the level of highly necessary and critical to the survival of life on this planet in full potentiality of the good and the positive rather than to the negative of these days? I feel the more I return to the idealism of my younger days the more hope I have of the possibility that there are others like me out there. If I give up on that idea, if I negate that hope, crush it beneath all the horror of today's world, then I wonder what the actual reality for our future generations could be. In fact, will there be a reality? Will there even be a world? Will there be an apocalyptic world? Will the world shrink until the last man, the last woman, is alone?

We certainly have the ability to eliminate that situation. The reality which we choose, which we will emphasize, and which we will create, is all up to us. Be it in the use of our brains, be it in our chosen leaders, be it in our understanding of what is true and necessary and what is not, what is beneficial and what is not, and apply all that knowledge, all that energy in the right places in the right way - all in our hands and hearts and brains and souls.

Yesterday, though we erred much, we found our way back most of the time.

Our todays are not looking so good. Time is short. We had better get our act together lest 

all the morrows come barreling down the chute and we are  standing there with dumbfounded looks and a crippled beyond repair reality.

We must do better for all the

on the morrows.

We must.

Tuesday, March 25, 2025


 No posting today, but you can read past postings that may have been blocked for some reason. Should be fine now. See you on Wednesday

Monday, March 24, 2025


 There are in fact times when a simple response of yes or no can adequately answer the question and point direction to be followed. However, Hamlet's dilemma was whether he should remain in life as he was at that moment in time, conflicted as to how to remedy a rather ugly situation, what actions to take for that remediation, or to step aside. 

Most interpretations of that soliloquy deem this as    regarding a choice: suicide or not. To remain in existence or take oneself out of a miserable soul agonizing quandary, whether or not he should act upon the ugly situation regarding his now deceased father, his uncle and his mother and how to do so, even if he is completely convinced of the original causation of his dilemma. His only option being to act or take his own life. However, there is another interpretation possible.

 That is: if he does not act, if he does not behave in princely manner, then by his inaction he is, in essence, taking himself out of this life. If he cannot do as he must, as his station in life demands, if he ignores the problem, he is denying the very essence of his life, hence he might as well be dead, in essence, taking himself out of this life. A Prince who does not behave in princely manner is Prince no longer, such life forfeited by his inaction, a death in another form.   

Quite apt to our times today when we are conflicted as well. We must address our own unpleasant challenging quandaries. How are we to interpret what we see before us? What is the level, the depth and the importance of our actions/inactions? If we do not act, are we condemning ourselves to a form of death in existence as we know it, or will the very actions taken do the same if we lose our lives in so doing? 

How shall we continue? To breathe or not to breathe - is that the only question or is the challenge more than that? What the hell, in fact, is the answer to the current situation we face today? What are we supposed to do? In fact, are we supposed to do anything or are we at the point of no return, positive remediation no longer a possibility? To be or not to be as we should be, or to be as others force us to be. Where are we in fact, at this point in time? Are we alive or not? Is our democracy alive or is it in its death throes?  Are both my beloved countries in similar situation? 

Apparently so in some comparison as both nations have leaders who, with their acquiescent cabinets, attempt to rule the nation contrary to the foundational principles of those nations. Both leaders take the approach of "canceling” the opposition. Those who oppose are insulted, accused of actions inappropriate to their position, of criminality, of incompetence and anything and all in between. It has become so vicious that one can wonder realistically as to how far these very flawed leaders will take the process, for if one follows the thread, imprisonment and death of opponents is not unrealistic. Hear the words, see the faces, internalize the emotions, understand the intent meant, even if directly unstated, and well, here we are. To be or not to be, how to be - questions desperately needing addressing. Now. 

Trump and his unelected copresident Musk, along with his MuskRats are taking this nation, the United States of America, into dangerous life threatening territory. Follow along in the path they are blazing before us and see the parts and pieces of America rusting, the ditches alongside overflowing with them. See the bodies of maimed Patriots alongside, terribly wounded. Tempers are high these days and even as so many attempt to deny it, to ignore it, perhaps attempting to wish it out of existence - that existence remains front and center in our faces.

 Like it or not, admit it or not, we must accept reality and if unsatisfied, then act to change it. Immediately, if not sooner, for time is short, the danger growing, exponentially. As long as we stand here with thumbs in wrong places, we will continue to witness these greedy misplaced misthinking over ambitious power-hungry destructive false leaders dissolve the legislative and judiciary branches of our government or totally co-opt them to the point of uselessness, mere toadies. Mere stamps of approval of the most unapproved rules and regulations contrary to life as we knew it, as we wish it to be, as we must make it be, as we return it to us again.

We must marshal all the legal powers and processes we continue to have and employ them against those waging revolution against our nations, and return them and us to life, one we had 


even as we once had it 


and as we must aways answer, 

to be or not to be,

 for all the

on the morrows.



Sunday, March 23, 2025


  Actually, I cannot see clearly. I don't believe I can actually see 10 feet in front of me, so befogged is the whole situation. Worse, this situation is taking place in both my countries. They have both forsaken their ethos. They have forgotten the reasons and the purposes for their existence. They have cast aside their principles and have embraced twisted thinking and actions which can only lead to tragedy. My spirit born state, my native-born nation, both my homes, and both countries have lost their way. They have forgotten who they are, who we are, who we are supposed to be. The principles of our foundations are dissipating before our very eyes, all going, going, gone, or almost gone. 

The last chance to grasp it, to take hold of its tail, as its caboose speeds away, disappearing into the distance, must take place. The possibilities are hard to contemplate and yet contemplate them we must if we are to stop this roaring runaway train with no brakes, no conductor, no outside guidance. The only thing that can stop it is a strong will from deep within all of us, directed at it by all those who cherish its content, who know its value, and understand what its disappearance will mean to us and to a future never realized.  

Fortunately, it is an understanding grasped by more and more. Those who have brought it upon us are being heckled and jeered, questioned forcefully, with the citizenry demanding to know why, what, how is this now the status quo? Why have they thrust aside their responsibility, broken all their promises, thrust us headlong into an ever-worsening situation. Sniveling cowards all, they have all been cowed, given way before the dictator, all those who would rip and shred this country making it unrecognizable to all. Those charged with the duty to service the nation, keep it safe, ensure our rights, have instead, chosen to stomp and stamp upon us as they claw their way to the top, congratulate themselves on their achievements, and sneer down at the rest of us, those they have betrayed.

Israel, my nation of my heart, my spirit, my religion, so tormented and challenged, so unfairly condemned, so wrought with dissension, so betrayed by those who have promised to keep us safe. America, my home of birth. My native-born nation. The country providing homes for the dispossessed, the nation that role modeled for the world, served as a staunch champion of all that was right and the will to mend all that was awry. 

Where have you gone, both of you. I look high and low, left to right, up and down, east to west and all I see before me are mere shadows of what once was. Within those shadows I see desperate people calling out for help, trying to wrench the steering wheel of their ships of state back into their control, calling out for leaders, true leaders who make no false promises and strive to keep those they make. Leaders who understand the needs of a nation and its people and strive to be the best they can be, the most honorable they can be, the best guardians of the nation and the people entrusted unto their care.

These leaders have gone AWOL, either by their own will, so tired of the crazed opposition or not of their own will, but under duress. Either cause notwithstanding, we have been abandoned, left their positions open, their responsibilities unfulfilled. Others have glommed onto the roles, become   dictators,  authoritarian figures who care not for the people of their nation They erase with evil intent all of the safeguards of their nations, their constitutional rights, debase and denounce their declarations of independence, their raisons d'etre, deny their principles of foundation, and refuse the responsibility for any and all things that go wrong, even unto the death of their citizens.

 Does it truly make a difference whether one is called Netanyahu? Or another is called Trump? Or yet another is called Gvir and another is called Vance or Putin or Xi? Does it really make a difference? Sick extremists of both nations, the crazed extreme left and right who know not boundaries, who spew forth hate with every breath - same difference is it not?

I know there are other nations of this world who also are suffering beneath the iron fists of dictators, of selfish creatures whose only goal is to amass power and wealth. The more the better. There are no rights or wrongs for them, for the only right is to do all the wrong they can, to impose their wishes on others, to impoverish the people of their nation, to drain their hopes, to enhance their fears and cause them to look around and wonder how the hell did we get here and how the hell do we get out!

Yes, some of the worst leaders have some good points but is that enough for us to surrender ourselves to them, for us to stand by and watch as they shred our nation, as they cancel democracy beneath our eyes and feet? As they claim rights which do not belong to them, 'rights' which supersede ours? As they indeed make our lives hard, worthless, sans dreams, sans hopes, sans happiness.  

Frankly, we had better wake up, whomever our nation be. When we try to look aside, refuse to talk about it, for we fear arguments, when we refuse to look and see ahead, the very near future, maybe not even months away, its dense darkness, we then become those who have stolen our own lives.

Think about it.

Think about the yesterdays that we had where we exercised our rights, where we made errors and attempted to correct them, failed, but where we picked ourselves up and moved on, move ahead, made life better.

 Think of the todays now challenged, set aside, becoming dreary repeats, one day after the other, gray, gloomy, doomed. 

Think ahead what we are giving ourselves. 

What will the life ahead of us be, all those 

on the morrows .......

Friday, March 21, 2025


 Or are they and what are these truths? What does it mean to be self-evident? What if truth means one thing to one person, another to a second, and yet more to others as they come along? How are we to mesh the different truths and is there, in fact, only one immutable truth? How would we in fact be assured of recognizing it and then be able to transmit it to the rest of the world, supporters and non-supporters alike?

  I believe these are questions that have been debated since time immemorial, or at least since we realized that talking and give and take are far better than bashing in the head of another.  Discussion. Compromise. Adjustment. Rethinking. All terms with possibilities. However, there are the times when there is another truth so self-evident that one cannot ignore it. That is the self-truth of justifiable self-defense, a defense which often requires an offense as part and participle of that defense. That truth, too, is self-evident and yet many those talking heads who are deciding the fate of not only their own nation, but the fate of the world in general are too obtuse and, unable and/or unwanting  to internalize and recognize that truth and act upon it in a logical, sane and humanitarian fashion. 

  I wonder why it is that when a man comes out of an immoral imprisonment, taken hostage, just about starved death, beaten to near death, and speaks the truth as his eyes saw, as his body and mind felt, and yet that visceral truth is vehemently denied, deemed outrageous and turned on its head to excuse all the evil perpetrated by the inflicted of that torture. How does one, many ones, get away with a blind disregard of the truth and worse, manage to convince those listening to subjugate their own inner knowledge of truth and recognition of such and buy into all the falsehoods, all the outrageous lies that are presented to them as gifts from the heavens, as truth from the heavens immutable.

 How is it so? One can ask now, and historians of the future can ask then, that same question. Then as now no satisfactory answers will be forthcoming other than perhaps the realization that humans are tragically flawed and too often those flaws overpower virtues and knowledge and application of truth. Far worse is the fact that there are those amongst the human race who will purposefully, maliciously, knowingly, build upon those flaws in order to catapult themselves to the acquisition of unfathomable wealth and positions of power wherein they hold the lives of so many, too many within the confines of their grasping hands, twisted minds and blackened souls.

Is there in fact a realistically based possibility that we, the human race, can dig ourselves out of this quicksand and bridge the gaps, build new platforms of life? Build securely and avoid gaping suddenly appearing chasms, keep away from unstable   crumbly edges of situations inimical to good and just lives, life in its better presentations? Can we dig deep enough in a lasting manner? Or is the scent of blood spilled in war too powerful, overcoming all protests and defenses against it and thus allowing, enticing, and attracting mankind to keep to the twisted paths rather than the straight ones leading on to the future, we all need, desire, and must have if we in fact are not to condemn ourselves to extinction. In fact, do not fool yourself for we are not far from the rather dubious achievement of that end goal. Tumble it around and gaze at it, on every facet and aspect. Think deep, think long and then the choice is yours. The choice is ours. Or is it that the choice is no longer any choice but already set in stone?

Personally, I bounce from one end of the spectrum to the other. I believe I am a realist verging into cynicism and find myself despairing of the future. Other times I look at my smaller, personal world, and see good people, look at the bright eyes and delicious smiles of the babies, and know, know, that we can, and we must do better. So tell me, and tell yourselves, ask yourselves - who am I, who are you, and who are we? Are we indeed the creations and embodiment of a benevolent G-d or are we the misbegotten spawn of the Devil? Is it upon us to make that decision? Are we capable of a wise choice? Do we understand that we are the ones who will draw the outlines of our fates, fill in the blank spaces, and live with the consequences? 

We must understand that all of our 


all of our 


weigh heavily in the composition of all our

on the morrows.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025


 Seriously, are we all brain dead or close to it? Is it a lingering effect of Long Covid? Is it progressive and demoralizing or is there any cure? If so, is there time enough to put it into positive effect? Can we jam all those wishing to cancel, to negate and deny the most important battle for this country? Of most critical importance - can we muster enough people to initiate the effort to oust this criminal, this violator of all rules, regulations and laws, as he thinks himself above it all, never to be called to account for his wrongdoings? Hence, he has no brakes, no ameliorating thoughts - and how much does he think anyway? Uh, that answer would be not much, if at all. 

 Further aggravating the situation as well as those of us who pay attention to his outrageous words and deeds, is the one promise that he has kept. Which one, you ask? For sure not the one to lower the cost of eggs and raise the standard of living for his base and not quite incidentally and unannounced for his uber rich playmates now fawning all over him.   Certainly, not the promise re inflation!

Give up? It is the promise he made as to payback, revenge, on those who continue to deny his "victory" in 2020, who "persecuted" him via investigations and court appearances and even to a trial he could not suspend indefinitely nor intimidate nor find pet judges for ignorant judgment calls for his benefit, allowing him to skate once again. The man owes prison time for his conviction on 34 counts of felony. Nice guy, right!?

I detest his harmful awful most disgusting puerile custom to behave as an ignorant fool, untutored, unknowing of proper English, or rules of conversation, of the responsibility of adults to leave behind foolish childhood manners - the use of epithets, curses and   insults, foul language. His godawful smirk which someone should have knocked off his face as a child. No one did and it is now part of his litany of bullying and self-congratulations as he pulls off some awful plan. A mean, nasty old man who has remained an eternal child bully. Feh!! 

He shames us before the world with his insane   plans, usurps the rights of not only people, but also those of nations, such as Ukraine as he bonds with Putin, a nasty character and comports with a man who uses Hitlerian gestures and online comments to further his antisemitism. Is it any wonder that I do not trust this man to remain steady on course with support of Israel, for the minute he decides it no longer suits him, benefits him, then he will turn his back and go into active opposition.  Have we not all been there, seen that before with this man? Why would he change his spots?  

Of course, one cannot ignore his disastrous explorations in the economy resulting in the crashing of the stock market, grave concerns of young and old as to the security of their savings   and retirement funds, social security threatened, millions fired ruthlessly as per the crazed whims of Musk and MuskRats and smirky Trump. The safety of our nation and its inhabitants are seriously weakened even as the damage spreads to other parts of the globe and the world economy is seriously challenged, perilously so. 

Not looking good, is it? But it could, if we all wake up, smell the coffee and do the many right things which must be undertaken if we are to revive our nation, become what we were,  

yesterday -  

discard the awful 

 today - 

and work hard, using law, common sense, equality and justice to make much better hopes for all our

on the morrow.

Please note there will be no blog on Thursday as we will be in flight. I hope to resume on Friday.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025


  I believe the answer to that question is up in the air.  Too many remain heedless of hearing, willfully and not, to the clarion call alerting America and the world. A massive tidal wave of outrageous and dangerous behavior of supposed leaders of America is heading our way, and in fact, much has already been delivered to us. The ocean is rough. Waves high, many rogue. And the air is already ringing with the desperate and confused cries of those drowning.   How, they wonder, how can this be happening? 

We voted for Trump. We believed his promises. He was going to fix all that was wrong in this nation. He promised us that. He promised us that again and again. Yet here we are going down for the third time and no one is answering our cries for help. Where are the lifeguards? Where are promises kept? He promised! He promised yet again this entire weekend! Please - a boat, a canoe, a tube, a rope, a piece of wood - a helping hand!!! Reach out. Save us. SOSSOSSOS. sossossos. sossossos. sossossos. Silence...Dead silent.

And so it is and so it will always be unless and until we knock harder and harder on the doors now being slamming in our faces or even crash through the windows locked against us as well. The only lifeguards to arrive will be our doppelgangers, for it is only we, us, who can save ourselves. Great effort, unity and understanding - then, possibly we will be able to turn the situation around. Remind ourselves: who are we? Where are we? When did we lose our way? How do we avoid repetition of same erroneous thoughts and misguided actions? 

 In fact, is there any chance of so doing? Or is our ending already foretold? Is that ending already foretold, too late, too little time, too much wrong to correct in timely manner? Too few of us to make a dent? Any answer? Any help? Any hope?                       

 What is upon us now? To do. To save ourselves, to save this nation and while it is, in fact, very late we still can pull it off. Step one is easy, though apparently not for many, either ignorant or refusing to do so. What is it? Pick up your phone. Boot up the computer. Share your thoughts and minds with them. Pay a personal visit to the district office. Swamp them with good old fashioned snail mail. Insist that they hear you. Convey your disappointment. No, your anger and your despair and your demand of change. 

Remind them that if things do not change in Washington, and soon, then the people will step up and initiate necessary changes. Leaving behind the current administration, from the demented, self-anointed King, to his Unelected Puppetmaster and   his swarm of Muskrats and all those cowardly sniveling creatures who enable, who are cowards. Shoo them along with all the minor ranks of flying monkeys so eager to acquiesce in the hijacking of America.  

We need to take a page out of the instruction manual of Donald Trump. We must at times take the low road, as he does, for I do not believe he can raise his eyes high enough to see the high road and hence remains impervious to it. We must reject and disembody, deny, his constant infantile, maniacal mannerisms emulating the schoolyard bully even to the point of falling back in the face of returned pressure. 

Wishful thinking - perhaps we might send him back to school so that he may be able to write and read and think appropriately, to comprehend that there are laws in every aspect of life, and they must be obeyed or even contested, but in rightful and legal manner. Perhaps it might be possible to enhance  his grasp of the fact that America is a democracy, not a kingdom, not his, nor that of Musk, nor of any other person. Ever. Evidently, he failed history and civics.

Furthermore, he has violated so many of our laws, placed himself deeply beyond the pale, in fact, incorrigible in his breaking of the law and his contempt of the law and egregiously wrong role model for the nation. Even worse, perhaps worst of all is how he has enmeshed and endangered so many, twisting them till they knew not right from wrong or saw advantage for themselves within his ugly camp. Gangsters all and all must answer to the law. 

We must use the strength and the power of the law. We must celebrate those judges who remain true to justice, to the role of judiciaries We must rid the bench of those who do not, who believe and act upon a belief of fealty to Trump, rather than to the nation, rather than to the citizens of America. We must adhere to the laws of the Constitution and the spirit of the Declaration of Independence. We must remember that no one, nary a soul, no matter rank, no matter wealth, no matter what, nary a soul is above the law. Position does not excuse. Position does not free one from the chains of a rightful law. We need to remember that, to enforce it, to live it, to breathe it, to apply it and stand tall and proud in the face of history, in the face of rescuing this nation, keeping it true and steady to its proper place in history, remembering and reminding all what it is to be an American in the United States of America. 

Again, the process is there. The process is possible, is even probable if we act together, if we regain our senses, if we understand what we have enabled and understand what we have already lost. How crumbly is the ground beneath our feet. Hear the roar of the angry ocean, its rogue waves hungry, desirous of more victims, as are the powerful riptides. Remember those we have already lost.  Delve deep for courage and integrity, for loyalty to a nation and its people, rather than to one maniac possessed of and by oversized ego and rotten morals, if any. We will do it. With strict application and adherence to the Constitution of these here United States of America. We will do it by electing to office those who are brave and bold and honest enough, American enough to defy his demands. And pass new laws overriding inevitable vetoes. Apply the law. Simple. Clear. Perfect.  Insist that no one in this nation is above the law. No one is immune to consequences of breaking that law. And no one certainly is to be excused for the destruction of this nation via armed rebellion.

A rebellion using the law, with insistence that no one is above the law, remaining steady and determined - and as long as it must be for the process to take hold and we can be, once again, the America we need and want, as does the world.       Things in Washington must change immediately, if not sooner. Demand explanations of votes. Or of not voting. Each and every one of our representatives, each and every one of our senators, must grow up, toughen up, dig deep and find some remnant of courage. Of honesty. Of true service to the nation. and send them, those who cannot do so, far away from any place or position of power.   

This would be, hopefully will be, a legal revolution for it is a return home, to law and order, to truth and benefit of a nation, rather than to the few Uber wealthy. Not a rebellion at all, just a recentering of what is clearly there.

Hello, hello, any one home? Please be home.

Yesterday we were America,

Today, not so much

On the morrow ...

Monday, March 17, 2025


 ...Don't they know it's the end of the world... '

  Yesterday was that kind of a day. I cannot remember a time other than my very early years in school when I did not know and/or feel the chill and the burn of antisemitism. Sometimes I didn't recognize it at that moment, but did later on, sometimes in thinking back, reviewing what had taken place. Other times it was an aha! moment. No time was comfortable nor excusable.

As I grew up, I began to understand the poison and contagiousness of Anti Semitism and its ugly eternal life on this planet. It boggled my mind when words of hate and Holocaust denial were made by those who had never met a Jewish person, at least knowingly, yet claimed to know it all. With confidence they spewed forth their toxins. Most uncomfortable for me were the moments when a person not knowing I am Jewish and oh so needful to share his garbage, made critical remarks. Most of the time I simply changed my seat if that would help or made a small comment or sound to convey disagreement. Why?  I simply do not want to make a scene. Not worth it, for when one is so confident in sharing hate, they do not hear any other than that. Not worth the breath it would take and for what? Nothing.  

The poison of hatred, virulent and powerful gloms on to anything and everything. Words. Cartoons and other illustrations. Writing from letters to essays and books and all in between. These days social media, both dark and open, wallow in cesspools of hate. Their eddies spread ever wider, and satiation is found in YouTubes, podcasts and radio and tv stations, from tiny outlets to large, from hate sheets to supposedly respectable disseminators such as the New York Times to the BBC. From streamed newscasts to panels and talk shows. 

Very few seemingly have the willpower and/or the wisdom and decency to turn aside and away from hate. Evidently the ability and freedom, these days in particular, to speak what one wishes, wants, thinks, is both permissible and pleasurable. The bindings and boundaries of civil society are tossed aside gleefully. The ugly stream of voices raised loud, shouting, ranting words of hate, incitement to violence grows exponentially, ever replenishing and deepening the wells of hatred. Freedom of speech cited as permission and justification is not so, for when the claimed right of one impinges in harmful manner on the rights of others, it is no longer a right. It ceases. Dead in it tracks. Unfortunately, this truth, this tether to civility is shredded, no longer valid, no longer operational. 

So why the title, the borrowed lyrics of a decades old song?  527 days of agony, Days when the world stood by, silent, or even condoning a brutal captivity of hostages snatched from their homes, from their loved ones. and then subjected to beatings, starvation, dehydration, isolation in the dark, raping and sexual abuse of all manners, and constant threats. They refused to publicly condemn it until forced to do so, at least some of them, when out of the darkness, snatched from death, emerged some few walking, living skeletons, clear for all to see the truth- No end to the cruelty and inhumanity of Hamas, of Islamic Jihad, of the oh so not innocent civilians of Gaza. Not even when Hamas played games of life and death, dribbling out a hostage or two in return for hundreds of animals in human clothing, murderers eager to slaughter more Jew again, ever again.    

Despite the very visible truth of dead bodies strewn all over the South of Israel, of the burned and bloody cars, of the bomb shelters piled with bodies blown up by grenades, pierced by bullets, documented by pictures and videos. taken by the beasts themselves, so proud, so blood crazed, calling out to their god to praise them, to approve of their deeds. But no true God can do that.

Despite the proof displayed for the world to see, despite the naked bodies of women, shredded by gang rapes, despite the burned babies and bodies burned alive. the beheaded babies. the siblings wired together and slaughtered, the strangled babies and children, tattooed and molested, and worse, if one can even define worse. Despite what the Israeli army displayed for the world to see - despite all that and more, - The world refused to concede the truth. and in fact, turned the truth on its head. and blamed the violated the invaded rather than the violators, the invaders, the owners of this horror.  

Time, and time again, Hamas cried wolf, and the world cried along with them. A constant famine to be-never. was. The only starving people in Gaza, the only people with sunken eyes and skeletal form were the captives. The hostages. No others.   present None were seen. Only seen were the wellfed terrorists and repeated pictures of the same well fleshed children holding out the same pots at the constantly replayed food scenes. And the world bought it all. Hooks, lines, sinkers, lies and all. 

Never Again we have been told. Never again the world said, the world promised. Never again. And yet never again took place again. Our children slaughtered. Elders abused and killed. Our women raped, torn apart, burned. Our men slaughtered where they stood or taken hostage. Our young adults killed and hunted as prey as they ran from those who would kill them, who chased them from a music festival.  Never again - in full bloodied technicolor. No sorrow after our people were   sought after, hunted down, to be slain by the thousands. 

Ever eager to be more hurtful to the state of Israel, to Jews in general, the deaths within Gaza were laid at the feet of Israel. The invaders were deemed innocent, and the invaded deemed guilty. Actually, if truth were in play, it would be acknowledged that Israel did not wish to enter Gaza. She did not wish to see people dead. Israel did not use her own as pawns and human shields. She was not the one who used schools and hospitals and centers as terrorist headquarters or who dug tunnels which exited and entered into and from homes and yards. Israel neither began nor wished for the war. However,  once forced upon her, she had to fight it and defeat Hamas. so as to prevent any future such brutality and horror. The instigator of such aberrational behavior forfeited any right to complain in its defeat. Think twice and then again before beginning a war with Israel.  

 Never again will be enforced by us, whether the world likes it or not, whether the world approves of it or not.  

Back to the beginning. Why the song? Why the borrowed lyrics? Why the question as to why the bird sings? And is it indeed the end of the world? It is the end of the world as we know it. Lines have been crossed and cannot be recrossed. Truths have been bared and must be made clear. It must be internalized by all Jews all around the world, for Jews and Israel are synonymous. Our haters have insisted on making it so, deny it or not, as they wish to at the present time. The truth is there. It only remains for people to remove the curtains from their eyes, to expel the planks. and see and know the truth.

To know the truth, there are two excellent films available. One available online is entitled the Killer Roads. It presents October 7 as it truly is and was, through actual footage, actual sounds, actual horror. It is hard, but necessary. We and the world must know the truth. Your heart will ache and your tears will flow as a river, down your cheeks.    

The other film is in the movie theaters at present, entitled October 8th. It addresses the amazing ugly mushrooming of hate, of vicious antisemitism around the world, a horrible unspeakable intolerable growth industry. It exposes the eternal nature of Anti Semitism.  Ever at the ready, always ever waiting, lurking, eager to shed its chains and reinfect the world. To do its worst. And so it has. And so it seems to be continuing. And for those who prefer to be blind to this, understand that the Jewish people and Israel are synonymous. Antisemitism and Jew hatred cannot be hidden beneath the guise of anti Zionism. And as a matter of fact, why anti Zionism? Why is Israel denied, the only state to be denied, the right to exist? 

Why is it indeed the end of the world and why the hell are birds still singing in this world of horror?     Antisemitism, vicious JewHatred are unfortunately alive and well. My ancestors faced it, as did my  great grandparents and grandparents. as did my parents as did people of my generation. Worse is the fact that it'll probably persist throughout the lives and times of my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, and most probably into the future beyond that unless and until humanity undergoes a complete and thorough cleansing of its soul.

 Also to understand, to know, is that hate has no boundaries, no ends and its hunger persists forever and will consume all before it.   

 It is for us to decide whether the end will near unto us. As for the birds, they know, they see, but they have hope. Thus, they sing. Maybe we should learn to sing as well, 

 So it was  yesterday.

 So it remains today.

On the morrow? 

Sunday, March 16, 2025


"Collage - art made by sticking various different materials on a backing 

Montage - the process or technique of selecting, editing, and piecing together separate sections of film to form a continuous whole. "

 Are we at present the one or the other? Or are we a mix? Are we, today, this nation, this world, a work of Art complete? Or are we a montage in the process of selecting and applying? In fact, are we a rather frightening disharmonious synthesis of the two with gaping blank spaces where before were pieces creating a good story, a tale of courage, progress and improvement, and people eager and willing and honest and able to keep an ongoing momentum for all of humanity as we all bask in the gifts of the Earth and guard them well.  

Our collages and montages of yesterday were not always positive. However, we recognized that it was upon us to make it better, to reach out and strive for improvement, for betterment for all, with acknowledgement that we all share this small orb in space and must take care of it and its inhabitants.    Unfortunately, today, imitating the errors of the past and ignoring the ones we need, we have lost our sense of true beauty, of the glory of cooperation and unity, and turned the collages and montages into ugly art, atonal harsh music, heartbreaking and defeated, bleak. and devoid of hope.  

Today our montage process has gone way off the track. We are missing key pieces necessary for a harmonious inspiring collage. We have fallen so far back, so deep into negativity that so many despair of ever reversing direction and finding our way back to where we should be, to step forward with brave steps. What is truly glaringly obvious in its absence is a quality and quantity of leadership, of ones who willingly unselfishly take upon themselves the heavy yoke of respect, ability, and demands never ending, that all and more come with true leadership. 

Today, with an exception difficult to find, there is a severe dearth of such.  Our leaders are selfish, dishonest, corrupt, incompetent, uncaring, and unable to see what they have created. They have surrounded themselves with an army of fearful cowards out for themselves. Obedient to the autocrat at the head of the nation. They conspire with him, are complicit with him, in the destruction that ensues. With hands always grasping for wealth and power, with the perverted character traits of a bully, this evil crows., grows and has turned this world on its head, substituting a twisted world order which is totally opposed to any positive thoughts, for rights for all, for the betterment of humanity. These malignant malevolent cowards force the rest of the world to walk on rocky and unsteady paths always on the edge, on the brinks of crumbling cliffs.

Our leaders of the past were certainly not perfect for no human is. However, there was within the good ones a quality a character that inspired others. to be better. to be unselfish. to benefit others as well as themselves. They knew instinctively what to say to a nation in either warning or encouragement. For the most part, they did not brush their sins from their shoulders, or step over and on, uncaring, unnoticing, those in need. Their knees stepped high, powerful, eager, encouraging, and the people followed. Encouraged were a sense of morality and purpose, and a responsibility to give back, to share the bounty they received, to pay it forward. They were inspiring to the world especially to the younger generation and revived hopes and dreams in those already disillusioned.  

Many of their words remain, still echo in the air of our nation and we must fight hard to recall them clearly, to speak of them with vigor. To enable the return of a better world, a more hopeful, promising world. We must fight hard to rescue our nation from the evil and greed. which are now rampant within our nation and the world at large. We must take back our country, refuse to cede it to the wrong people. We must recognize where we went wrong and reverse it - forcefully, legally, with determination, and a no. we will not quit attitude.  

Read the words, the pieces of the collage and montage below, some from the past, some from today, some warnings for the future, or of what should be or might be or will be or must not be. Determine for yourself in which collage do you wish to be included? Which montage is the one to join?      

Yesterday: "Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of Liberty”

" So, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man."

Today's version: "Let every nation know whether it wishes us well or ill, that today's America will pay no price, bear no burden, incur no hardship, and it will abandon any friends and cuddle up to any foes in order to assure the Trump Administration's political survival, even if it means the abandonment of Liberty wherever that be profitable or convenient for us." 

So, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, but for what you can do for President Trump. And my fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, ask how much you are ready to pay for America to defend your freedom from Russia or China.”

"A small man in a big time." A succinct definition of Trump,

A few words of meaning and warning from a great man of the past, for the present and for the future. His words and his greatness should always be front and center in front of our eyes, ears and minds. He knew and gave us warning that the only true enemy we have is ourselves. Read his words carefully and understand its portent for us, what it bodes for America, the nation he fought so hard to keep.

“At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected. I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time or die by suicide."

We are the bosses of our fate, of our future, of the future of America. When we lose sight of what America is, its greatness and promise, we are signing off on its death warrant. 

We need to stand tall, straight, and proud, determined to save our heritage and improve on it. We need to turn aside from fake leaders possessed of a great hubris so harmful for all.

Time to consign Trump, Musk, all MuskRats, all Congressional cowards and bigots to the trash heap of history. ASAP.  STAT. The life of a nation is at stake and that of the world to follow.  

Way past time.

Time to decide and act.

Who were we yesterday?

Who are we today? 

Who do we wish to be 

On the morrow?



Friday, March 14, 2025


  Oh, for sure, thank you, for in his malapropisms Yogi often hit upon the truth. So here we are in a situation so adequately described as 'deja vu, all over again”.

 October 7, 2023. Closing in on 600 days of outright warfare and abominations of brutality towards hostages, up to and including murder. And in its shame, in a useless and blatant attempt to divert truth, again, as always, the world, in the   format of that useless, no, dangerous organization, the UN and its wells of hate and bias, with its infinite stupidity, reverted to an old as time accusation against the Jewish people. 

Blood libel. 

Once again, the ugly head was raised from the depths of Hell where it resided, wallowing in the blood of the victims of hate, always sending waves of encouragement up to the haters and the butchers of humanity who continue to exist on the face of the earth above. It is and apparently will always be a recurrent theme and favored behaviorism of humanity, a pandemic never to be conquered, never to be discarded, as it gives pleasure to the damned, too much for them to abandon.

Apparently, Israelis, for daring to survive a massacre redolent of the reek of hate and concentration camps, for prevailing once again over their diabolical enemies, suddenly became the invaders, the instigators. The beasts of Hamas, along with the hordes of not so "innocent civilians" of Gaza, assumed their false coats of lambs' wool and became the victims. They became the "nice guys" as an envoy to the talks referred to them. Well, G-d spare us all from nice guys such as these! Not so nice, are they?

We had to address the accusations of yet another episode of deadly deja vu. Let's see who deliberately set out to kill babies, to use their blood to smear on themselves as one does after a first hunt for a deer. Who took babies and wired them to parents, to siblings and burned them alive? All the while laughing at such a clever idea. Who took babies and threw them in ovens?  Still a chill beyond chills runs down my spine at that. Who tore babies from their mother's womb? Who kidnapped babies and then strangled them brutally? How? How has that happened?  

The Massacre was not an imagined event. It was a real bloody thing with consequences on going. And hostages kidnapped still remaining in the most horrendous conditions. Oh, the UN? SSSHHH is what we hear from them. The truth? Oh, that truth. It will continue to cry out to be heard and recognized, calling out from blood-soaked lands where the eternal spilling of Jewish blood remains in place, alive and well, unfortunately. Yet another chapter of history. 

 Try as they might, wish as they might, members of the UN, that accursed organization either useless and/or dangerous, could not deny the facts on the ground. They had to address the issue. The result - Yeah. Another incident of deja vu. Yet again, always again, they reverted to the time-tested     accusation of blood libel. To the technique of reversing the accusations, to stand truth on its head, and then go further and build upon that false foundation. It is always time for such malfeasance, to flip the truth on its head, and then go ahead and condemn the ones who are not to blame. 

To wit:

Yes, women and children were victims in Israel's defensive war against Hamas. Israel did its best to move them out of harm's way, but there is only so much one can do in the situation of a war fought against a foe who used as a heartless strategy the deaths of supposed civilians all to raise the ire factor of the world yet again, directed with deadly arrows of hate and accusation against the Israelis. But who placed those women and children in that position? Who used children as shields and runners? Who used homes, hospitals, schools as headquarters? It was not Israel.

 Israel did not rip the air with explosive drones and flying beasts. Motorcycles and trucks and cars filled with blood crazed animals intent only on slaughter.  Accompanied by literally thousands of not so innocent civilians of Gaza, crazed with bloodlust and planning to have theri own fun, loot their own places of invasion, and kill and boast about it, and of course, take home a captive or three. Man. Woman. Child. Infant. Elderly. It mattered not. These ghouls even took the dead - to mutilate and ... 

 Nor was it Israeli soldiers who raped women so many times that their pelvises were broken. It was not Israel who took female prisoners and later showed them in captivity with bloody crotch areas.   Nor was it Israeli soldiers who beat themselves up or their comrades. You see, apparently any remark, no matter how ridiculous, no matter how inane or insane, is accepted as long as it manages to transfer guilt to the Jews. In this case, in the personification of Israelis. Nor did Israel "stop the reproductive abilities of Palestinians". What the **** are they talking about? And yet these clearly outrageous accusations are then touted and bellowed throughout the world. Courtesy of the UN and all resident haters.

So yes, deja vu all over again. Thankfully, it is deja vu all over again. Today is Purim, the day when Jews of Persia were able to stand up against and defeat those intent on their extermination. Yes, it took place before concentration camps. And it is continuing after concentration camps. But deja vu all over again. We won in Persia. We defeated the murderers of the pogroms, be it in Europe or Arab lands. We defeated Hitler, as we will continue to do as needed, unless and until the world comes to its senses and acknowledges truth. Even as the villains of Purim were defeated and hanged, so too will be the end of all enemies of Israel and the Jewish nation.      

It is time, way past time for the world to acknowledge the truth of the protests and riots calling for the death of America along with the death of Israel. Those who claim to be Jews standing online, claiming to speak for Jews - No, they do not. Whether they are blood Jews or assumed Jews for the purpose of the protests, these are not Jews, are rather ignorant and or fake Jews. Ready to sell their souls. Ready to consign their own to death if it means they live another day. It seems that the Jewish people are plagued with a number of traitors and liars, as are every other nation of the world. They do not speak for or to the collective minds of Jewish people round the world. Never did and never will. The fact of life is that mankind has always been subjected to the harm engendered by those who think only of their own twisted blackened worthless souls.  

Yes, deja vu all over again and even as we celebrate our victory of yore we are sharing in the victories of the future, those to come, those that are already here.  For we know until the world awakens and recognizes truths, abandons hatred so harmful to all, hater and hated alike, deja vu will prevail.

We, the Jewish people, are confident in our survival no matter the enemy, no matter the number or the strength of that enemy. We know that, because we “lift up our eyes onto the hills from whence my help will come. That help will come from the Lord, the Creator of the heavens and the Earth", long a prayer and acknowledgement, verses of hope for Jews throughout difficult millennia, to enable the knowing, the feeling, deep within, to say Am Yisrael Chai. Lanetzach. The nation of Israel lives. Forever. 

At times the wait is long, so long, and terrible events overwhelm us, but always we know that there will be help and salvation sent our way. We know, whether we admit it or not, that He is our Lord, and we are His servants. We know that we are His children, and He is our Father, and parents never forsake their children, even if the anger or disappointments are large and justified. We KNOW the truth and have seen it many times throughout the millennia. 

Now we are told we need to be "liberated". What the hell does that mean? We are liberated. We have returned to our ancient G-d given homeland have paid for it through the millennia, from the coins of Abraham to the blood of our soldiers and civilians. We are home. For the persecuted and oppressed Jews of the world. We are the refuge and have rescued them and brought them home. We have welcomed them. just as we have welcomed the Jews of the West who also knock on our doors, always open and awaiting their return. 

We are Jews. We are a nation from time immemorial, outliving our enemies. We are Jews. A people who have contributed much to the world in every field of endeavor. We have shared our knowledge with all. We are Jews 

Deja vu at its best.

True yesterday -

True today -

Equally true for all'

the morrows to come.    


Thursday, March 13, 2025



You know the dude. The one who stands behind the counter, calling out in loud stentorian tone the lines to draw in the naive, the boastful, the dreamers.  He exudes a false charm, a sleazy slimy sexuality good for nothing other than to serve as an emetic. He    promises the sky, shows you the biggest teddy bear ever and then after you spend $15 chasing that bear, hands you a teeny tiny little plastic keyring good for nothing except to tear at the lining of your pockets and then break and lose your keys for you.

A man of patently false promises, absent any and all moral underpinnings, he crawled out of the slime of the lowest ranks of humanity. Unfortunately, he also has the cheap charm of such creatures and manages to draw all into his spider web, draining them and then discarding them. Once they are of no further use to him, he trashes them and finds more victims. Always a steady stream of deluded people who know better, but who have apparently selectively engaged the "dumb" cells within their collective brains. Here is what Bret Stephens wrote on this topic.

 “Democracy dies in dumbness. Trump's critics are quick to see the sinister sides of his actions and declarations. An even greater danger may lie in the shambolic nature of his policy making. Democracy may die in darkness. It may die in despotism. Under Trump, it's just as liable to die in dumbness." 

This man has no heart, no soul. No empathy. When questioned about the recession he is pushing us into, upon the very real possibility of it becoming another Great Depression, his response is that it is "all okay and worth it as it is for a 'great thing'."   Apparently, it is a great thing to instigate and bring about the destruction of that democracy known as America, the bastion of freedom and role model for the world.  The end goal of his plans of his conspiracy are simultaneous and synonymous with the last gasps and final breaths of this nation.  

Corruption is now the number one growth industry of this nation. Want to get something approved, the solution is simple. Find a judge of the New Order. Find a legislator, a lobbyist, an influencer and haul out the wallet or the catalog of perks and you are well on your way. Congratulations. Nor should one worry if that approach fails, falls flat. There is always the bully path. Simply emulate the biggest bully of all, Trump, and raise your voice, let the litany of threats flow freely out of your mouth. Then shake hands, sell your soul, sign the contract and be on your way. 

Nothing seems to have any effect on this mammoth rolling stone of disaster. Disaffected anxious investors, large and small, all disillusioned and confused. We nestle with our enemies and ice out our allies. We now condemn defenders of nations and applaud the invader. Threats of war abound, and simply contemplating constitution of opposing sides boggles the mind. Airlines cutting forecasts due to a collapsing economy. Decreased discretionary funds disappear, stores, retail, Etail, large and small, are broken. They close. More people out of work. 

Yet another growth industry will be the rise of private detention concentration camps, into which we will pour workers so desperately needed in    construction, agriculture, hospitality, elder care. medicine. Industries and lines of supplies will wither. It is an awful, horrible game of dominoes. 

The people suffer and that heartless man sits in the White House signing executive orders destroying this nation or stands at the White House doors and shills for Musk. Trump uses his position as a pulpit from which he can enhance his bottom line. Grow his personal enterprises. Illegal and immoral but he could care less as he claims immunity for anything, for everything, and forever.

This demented carney barker sports a constant outflow from his ugly mouth and mind, re his opinion about the hardworking people of this nation. Here are a few.  

" ...many of them don’t work at all. Many of them never showed up to work."

 " ...cut the people that aren't working or ... not doing a good job, "We’re keeping the best people."

 "But our country was run very badly. I mean, whether it was that or contracts that were signed that was so bad, so obviously bad."

  "The president said that billions of dollars of "fat and waste and fraud and abuse is being taken out" of the federal government."

“I really don’t feel sorry for them,” Habba said. “They should get back to work for the American people, like President Trump and this administration.” During those same remarks, Habba said that military veterans affected by the DOGE-led layoffs may not be “fit to have a job at this moment."

Themes of payback, retribution, revenge. Forced resignations of the top and bottom of the federal work forces. Those who make the nation run and keep us safe and those who will carry it on. In return they get contempt from Trump and cohorts. A lack of sane moderate minds able to restrain and control the madman and his posse of madmen. And please note that now the Palestinians appear to be good people. 

What have we done? What have we allowed? In simple words of a laid off worker from the VA:

"I can guarantee you're going to have wrong things and wrong stuff in the wrong places."

Multiply the exponentially and there is our crisis in a few words.

Yesterday is trashed.

Today perhaps even more so.

Not looking so good for 

on the morrows.      


Wednesday, March 12, 2025


  So. It appears that Sen. Slotkin has conjured up a storm. Why? Because she spoke the truth. Note that she is accused of calling people stupid, but no, she did not. Rather, she said that they are basically confused, at times doing the wrong things for what they think are the right reasons and vice versa. She did that by an analogy wherein she compared the thinking of people who voted for Trump and all of his allies down the slate, to teenagers struggling through some hard and transitive years, conflicting things rushing at them at speeds and frequencies which challenge the time to understand and act appropriately. In the face of such challenging times and situations, there is generally a gut reaction which proves to be either totally wrong or not enough. The gut unfortunately growls back, and conditions of negativity are exacerbated.  

Teenagers are not stupid. They're just dumb in reaction and comprehension of long-term consequences, not yet wired fully for that skill. They are reactive rather than proactive. They, like many of our nation, do not think ahead, thus, did not think through, did not follow that dang thread all the way to the end and see what would happen. What did we as a nation think would happen once that man was given office again, He did exactly as he said. And despite the warnings of those like me, who saw him for what he is, as we were booed and jeered, our warnings came to fruition,

 A dictator wannabe, a self-crowned king. One who anoints others to follow in his path. Who chose as his role models the Mad Kings throughout the centuries and all their evil inclinations. As they did. so does he. And so will he continue to do unless we stop him in his tracks. We cut short the nation's teenage years and begin to grow up and understand the damage we have done and seek wise counsel as to how we can atone and amend. To know how we can avoid further similar pitfalls.

People will seek the feet before which they can lay the blame for the horrendous turn of this nation.  We, America and the world, now find ourselves enmeshed and mired almost beyond hope in a dangerous situation - one of our makings. How the hell do we dig our way out from this when our shovels have been broken, the ground frozen, and all we have left are broken fingernails. We have allowed the plutocrats, those whose wealth is beyond comprehension, to rampage through our ranks, shred the bands of security and assurance which have kept us intact all these years. Below       are some random headlines, spoken and written, from yesterday and this morning.  

Chaos and its ripple effect.  

One million plus people to lose, lost, their jobs. More to follow.

Energy secretary tells oil executives that he has a 100-degree pivot plan on climate. That means we have imagined those extra hot days, those droughts drying out much of the nation and much of the world. Or the horrific frightening deluges of water, overflowing banks and drowning infrastructure and people alike. Mammoth forest fires burning homes and businesses, from the poor to the wealthy, making no difference at all. And on and on and on. But nope, the new energy secretary says nope, so drill, baby, drill on.    

State Republicans fall over themselves in trying to imitate, even outdo the insane cuts of DOGE, a misnomer if I have ever seen one. 

Tariffs on Canadian steel will be 50%. What the hell is the matter with that man? What the hell is the matter with us that we allow this man to run wild and totally tank our economy and that of the world - and thank him for it.

The truth of the matter?  What is going on?         "...easy story. Elon Musk and the billionaires have taken over government to steal from the American people to enrich themselves” Truth. Word.  

We have praised and rewarded extremism on both ends of the spectrum, creating a chaotic world, unknowing, unseeing a clear path through this confusion. We take one issue and cut it out, thinking we can isolate one issue from another and we cannot. Plans are worthless for they are based on nothing solid.   

We have subdivided ourselves into states red and blue. Together we are all beginning to sweat and twist in the wind. Our economy is being blown to hell. All that we have built up is beginning to molder and rot. There is no longer a firm foundation beneath our feet or in our hearts. And so, we flounder. and so many are beginning to go under for the third time. A firm moral foundation is also disappearing. All the while those governing our nation, those charged with a duty, a sworn duty, to preserve and protect this nation. are the very ones who have handed it over to the enemy.

Those enemies would include Putin, the adopted brother of Trump. We have a president who incited rebellion against this very nation and who now uses the Oval Office as a bully and as a merchant to improve the bottom line of his enterprises. This same man has alienated our long-term allies. That assurance is not here any longer. Allies and people and nations are falling like 10 pins, having lost confidence in all and everything, so perverted has the situation become. Life as it is usually, appears to be unattainable any longer. Actual fears of no longer being able to keep roofs overhead, families fed and clothed, a future possible, all seem to be disappearing into the mist with many dark clouds seen. Muddy roads, broken bridges and dim stars.

Why? Why do people, why does humanity continue onwards and forever to work itself into situations which should never have been allowed to develop. We should have stomped on them from the moment of birth as we click delete on the keyboard of the nations of the globe. Instead, too many gather round it, who feed it, nourish it with the blood of others. And what results is anathema. What results are the wars big and small which punctuate the globe. Is it any less concerning when the horror is over in Africa or Asia, or must it take place in Europe or right here in America to make some kind of a dent and impression upon people's minds? Must we reach the nadir of a situation where when one looks around, one finds himself alone, abandoned, betrayed by those trusted to watch out for him? Is that time so far distant that we cannot imagine it?       

Frankly, I fear at this point in time, it is a waiting game. It is a waiting game to find which way we will stumble and fall. It matters not whether we stumble into the right or into the left for both extremes have only malice in mind with little forethought or with a forethought contaminated and drenched in evil and hatred and greed and selfishness, boding no good for all. We have so seriously lost our way. We are enjoined to feel sympathy for a fallen enemy and disregard the woes of friends and families. We are asked or told or made to sacrifice so that the spoiled plutocrats of today will have all they need and obscenely more for all their todays and tomorrows. 

Sorry. folks. You might flinch when the truth hits you, straight to the face, when it gut punches you, or when your feet are swept out from under you. In hard times, those times of danger and terror, of mounting peril and unbelievable animosity and hatred, in times of rising violence, the truth can be brutal, and we run from it. We deny it, storm against it, ranting and raving. and push against those statements, refusing to recognize reality.      Makes no difference at all to the bottom line. It is what it is, and it is as it will be. We have made it so. 

   No, we have not yet reached that point but look ahead, not so far ahead and see what awaits us. If we do not stop, take a serious long look around, but not too long and take steps to stop the distortion and the destruction of all that is America, then we will simply have to stand back and accept all that we have brought upon us. We must demand an accounting from all those in the seats of power. We must rid ourselves of the trash who have rooted themselves deeply into the fabric of America, causing it great existential harm. We must find within ourselves moderates who are capable of working with others, who can modify and compromise and keep souls intact. Who will be courageous and stand up to demented would be rulers whose speech is rife with threats and violence. Who will lead us out of the dismal swamp to a land where a future is possible, where hate is not the name of the game.       

Senator Slotkin did not call those who voted for Trump and those who did not vote at all as 'stupid'.    Correctly, with an analogy of teenagers and the USA she spoke of the not yet completely wired brains of teenagers, prone at this stage, to making foolish errors. Forethought is weak, often nonexistent. 

So too is America, a comparatively young teenage nation. We stumble and fall, find ourselves as prey. to our own inadequate thinking, for our own shortfalls.  But it is time, past time for us to grow up and accept our rewiring. Set aside excuses and thoughts full of holes and incomplete. Quickly, safely, for the fate of our nation, of all who live within, and indeed the fate of the world, for all rely upon us doing so. No more to be 'dumb”. Now to be wiser and more understanding and better able to recognize truth.  To be more discerning of what is and what is not. What is real and what is a false front? What is a truth and what is a Ponzi scheme?  To become more proactive rather than reactive, a day late and many dollars short. To develop a better deeper understanding of what lays ahead as well as its ties to today and yesterday.  

 Our yesterdays are gone.

We have destroyed and handicapped much of our todays.

 What will be our words and deeds as we voyage into all our 

On the morrows.