Wednesday, May 21, 2014


     So there are apparently hidden joys to living here in south Florida. This morning we got up, went into the kitchen and lo and behold! It was apparent that we had not gotten the notice that a convention of sugar ants had reserved our kitchen. Needless to say, we proved to be quite hostile to these unexpected guests who had seemingly moved in and set up housekeeping while we were in Texas. Quicker than ASAP the exterminator was called and appeared with his magic potions and we are planning a mass funeral any day now!
     Next pleasure. It is seemingly weeks on end that the work on the building began and we are not yet done. First the painting and the constant reparking of the cars. Then the catwalks and since we decided to upscale from the paint, boy, were we in for so many treats. First, the noise. Every day we hear the dulcet tones of scraping, smoothing, and today the screech of some spraying machinery. Atonal composers, come for your inspiration! Second thru ten - the dust, the grit. The air is cloudy with particles making it hard to see without squinting and hard to breathe. One's eyeballs feel like the playground for particles and must carry around an eye rinse. The furniture? The floors? Fuggetaboudit! the mopping and the vacuuming are never over.
     To top it all off, today we are prisoners either in or out of the home. Their time estimates were off by hours so now we are caught inside or outside, missing appointments and having to change plans and all because we all got a bit vain and wanted to upgrade. Wonder why we all decided that good old paint wasn't enough. "Vanity of vanities!"
     Oh, well, I guess we will see Godzilla another day but it sure would be nice to see my husband again since early this morning. He is now roaming the streets and byways, the strip malls, trying to keep occupied till he is allowed back. Oh, well, the plans of mice and men, as they say.
    Aah, the joys of life here.

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