Monday, May 12, 2014


     Now we have a Canadian telling us there is NO free speech here in the village. I thank him/her for confirming our point, but I do believe he/she means this seriously. If he and those he supports don't like what you have to say, well then you must shut up. After all, this Canadian is telling us so. Well, hate to break the news to you, but here is the newsflash - this is the USA and we DO have free speech and that speech is limited only when that speech causes danger to others, like the proverbial fire shouted in a crowded theater.
     Here are a few choice quotes from our friend to the North.
     "Democratic institutions are to be respected. When people are democratically elected to serve in theses institutions they also should be respected..."

The problem with that is, that one has to earn respect and here in the good ole' USA we have every right to poke fun, accuse and even verbally attack any politician. That is called life here in the States and if we did not have that wow, where would all the papers, commentators, talking heads and political cartoonists and satirists be? Hey, we would even be missing a show called Capitol Steps which visits us every year and is funny as hell.

"She deserves our outmost respect and admiration..."
 Again, that respect is to be earned, not just given out freely as a handout. And as far as health problems are concerned, don't we all. I wish no one ill health and know what it is to battle serious health issues, but I am not deserving of a free ride because of that and neither is Joy Vestal or anyone else here in UCO.

"...allowing defamatory words to be used on their blog are guilty by association.

Well, my Canadian friend, here we do not use guilt by association and if we were to do that then your buddy boy David Israel and his minions are so guilty they could not wash the guilt off in an eternity of baths! The language that David Israel allows on his blog is awful as is the language he allows towards his opponents in assemblies and meetings and even just in the hallways of UCO, in front of anyone and everyone who is there. Guilt by association - not here in the USA. Maybe Canada, but I could not say for sure as I do not know the Canadian code of laws and legal system. And by the way, I do not allow foul language or insults or rude talk, etc. on my blog. So now who is the guilty one?

"There is NO free speech"

Yes, that is your title. If you cannot live with the facts of life here, I will copy what your buddies are always saying and indeed said so again on David Israel's blog again, today - then move.

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