Monday, May 19, 2014

IN HONOR OF ********* (name withheld for privacy)

     Just had a long and lovely conversation with one of my favorite students, ********. She and her parents are wonderful people and became friends over the years. ******* is an example par excellence of what I had hoped to see in my students. She is a proud Jew, advanced in a career where she is highly regarded and valued, yet willing to take a chance on an oft deferred dream of medical school. Ha - here's my chance to cut some future medical costs!
     *******is sweet and caring, feels deeply about the issues that matter to her and keeps in touch with many of her former schoolmates and it really was nice to hear good things about them - the careers, the marriages and children and their continued ties to their heritage.
     All this gives me a good feeling, hoping that I played somewhat of a role in helping them to grow up and become such "menschen" - good people. I loved teaching and even loved being a principal, though teaching is, was, and always will be my first and foremost love - and hearing from these kids is just great. It is my riches, in addition to my family and friends. These kids were my "kids", my educational kids and I lost sleep over them many a night just as they brought me joy and pride on many days.
     Thank you, *******, for calling and tell your parents that I look forward to seeing them this winter - and you too! Regards to all the kids.

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