Friday, May 23, 2014


     There is something awfully nasty going on at The Reporter, supposedly our Village paper. It is supposed to be neutral and fair, open to all as long as civilized language is followed. Three times this year Joy Vestal, both the co-editor and a vice president of UCO, a clear conflict of interest, has crossed me and done wrong by me.
     First we had paid for  a full page ad, in which was to be placed an open letter to David Israel regarding certain behaviors and statements he and his minions had made and inferred during the campaign. She and her co-editor, Myron Silverman, refused to allow it in, though they certainly grabbed my money, and said either it gets censored to their satisfaction or it does not go in. I rewrote part of it simply to get it in, but it was manifestly unfair and a violation of free speech.
     Second was when Joy had a reporter call up and say that Joy wanted an article written THAT DAY for the paper. Well, since I do not work for the paper, I do not march to Joy's beat and I said, I will write the article IF she gives me a monthly column. She said, "Oh, what a wonderful idea and she will just clear it with the paper." I wrote the article and then Joy Vestal lied through her teeth and said, "What article?"
     Now I placed a half page ad with this blog address and paid for a set up fee which was done quite nicely by Bob Rivera. I agreed to it and expected to see the ad in the paper. When I looked on line - THERE IT WAS NOT. When I called Joy Vestal and asked her about it, telling her this is the third time she has crossed me she shouted ,"I do not have to listen to this" and disconnected the phone.
     Shortly after this I received a call, an apologetic call from Bob Rivera who stated that it was his fault, as Advertising Manager or Editor for the first time; he had forgotten to make a PDF file and send it in. Could be . Maybe. He profusely apologized and gave me an offer of two months in the paper for the ad. I accepted, but must say that I have my doubts and this could be Bob Rivera pulling Joy's nuts out of the fire. In the meanwhile, I will accept Bob's apology and offer of two months, but am waiting for Joy's apology for this error that was made and for her behavior on the phone. Perhaps Joy needs to give up something - vice president or co-editor, or Channel 63 - all major conflicts of interest.
     People, if we allow this to continue, we have only ourselves to blame. Speak up at the delegate assembly, ask questions, demand answers, write on a blog, do something.

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