Wednesday, May 7, 2014


     It is quite a depressing lesson one gets after reading the daily newspaper. Everybody is killing everybody else and of course blaming It on them as well. Children are being caught in a deadly middle, bombed, burned, wounded and kidnapped in order to prove a point that education is no good. Human rights are squelched and voices are being cut off. Is this the world for which so many died during the wars? Is this the world we are going to pass on to our children and grandchildren? Lord, I hope not. I hope that somewhere somehow somebody thinks of something but with that hope also comes the responsibility to speak up and say, "I can make a difference."
     It is also a lesson that can be transferred over into the smaller and more personal world we all live in. Being a volunteer, seeing a need and filling it, adding one's voice to the mix - all this can make a difference. But what to do if one is forbidden to make that difference, forbidden to try to change things for the better, forbidden to partake in the privilege and burdens of government, of civic responsibility? The answer, my friends, is to keep on trying, to challenge those who would demean those who do not kowtow to them, those who would see the light of day shine on all governmental affairs except as they refer to life and limb safety of secret operatives (and no, that does not exist here in CV except possibly in David Israel's mind!).
     So today is challenge day 2 - where is a seat on a committee for me, a committee I requested, a committee on which I can add my thoughts to the mix, add my efforts and all combine to get a better home for all of us? What say, Mr. David Israel? What say? Or are you emulating role models from Turkey, Russia, Egypt, Nigeria, Korea, etc. What say!!!!!!

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