Monday, May 26, 2014


     Today is Memorial Day, when one is supposed to remember those  who have given their lives or been grievously wounded during service to their country. All over the country groups such as the Boy Scouts, veterans groups and other civic organizations place flags on the graves of soldiers. Politicians give lip service to the sacrifices of our soldiers, men and women, who have given truth to the line from the song which asks the questions "Where have all the soldiers gone, long time passing..." and answers it with the line , Gone to graveyards every one. When will we ever learn...."
     Armed conflict is sometimes necessary though the path towards it might have led to another conclusion if only, if only... The question is, though, why has mankind never learned another way, a fair way, of resolving issues and why does it seem even worse now? The continent of Africa is rife with tribal and religious warfare, with brutal slayings, kidnappings, burnings. The nations of the Far East are posturing once more, claiming lands and sea areas, threatening other Asian countries. The Middle East is afire. Ultra right wing politics has made a comeback in Europe and here in the United States we are engaged in great debates whether we should send in troops, pull them out and everything in between.
     I am neither a pacifist nor a war monger; I know that the Bible distinguishes between wars of mitzvah - wars that MUST take place - and those that are not. Do we? Does the world? And what do we truly remember today?
     The recent Yom Hazicharon, or the Day of Remembrance, in Israel, is truly a day when the country remembers. Stores are shuttered, the cemeteries are crowded with families and friends of the slain, the television has appropriate programming with the ceremonies and the stories of the slain, with music that speaks to the soul of the loss, of the grieving and the deep desire for peace. The entire country comes to a halt when the siren of memory is sounded.It is truly a day of memories and honor.
     And here in the USA? True, there are some parades, but they are just about celebratory, rather than memorial, as we celebrate our armed strength and that is okay to do, but we need more. But what we get as more is the following - stories of the opening of the summer season, the seasonal opening of amusement parks in the north, first official day at the beach and stories about beach weather or not, sales, oh, such sales, at the stores and malls of America as if the soldiers died so that we could get 20% off somewhere.
     We have strayed far from the original purpose of this day. We must remember it more, even as we stream to the beaches and pools, to the stores and parks. Enjoy the life that the sacrifice of others has made possible, yes, but please, please, do spend some time in memorial mode for otherwise, all this day has become is another bank holiday. One of the first things to remember to do each year is to watch the National Memorial Day Concert that takes place on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Every year it brings me to tears. It is well done, powerful and made excellent additions to classrooms in teaching the students something about the true purpose  of Memorial Day.
     Remember our fallen. Remember the sacrifices that war demands. Remember that we must find the right way to achieve peace, a true peace, where all are honored and respected and hatred does not flourish. Remember.

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