Tuesday, May 6, 2014


     First lesson of the day, David Israel. A good leader should always proofread before publishing. It is a good habit since then one gets into the habit of proofing contracts, but oh, that's right, what contract? For the roads. Oh, that was only a paragraph on a page. Silly me. Never mind. Anyway, the word you wish to use is COURSE, not coarse. Consider that your first free tutorial of the day. We will let the run on sentences and falsified facts tutorials for another day.
     Now for the second tutorial. Just exactly who is begging? Day after day, be it in a post or orally, all you can mouth is to tell, threaten and order people not to monetarily support the lawsuit. If the whole world was with you, as you seem to feel, there would be no need for your constant knell of "don't give, don't give". So who is begging now? Who is feeling a bit pushed up against the wall now? Whose  sins are coming home to roost?
     You keep harping on a "fact" about riches from the suit. NOONE expects riches. You spent it all. All the supporters of the suit wish to do is regain the funds you so blithely wasted, so that we can repave as is needed, in the proper way. And as far as suing ourselves, hmmm. If one is in an accident and files a claim on one's policy, is that person suing oneself? NO, you fool. That person is simply making a legitimate claim on the insurance AS ARE THE PLAINTIFFS HERE.  THEY, TOO, ARE MEMBERS OF UCO AND THE INSURANCE POLICY HELD ON UCO IS THERE TO BE USED IF AND WHEN NEEDED and buddy boy, you have made it needed, desperately so.
    Next lie. There are just so many, a plethora of riches. Ah, got it.

     You said in your posting of last night, "UCO is collecting prudent reserves to pave the roads in due coarse when they actually require repaving."

    I checked the budget figures and even asked the treasurer of UCO about it and was told sure, it is being done, it is there but WHERE? Exactly where is this prudent reserve? Where are the millions we need? Where is the half million dollars a year we saved for so many years in order to do the job and which you so incompetently wasted, just flushed down the toilet? WHERE? Just when can we expect to have another five million plus dollars to repave properly, especially if we piss it away on patches of $25,000 fix ups. And please, do not include the reserves from other reserve accounts as you already did that, taking us down to barely a penny in reserves except for $10,000 held in the legal assistance fund for association that were sued, and $11,000 in the laundry account. Fine financial footwork, that was indeed! And with no delegate input, a violation of our bylaws.
     So once again, David Israel, you are showing your inclination to lie, especially in trying to cover up your incompetence.Why not admit what you did, your malfeasance, and urge the insurance company to settle and let us all get on with life. No one wishes to be embroiled in lawsuits and court issues. No one wishes to keep putting their own funds forth in order to benefit the Village and keep on being heaped with abuse, and yet, that is what the plaintiffs and supporters have been doing. Rather than curse them, why not appreciate their civic mindedness. All whistle blowers have a rough time, but look at what happened with the  tobacco industry, with Erin Brockovitch and the list goes on - and hey, even the NSA was tattled on, caught with their pants down, snooping in every American's business. Incompetence does out and there are consequences.
     Enjoy the COURSE of your day, David Israel.

Oh, by the way, no one failed miserably in the March elections. We made our points and have already seen results - ha, with you even finally admitting errors in the repaving and more. And we are not going away, so you and your minions, just keep looking over your shoulders. We will always be right there, so see you in the next election and in the blogs. Once again, David Israel, enjoy the COURSE of your day.

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