Friday, May 16, 2014


     This blog had to change comment rules because of the waste of some human beings from Davidisraelland. One sick excuse for a person decided that all he had to do in life was to send threatening comments and now has decided to include Gerry in them. Really, now! Gerry is one of the nicest, kindest people you could ever get to know so what does he have to do with the man in the moon? You are a vicious moron, you coward, who refuses to say who your true identity is! So now, unless you register, you cannot post. You cannot comment. Go look in the mirror and call yourself names since no one else has time to bother with you and your inanities. I certainly do not. My life is rich with friends and family, with activities and interests. obviously you have none so - get the hell out of my life, off my blog and go contemplate your navel if that is all you can do now. Improve the world. Ciao, baby!
     This, fellow CV'ers, is an example of the caliber of people found in Davidisraelland. They have no moral fiber, no good will  for others and no courage or honesty. They can only post if they have the courage of their convictions though the rules at the top still stand. I am sorry for the inconvenience to others, but common decency demands that they not be allowed to pollute the Net. Hey, I guess free speech has its limits! Sound familiar? My blog, my rules.My standards. All who register and adhere to the sandards are welcome. 

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