Saturday, May 10, 2014


     Why do we keep up the fight? Why do I and so many others in the Village keep tilting at the windmills of David Israel and Co. when at times it seems like a hopeless cause. Perhaps it is because we are optimists? Perhaps it is because we see that we have made strides as we see reviews of processes in the Village, of a bit more careful handling of contracts, knowing that we are continuously and zealously guarding the Village from more debacles. But perhaps it is because of the following sentiment.

     Captain Bill McDonald of the Texas Rangers once said, "No man in the wrong can stand up against a fellow that's in the right and keeps on a-comin'".

     While we are not Texas Rangers or a police force or anything other than good citizens with concern for their homes, we do feel that we have the right on our side and we are going to keep a - comin' - like it or not, Mr. David Israel and Co. There are too many things that have been done wrong in the Village on David Israel's watch and we will keep a comin' to make sure that it does not happen again and if it does - then we will make sure that the buck stops exactly where it belongs  - on the desk and shoulders of David Israel and his assorted cronies.

     So, David Israel, today is Challenge Day 5 and here I am, still a-waitin' - and still a- comin'. You will need to come out of the closet and reveal yourself as the true nasty old school politician who refuses to do what is necessary for the community, only what is necessary for him to stay in power. Shame, shame, David Israel.

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