Saturday, June 7, 2014


     "The soul of a person is the candle of G-d." (Proverbs 20:27)

     "What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you." Ralph Waldo Emerson

     Thomas More, the patron saint of humanists and a statesman who was beheaded for his honesty and principles by the order his best friend, Henry VIII, was one who taught by example and showed that government is an exercise in virtue. (Paraphrased from author Greg Dinallo)

      "The group around this resident wonder why I will not put them on Committees, ...... "  

     Now, after reading these four quotations and quotes, then turn to the video of the delegate assembly of June 6, 2014, the last few minutes, where a resident of CV wished to speak for her precious three minutes. Because the President of UCO did not approve of her topic nor of the speaker, he then gaveled and shouted and led his sycophants in a horrendous abuse of power and quite frankly came off as demented and seriously in need of help, perhaps medication, talk therapy, play therapy, whatever. When this resident courageously stood her ground, driven almost to desperation, she responded strongly, yes, but one can understand why.
      I certainly can as once when I spoke, I was interrupted in my three minutes and then Mollie Marshall tried to tell me my three minutes were up and I refused due to the interruption and finished what I had to say. At the Candidates Forum where David Israel did not come off well at all, his minions on the left side continuously spoke and commented when ever I was talking and had to be warned. Even Susan Bucher commented on their terrible behavior and gave them several strong looks trying to get them to keep quiet and maintain proper decorum.
     Bullying is a favorite technique of David Israel and by allowing him to continuously do this we have ceded control of UCO to him. He admits that HE will not allow a committee appointment. Well, who the hell is he to compromise democracy here in our Village? Who the hell is he to usurp this right and power? By his behavior he has forfeited his right to be in his position and should be removed for cause. However, this time it has to be played the smart way - not when his minions and deluded followers are the only game in town. We will wait for full season and then go into action, and please, David Israel, stop sending deluded, filthy, and maniacal comments to my blog under your alias, Fred Sanford. They only show your ignorance, lack of moral principles, fear  and hatred of intelligent and independent women and prejudice simply by using that nom de plume. They will never be printed and are ignored, as they deserve to be.
     Here's another quote for you, Mr. David Israel. Think about it.
     "Be not deceived; G-d is not mocked:
       For whatsoever a man soweth,
           that shall he also reap."
                       Galatians 6:7

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