Wednesday, June 25, 2014


     July 4th approaches. Music by the pool, fireworks and street celebrations. Parades and barbecues and picnics. And solemn moments commemorating what it all really means and oh, do not forget that most important of all American holiday rituals - the sales!
     Seriously, it is a time for all of us to think about how lucky we are to live in such a country, even with all the issues. I forgot who it was that said something like this, "Democracy is the worst form of government - until you have tried the others." Yes, we have Tea Party and quickly may they go down the drain, we have missing emails from the IRS - thought only I could do that - a do nothing Congress and hell breaking out all over the world. Yet there is much to value, treasure and defend.
     So here we are in CV in West Palm Beach and I wonder if we should even celebrate the 4th since we seem to have lost some of our rights as Americans by virtue of our residence here. In today's NY Times  a question was asked what it means to be an American. One answer I particularly loved was this. "Being American means protection by the law. Anyone can say whatever they want and, even if I don't agree with them, they're still protected by the law it's my job to enforce. That's their freedom. That's their right."
     What a novel idea! How come we did not think of that? Why is it that we allow a demented, paranoid man growing ever more senile and childlike, under the influence of his puppet master, to determine what we can and cannot say here in the Village? When did we cede our rights to free speech and the right to assembly? When did we allow Eva Rachesky to determine the limits of that right, never mind the Constitution!
     Whether one likes to hear something or not, unless it advocates murder or other crime or is truly disgusting in its content (aha - there ya' go you piece of filth, Fred Sanford), it is the person's right to speak. Mr. NSA Patriot, the Savior of America After 9/11, has determined that it is not a right that he wants to exist here in the Village so out it goes and in come the armed guards. Guess he will not be hiring that sergeant in the Tulsa Police Department who I quoted at the beginning of this article. Hey, maybe I should offer to bring him down here and be my guard!
     David Israel, please think carefully about this issue and do not open any more cans of worms. You can always adjourn if you so wish to continue to deny civil rights, but in any case, there should be no armed guards and no pistol packing papas and mamas for that is a definite possibility if this thing grows into a real big mess. For once in your life, look outside your own head and think.

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