Thursday, June 5, 2014


     Due to circumstances beyond my control I will not be able to attend the Delegate Assembly on June 6, 2014. Though there are many important issues to discuss, including the recent spotting of a man trying doors to units in the Plymouth area, I regret that I will not be there to ask my question in person. The question?
       Mr. David Israel, please explain to me how it is that though you and your administration are constantly pleading for volunteers, a well qualified person for all the eight committees that were applied to has not received ANY answer aside from one tailored excuse. At least there was a modicum of civility there, but from you, David Israel and Toni, and Marilyn Gorodetzer and Joy Vestal and Howie O'Brien - NOTHING! So please explain to me how this process works, that a well qualified individual is stonewalled? How so many in the Village are denied a representation in our UCO administration? How is it that we do not even make an attempt to be polite and civilized and procedural in UCO responsibilities towards the residents of the Village?
     I am sure that there are many others in this position, either now or in the past and this will continue until we have a responsible committee seating procedure, one that is fair, impartial and orderly. Explain, Mr. David Israel, explain.
Answer, Mr. David Israel, answer. Or have you no answer that is acceptable and that would not lead you into a civil rights violation?
     PS. Do not say that you have to run this by the UCO attorney. This is the same attorney who is well known for giving you the answer you want, not the correct or legal one, the same attorney whom you acknowledged months ago needs to be replaced and you promised to do so, but as usual - all talk and no action taken. Why would you, when he does what you want.
     This is a simple question. Why have I not been answered and why have I not been appointed to ANY committee?

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