Thursday, June 19, 2014


     Just pick up a paper, go online, open the TV or radio. No matter what, the news is all bad. The innocent boys are still missing and it took only five days for the world to finally say something; that it is wrong. People are still trying to play the old "blame the victim" game, but there is no way that blame can be laid on a bunch of kids trying to get home. That is their right and the right of their parents, to know their children, not soldiers, not combatants, but students, are coming home.
     The tension in the entire region is rising and ISIS is well on its way to establishing its Caliphate under Sharia law. People laughed when that idea was first promulgated, but who is laughing now? Who will be laughing when the price of gas shoots up because the major Iraqi refinery is now in the hands of the terrorists - and do not for one minute think that this is the end of their goal. The country of Syria is in rubble piles, people are scattered all over and many of the wounded near the border with Israel are getting treatment in Israel, Israel is sending over medical and food help, but all is kept quiet. Why? Because the people are afraid to say anything.
     The revolving door of Israeli prisons are opening again to take in those released under the Shalit deal who are violating the terms of their parole or release agreements. What a shock!!! A crazed Member of Knesset, an Arab, praises the kidnapping while a cousin of hers, a brave 17 year old boy, speaks the truth and for that gains death threats.
     Three families are ripped asunder and who knows when it will be over. We are still sending USA soldiers all over the world to stem the tide - the tide of what and with what plan? To use these soldiers as fingers in a dike? Doesn't work long term, does it? What to do? Way above my pay grade but we need to think out of the box and quickly. We must face facts, whether they be PC or not.
     Here in the good old USA Senators are proposing to raise the gas tax 12 cents because we are not paying enough already and the price of gas is not going to shoot up now with the mess in Iraq and the rest of the Middle East? Why not take a pay cut in Washington - get pay per piece, like the workers of old and even in sweatshops today. For each piece of positive legislation each Senator and Congressman will get a prorated percentage of salary. No work - no pay. Chitchat and fight all day - no pay. Might work!
     And now for the biggest news of the day. David Israel is still ranting and raving on his personal blog about the message from the Messenger Club. Can he not find anything else to write about, to discuss, to open for improvement? Enough with your stupid supposed anti spam campaign. I believe the spam is openly posted on David Israel's blog, actually.
    Everything is relative. I used to show my students how unimportant one test in my class would be for the future and in the present as we wrote some current crises on the board. It calmed them down and they did all the better on their tests. David Israel, put your piddly spam campaign which is not really spam anyway in proper perspective and try to do something positive for our Village - like resign maybe?

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