Sunday, June 8, 2014


     It has come to my attention, not for the first time, that Joy Vestal and others at the Reporter are maintaining that I write nothing on my own. In fact, they say, all my writing is ghostwritten. By whom? I don't know. Maybe they do. I certainly would like to know who is in my house late at night or early in the morning. Seems I cannot find anyone, but maybe they have some kind of vision that I don't.
     Can you believe the stupidity of this? I have written almost on demand for Joy Vestal during the campaign and afterwards. I have written at hours when nobody should be up, never mind typing away on a blog! And exactly who would be doing the writing that is time stamped?
     This is the second dumb thing these people have said about me today. Somebody needs to curb their tongue and quickly. Hey, I have even offered to tutor these illiterate people so who would I send in to do the tutoring - my supposed ghostwriter?!!!!
     People, do you not see how desperate you have become and how low you have fallen. No skin off my back, but you guys are really sitting quite squarely in the pathetic zone. Please try to class up the act a bit. This is really getting boring. Hey! Perhaps you need a ghostwriter. Calling Lanny! Calling Lanny!

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