Sunday, June 22, 2014


     Do you hear it? Listen closely and you will hear the refrain.  There it is - "Here it comes again, um, a,um..." Yes, once more we have that poor devolving man, David Israel, trying to pull his tootsies out of the fire. Why? Because he has been caught up once more in a mess of his own making.
     What? Here is a part of a message I received from the Messenger Club about the agenda of their meeting tomorrow at 10 in Room C in the Clubhouse.
                     At the June 23 meeting, Monday, we are expecting a Comcast representative to be our guest and talk about W--Fi, Wi-Fi security and how to put up your own Wi-Fi in your association.

Wow! Can you imagine, they have already scheduled a speaker from Comcast to discuss Wi Fi here in the Village with all their options. Suddenly, David Israel realizes that once again he is lagging behind and suddenly we have a posting on his personal blog of a pamphlet from Comcast explaining its newer options. Wow, such a discovery! Too late, David Israel. You've been scooped.
     This is an example of what we have been saying all along about Wi Fi. Yes, Wi Fi here in the Village, but guess what - we already have it. We are not in a Wi Fi desert. Wi Fi for the whole Village as a unit - major issues there and there is no reason to hurry up and then regret a decision made in haste with poor forethought. Over and over we have said there are new options coming down the road. Wait and see what they are before we commit to anything or even if we have to commit. And remember, there are many people here in the Village who DO NOT have computers and do not want them. They find their lives just fine and do not need to spend their day tap tap tapping away as do some other people. They have lives beyond and without computers and that is their choice. They are not interested in paying any more money for it and they have every right to say so and OPT OUT.
     So David Israel publishes the pamphlet in teeny tiny letters and explains nothing, trying, as usual, to amaze people with his techie stuff. Sorry, not working.
     People, this is just one example of how many errors in judgment David Israel and his administration are making, continuing a tradition of giving the Village less, rather than more, and we will be the ones taking it right on the nose if we do not vigorously watch and double check and insist on details. So tomorrow, do as I am doing. Go to the meeting and find out what the deal is, what the options for Wi Fi are. If you can, take along a techie as I am doing -  ask questions, think, think, think.
     And please tune in tomorrow sometime in the late afternoon for breaking news of another debacle we are being set up for and no one seems to have caught it. It can shape up to be a real disaster if not done right and this time it affects the very structures of our lives - our homes. If done properly, with oversight and care, with details and transparency, it can be a good thing but as it stands now, I am not so sure that will be the path it takes. In fact, I am sure that it is on the wrong path. Been there, done that and we must see that it does not happen again.
      Please turn off that refrain - "Here it comes again...."

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