Saturday, June 14, 2014


     Eight years. Eight years since I kissed you and asked you, "What's up, Pop?" Eight years since we talked on the phone, sharing our letters and concerns, joking around. Eight years and I keep imagining you sitting by your desk.
     I remember how proud I was when I was your "helper" as a kid and you set up a table for me in your office. I remember how proud I was to walk with you to shul (synagogue) on Shabbat, hold your hand and talk and laugh.
     I remember how I swore to myself as a little kid that I would never hurt you or disappoint you, only wanting you to be proud of me. I also remember how you helped me go to the movies with everyone - even the guys- in eighth grade and didn't let Nellie know! You were my Pop, my go to guy and I loved you so much.
     You were the best Saba (grandfather) to our kids and Gerry loved you as his father, walking over to sit and talk with you and Mommy every Shabbat afternoon. You were the only one who could calm Roni down when she had her earaches. She slept on your shoulder like a little doll. When Tziyona decided to get up every night at 10 and have playtime, we would visit with the two of you and you became her nighttime playmate - her first playdate, in fact! And how proud you were of Kivi in his growing reputation as a scholar and a counselor.
     You were my Pop, my friend, my protector, my teacher, my father. I loved you more than words can say and I still do. Every Friday night when I light candles I talk to you and Nellie, tell you of the events of the week, ask you questions and ask your advice and guidance. I will love you always and miss you, for when you left us, you left a great big hole in my heart. Take care of Nellie up there and the two of you, try not to drive G-d too crazy! He needs to be strong for us down here and all the messes we have made in this world. And Pop, watch over the three boys in so terrible a situation now  and their families. Love you, Pop.

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