Monday, June 2, 2014


     A voice is suddenly heard, "Don't you dare eat that piece of chocolate!" Or, "You have not taken 10,000 steps yet today - get going." Or, "Leave the pickle in the jar."
     All these are the voices coming from the government required health care monitor that all citizens must wear if they are to have their health costs covered and properly treated. Those who refuse are told that they will die with no help forthcoming to avoid their fate.
     Is this the future awaiting us and our children? Will all these new devices being put forth in the Apple convention lead to this, a total loss of privacy and a true Big Brother government, 1984, a bit later on? Are we all to be electronically monitored like it or not?
     We already have monitors be they in defibrillators, diabetic pumps, electronic pacemaker telephonic monitoring, and even some "help me" buttons but they are not perfect. Pumps need to be adjusted and defibrillators have shocked when not necessary. All is not the Garden Of Eden and now we have the thought of the totally Apple device controlled house.
     Well, what about hacking into the house and there is nothing that is eventually not hackable, as we have found out to our detriment. There is no lock that cannot be opened, be it a hard copy lock or a virtual lock. Do we really want to cede our lives, the control of our lives, to a monitoring system and who knows out there checking on it all? What rights will we lose if this continues?
     Do not get me wrong, I like computers and the Internet, and the ease of getting some information, but when an on-line company such as Amazon suddenly goes into full old fashioned robber baron mode and the laws are being written in favor of Big Business as in the 19th and 20th centuries, then I begin to get nervous. What if the machine monitoring one's "help me" button checks with the system outline he has been giving and decides that well, too bad, that person does not meet the criteria for response and ignores it. Tough bugs on that person??!!! I am not a Luddite by any means, but I do feel that we must proceed carefully as we step into this Brave? Scary? Complicated? new world.

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