Wednesday, July 16, 2014


     When people have nothing to say, certainly nothing constructive, it is a good idea to say nothing. Unfortunately this is just another of the many lessons that have not been taught in Davidisraelland or have been forgotten as the residents and spokesmen for the government of this land descend ever deeper into the illusions and anger that accompany dementia.
     It is very sad when grown men think that they show how macho they are by spouting stuff and nonsense, such as Lanny with his ridiculous figures and then when he has to back off, all the while fumbling and stumbling with , oh, I'm not an accountant and math was never my strong point. So why say anything in the first place? We have proven over and over again that our numbers about the shortfall were right on target, again and again.
     Today there is a big article in the NY Times as to how GM tried to hide the documents and what they knew. Well, as I have stated many times before - the truth will out. These are lessons that are learned by young children so why these fools cannot seem to retain that is beyond me. Unless they are forgetting much of what life has taught them!
     With ignorance proven again, these same grown men think ok, we will display our macho by sending disgusting and accusatory emails to Esther and Olga using foul language and ridiculously silly statements. In addition, they need to feed their sick obsession by adding fuel to the fire by bringing in my husband, attacking a wonderful man ,Rabbi Emeritus of our synagogue, even as he was dying, and the list of stupidity goes on and on.
     Try the truth. Try to make sense. If you have something to say, say it with care and facts to back it up. Again, do not think that the mothball fleet here will continue forever. Do not think that zombie like behavior on the part of the few will hold your leaky ship above the waters. Now we have a Treasurer from your own slate who is showing his honesty, care for the Village and ability to see through your amateurish machinations and comes up with the true figures and ideas to lessen the burden on our residents. Why not support him? Why not go for the positive aspect? Why not try to do the right thing for the first time in your miserable lives? Do you think that you and your buddies will be immune to the problems of non payment due to lack of funds when the security is dropped due to lack of payment, when the landscaping is ignored due to lack of payment, when the roads and walkways crumble due to lack of proper care and no money for repairs, when the buildings molder and rot and empty out - all because you over there in Davidisraelland refuse to see and acknowledge the truth and work to fix the problem, not Ponzi scheme it around by shifting money hither and thither.
     You are pathetic and would be laughable, if the consequences were not so tragic.

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