Wednesday, July 30, 2014


     Hold the press! Emerging news! Petey Boy does not like me or "my entourage". I love it when people seem to think that I have this group that walks lockstep and listens to my every word. You must be thinking of the time when I was teacher and principal! Seriously, the only Svengali here is your lord and master, David Israel, and his lord and master, Ed Black. And what the hell are you talking about with the "gagging" of a former Southhampton president. I have no clue as to what you are talking about so evidently I guess I do not have an "entourage" or else they would clear every word and deed with me. You are truly an amazing doofus!
     Now let us go back to the Wi Fi and the ridiculous statements on David Israel's blog where only the few and select are allowed to kiss his ass.
   1. What the hell is No fi? Just another moronic term from David Israel. Wi Fi is already installed in several buildings of the Village and working beautifully, be they big or small, wood or CBS buildings. A fact is a fact is a fact and no amount of obfuscation from that master of lies, David Israel, can make it other than what it is.
  2. It is encrypted - up to 128 bit encryption and it is secure with individual access codes and passwords for individual users and units.
  3. It has the speed of the Comcast system which is the fastest speed of any system and certainly faster than whatever David Israel is planning. For more speed from his system you will have to pay more money!!!! There go your supposed savings. Want to save? Use this system.
  4. Talking of savings.  Next fool heard from. Don Ho Ho says he will save money paying as little as $20 a month. Really? Well, let's see about that. That will possibly be for the basic and even then it could be more. Then you will need to pay more to upgrade your system. Then, when you so blithely walk around the "campus" - and you idiots, this is NOT a college campus; this is a town, a Village. Grow up. Anyway when you so blithely walk around and then go outside to hook onto someone else's hookup, well, how much will you pay for stupidly going on an unsecured account and inputting your personal data for some lovely hacker to pick up. Hmmm....wonder how much that will cost per month as you try to straighten out your life!
  5. Newsflash! There are many people in the Village who do not have computers or do not have the gazillion systems that David Israel insists we all have. These people and others , many others, are not interested in paying thru the nose for years to come for another financial fiasco and a system that will be outdated before it is fully and finally in use and there we will be -  paying for it. Sounds kinda' like how we are paying thru the nose for the $5 million paving job where we might as well have flushed it down the toilet and had more fun.
  6.Let's see; what else? Oh, Petey Boy mentions lawyers and suits? Whoa, Davey Boy! I thought you just hated that word - lawsuit - but in any case, before your little minions march on, be sure to remind them of the physical threat to my life, of the accusation of a felony - nice libel case, that! And please continue with the obscene and misogynistic remarks sent daily, many times daily, and the accelerating pace and verbal violence and language - nice stalking case, that.
  7. Oh, how could I forget to add this. You know the great savings we will all be "getting"? Well, remember it not, folks. Just add on the additional $2 per month per unit, added to the $9.45 increase that Howie O'Brien was able to get it down to, plus the additional fees as UCO costs go up and WPRF adds their many two cents additions on, and then your own association and silly me, THE ADDITIONAL COST FOR YEARS THAT WE WILL BE PAYING FOR THIS UNNECESSASRY SYSTEM FROM DAVID ISRAEL!! Oh, and do not forget the damage when your antennae and building are struck by lightning and/or the antennae is ripped off the roof taking a piece with it during a hurricane or storm and then watch the water damage costs soar!
   8. Petey Boy states that whatever I have written or talked about has had no impact. Really? David Israel ran scared during the election and insured his victory through chicanery and defiance of Freedom of Information Act.  David Israel is still running scared.The Messenger Club meeting was packed on Sunday and there is a lot of interest and action on the suggestions put forth there, so people are hearing me and others and reading other blogs. And as for lies about our financial situation - again, a fact is a fact and telling lies do not change that fact. We have a shortfall of over $1.3 million dollars and every time there is another meeting, it seems to go up. Facts, Petey Boy, Don Ho Ho, David Israel and facts are facts. Deal with it!
  9.People, we put out the truth here and some people do not like that. This type of people who hate truth are called fascists, dictators, tyrants (pretty good show by the way), selfish individuals and on and on. Lovely company our own homegrown people here keep - just think of the names throughout history who used and are still using this technique. (Oooh, guess when you accused me of working for Goebbels, you ass, it seems to have backfired on you).

So people, read the truth, hear the truth, save your wallets before these pickpockets here take them from you and empty them out. Man up! Woman up! Face David Israel and his gang down and stand up for the truth. Stand up for your own benefit. Put down the Kool-Aid and have some tea or soda or water or coffee or whatever you want, but not David Israel's Kool Aid. The Reverend Jones killed his followers when they listened to him blindly. Stop your same figurative fate if you continue on this path with David Israel and crew. Bring our Village back and up to what it can and should be - a bastion of beauty, of honest and fair administration, one with fiscal responsibility, one with knowledge of management, one with people skills, one with a leader who knows how to go out and talk and laugh with people rather than one who sits 24/7 in room 101 tap, tap, tapping away. Only a person with a life can understand the needs of life in other people. That is NOT what we have now.
    resign! resign! resign!

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