Friday, August 8, 2014


     Here is my second post of the say.
     David Israel is continuing to push forward with his wasteful and unnecessary and unaffordable Wi Fi program. This same man who said he would ask for the transfer of the funds in that reserve account to other accounts in dire need of funding, and keep the $2 fee in the budget and transfer it to the needy funds as well, that same man is now saying we must "push forward" with it, with Wi Fi as he sees it. What the hell does he care. He evidently has plenty of money and no need to spend it as he sits all day, including weekends in his office, with no need for outlay of any funds of his own, so he can easily absorb the huge increases that he will be demanding and needing for his program. Well, others cannot do so.
     But now, let us look at his new reason for "needing" Wi Fi. Basically, he wants to be able to sit in that Room 101 and keep watch over everything that is going on in the Village. He says that PBSO says we should have some 19 cameras around the Village and Wi Fi would really help getting the data transferred. Well, keep the cameras by the gates, sure, and even by the already wired up pools, including the Wellington pool which was done privately and not thru WPRF - so voila! it can be done. Maybe that will keep us safer and someone swimming alone and having a health issue will be seen - and that is a maybe as guards, after time, tend to neglect the screens and the pictures are not always clear and even if they are, it is a boring task so who knows.
     But here comes Big Brother. Have cameras all over the Village??? I think not! If we are living in such a place that needs to have these cameras all over, so that we can see Bob Marshall looking for that lightning strike, or Phyllis Siegelberg looking for something to do, or Joy Vestal running around like a chicken without a head wondering which of her duties she should fulfill - and watch the rest of us as we go about our daily lives - then I vote a resounding NO!!!! And do not think that there will be a camera on your specific unit so you will be safe. We are safe here, right now, certainly safer than out there, and when we start living as if it were not, that a spate of invasions by Southampton is the regular state of affairs (and I still have my doubts about the timing of those events), then we might as well pack up our bags and go home and cower in our kids' homes.
      David Israel is trying to introduce the Fear Factor here, all for his cherished and oh so unnecessary Wi Fi, but David Israel, that is a TV show, not our life here. I do not want people watching me all the time and neither do others. Our lives are OUR lives and not for others to stare agape at, to comment about, or to ridicule - "Oh, see, that old geezer trying to jog...." etc.And I certainly do not think that we want to provide television viewing time for David Israel as he sits there in his chair in Room 101, staring at the screen. Granted, it might help his carpal tunnel system as he might stop tap tap tapping all day, but oh, dear, he might need better glasses.
     Seriously, enough with this nonsense and that goes for you too "newatcv" and your ridiculous comment on the other blog. The opposition is simply opposing what we do not need and indeed, what can harm us if installed and remember, I have publicly thanked David Israel when he has done something worthwhile so stop with your nonsense. Grow up1

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