Sunday, August 24, 2014


     I am calling in all chits and even the angels. What a terrible situation I am in. My not so amazing Grace does not want to be friends with me, will never have coffee with me and that makes me sad, ever so sad. I have been ever so patient with her, trying to explain what is as plain as the nose on her face, but she will not hear nor see what is right there. The Bible tells us that there are those who have eyes but see not, and ears but hear not and I guess here is a prime example. What she particularly objects to is my calling her Gracie. I think that nicknames like that are a sign of impending friendship, but oh, well, my life will be complete without her. At least I do not call her "bag of shit" as the IDJIT does to me and Olga!
     But now, this one's for you, my friend Bob, and I do sincerely mean that. Over the last campaign I got to know Bob a bit, even though he was in the "enemy" camp, and I believe that at heart he is a bright individual with some hangups or blind spots, particularly those dealing with David Israel, Olga and Dorothy. Why, I do not know. Here are two women who desired the best for the Village, one who put in hours and hours trying to save the Village from the machinations of Ed Black and David Israel, yet you cannot see that, Bob. You also refuse to recognize that Olga is very much like you - passionate in beliefs, outspoken and generally, as you are, a good person. What the problem with David Israel is, I cannot figure out.
     You yourself have advocated that people be allowed into UCO as volunteers - see what happened this past half year? NOONE that is contrary to David Israel and his beliefs is allowed in unless they got there thru other means. He has specifically said he will not allow them in UCO. Joy Vestal, the supposed impartial journalist, has stated the same thing.You back them up though he makes ridiculous statements such as that Ed Ross is a has been, old and retired. Well, what the hell does he think that he is, other than an old retired hack from a nasty agency that has a pretty low reputation right now and it seems he is quite comfortable with it reflecting on him. What the hell does he think he knows about roads and cement and paving and drainage and anything else technical, other than his damned constant techie talk, trying to overwhelm people - which he does not if the person has any brain at all. And by the way, when this was going on, Ed had and in fact, still has an apartment here and was living in the Village, but keep lying, David Israel and soon your nose will vie with that of Pinocchio.
     He is pushing the Wi Fi when we simply do not have the money for it and are in a general mess anyway with our finances. One does not go buy a fancy house when one has trouble paying the rent on a small apartment! But he and Ed Black, his puppet master, believe in the rob Peter to pay Paul economic principle and then let Suzie Q go hang when her bill is submitted. That is because David Israel NEVER had to account for any budget management. He was given the budget and that was it. He has NO administrative skills and yet, you, Bob, and others such as the brainiac Grace and that other brainiac Elaine and the fools Don Ho Ho and Petey Boy plus hot air Lanny go right along. Them, I can understand; they think they enhanced themselves by hanging with him, dumb as that is - but what do you, Bob, gain from it? You have your own sense of ethics, and I can vouch for that, yet do not seem to demand it from those whom you follow or even (GAG) idolize.
     As far as the statistics of the test results that David Israel claims to have put on, please know that the only reason these came to light is because a year and a half ago I was hounding him with money questions and the quality of the job and he thought this would be enough. Well, it ain't! These are from first phase, no second phase results and that was the worst part of the job, and why would I believe this company and David Israel and his experts anyway? They did a crap job and their supposed "experts" have been proven wrong by other experts, neutral ones, with nothing to gain.
     So now, Bob, let's deal with the Wi Fi which you say will enhance property values. I am not planning on selling, did not when I could have gotten close to $200,000 for it and not now either when the value is much less than that high point. I am LIVING here, not selling here and not investing in multiple units like some other people (ahem Ed Black, Bob Marshall, etc.). What will NOT enhance our values is the fact that we will be near bankruptcy. That for sure is not attractive for buyers except for the wolves and that is what we will have should we agree to a million dollar plus second debacle. I just read about a mesh network in Red Hook, Brooklyn and the troubles they have, what with constant updating, constant techies having to go and make sure that the equipment is working right and constant spending on updating so why the hell are we planning on subjecting our Village to this. It is clear that a majority do not want nor need this and Anitra and her fake poll can go hang, thank you. How will the cost be divided when so many of the associations opt out and while you may consider it a primary service, others, including me, do not. I want no part of it. Not now, not the way it could be, not with the expenses and not with the overruns that will happen, not any way at all. I am quite satisfied with what I have at any time of the day, not worrying about what will be when thousands of people go online at the same time here  in the Village. Fuggedaboutit!
     So, Bob, and everyone else out there, think about it. And I promise you, Gracie, it is not because it has anything to do with David Israel. Granted, we are not the best of pals, but I do not base my politics and thoughts and principles and beliefs on love or hate. In fact, it appears that you guys do that and by the way, Gracie, my not so amazing Grace, I am not a sore loser. I am pretty pleased with all the votes I received after coming out of nowhere and being blocked at every intersection in the Village from publicity, and David Israel chickening out about debates - since he knew he would get creamed - and if the election had been run in a more transparent manner, then who knows?!!!! Ah,,, there are always more elections or perhaps I just like doing this. Whatever, it will be my decision and I will not be consulting with you about it, not with someone who does not want to have coffee with me!
     One final question, addressed to David Israel, Grace, Bob, and all those who follow the dictator. What is he so afraid of? Why will he not allow people other than his sycophants to post on his blog. I do. Gary does. You do, Bob. David Israel does not and so when he asks a questions supposedly for people to answer, he knows what he will hear - exactly what he wants - for only his brown nosers may respond. Feh! So fake!

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