Friday, August 22, 2014


     Reading the paper and surfing the various news sites on line over the past couple of months can drive a logical person to drink! What seems glaringly obvious seems to be unseen by the eyes of policy makers and politicians all throughout the world.
     The terrible death of the reporter Foley has sent shivers of dread and questions tinged with fear echoing throughout western countries. Suddenly the threat of extremist Islamists and the connection and similarities of these varied named groups all seems so clear but the question is - where has the world been till  now? Why have they been so blind, or selectively blind to almost daily events and activities in the world?
     Obama claims to be horrified by Foley's death, cries, and vows that we will protect American citizens, "our people" wherever and however. Really? I have my doubts about that. The so righteous people screamed to the heavens when Amliki, a master terrorist was assassinated. He was an "American citizen" - though he left as a baby  of several months and hated America. When an American citizen, an innocent boy, Naftali Fraenkel, was kidnapped I must have missed the scene wherein Obama cried and vowed to protect American citizens wherever and however. He certainly seemed to think so when an Arab boy, an American citizen was allegedly beaten up in Jerusalem.
    We seem to have selective thinking in this world. Israel says we must fight the terror of Hamas and you should realize that if we do not fight them here, you will fight them on and in your borders. Israel says we cannot have our citizens threatened with being kidnapped, especially as the tunnels seem to have targeted pre schools! Yes, these are the "soldiers" that Hamas wants to fight.
Yet Israel is besmirched and smeared in the press of the world. but wait - now that Foley suffered this awful fate and another American is on tap for the same fate, suddenly, oh so suddenly, we are waking up to the horror that we have allowed to grow up amongst the countries of the world. We have done so by being politically correct and not realistically correct.
     The cities of Syria are in rubble. Close to 200, 000 of their citizens are dead and who knows how many million are in exile, over the border into countries to which they ran for refuge. Now that ISIS or ISIL is finally recognized a REAL threat, not just the spouting off of certain think tanks, not just a minor sect of extremists, now, the USA has engaged in air warfare with them and now we are even whispering about "other" means. Does that mean boots on the ground? Again? Why have we left it so long? Why have we ignored it? Why have we ignored the truthsayers for so long?
     Iraq, Syria, the Ukraine, the Kurdish areas, occupied Cyprus, Gaza, areas of Israel, the countries of Africa, the Christians targeted by extreme Muslim groups there, like Boko Haram and should I go on? How about the "informers" that Hamas seems to be slaughtering now in Gaza, trying to shift the blame for their faulty policies and heavy losses? How about Cameron of Britain "shocked" that the beheader was a man with a British accent? Has he been blind to what has been happening in his country? And how about our other hostages all over the world, there because the government does not act, does not have power nor respect anymore? How about Alan Gross and Warren Weinstein? Will our stupidly grinning and golfing president DO something? When will he stop his "emotional cool and detachment'? Where is his empathy and understanding as to why we are now in this position? He will not find it in his golf course or in his long drive or short putt.
     He, we, all of us around the world need to understand what we are facing. If we do not, I fear that one day soon we will be facing the point beyond which there is no return. We are almost there with the birthrate of Moslems and other groups around the world. What will happen when the extremists take over? I for one do not wish to live under any religious system unless it is of my own choice. It is not a governmental decision and that goes for ANY country - even Israel. Even America, where people want to force their religious beliefs on us be they about abortion or marriage or medical care or any other area they feel they must intrude and impose.
     Where are we to go? Where are we to turn? How are we to act? When will we act? I just hope we all vote carefully in the next two elections and demand that things be set right.

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