Tuesday, September 23, 2014


     As the New Year approaches, it behooves one to take stock of the past year and then look towards the new one. Should we do things differently? If so, then how and why? Do we regret any of our actions, physical or verbal? Have we tried our best to live in G-d's image and His wishes?
     For most people, if they are honest and truly look deeply into the self reflecting mirror, the answers will be obvious. There is always room and reason for change for no one is perfect. That is why G-d has allowed for the idea of repentance, a kind of do over, if you will.
     But one must also look at the world around us and think as to how that could be changed, improved, become a better place. That is called Tikkun Olam - the repair or fixing of the world and is a big motivator of any Jewish person, whether one realizes it or not. The world out there is ugly in so many ways. The same old garbage of anti Semitism is being strewn and spewed all over the world, people, haters, jumping on the bandwagon. A British medical journal, Lancet, published a letter from three doctors who openly espouse their hatred of Jews and anything connected to them. They control everything, these haters say and here we go again. Hamas openly admits that they threatened journalists and UNWRA personnel , held them at gunpoint and warned them not to say anything about rockets being fired from schools and hospitals and the world screamed at the "inhumanity", at the "war crimes" - of Israelis. It is often a moment of deep despair when one thinks of this hatred, this eternal hatred that led to slaughter and an attempt to annihilate an entire people and make no bones about it - it did not matter if you had hidden your ancestry, had converted or did not even know that one had Jewish ancestors - these hateful murderers would dig deep.
     How much can one do in this case? I really do not know, only know that we must stand up against it, for hatred does not stop at one people or one idea. Hatred hates all that thinks, that loves, that looks to make this world a better place, a fairer place, a place with humanity, of care for fellow citizens of this planet. It is not easy; in fact, it is often messy, hard and a hard slog up a rock strewn path, but try one must.
     And that brings us to our more local world, the world of the Village. Is there much I would like to see changed here? Yes and no. I would love to see more care and concern for our residents. I would like to see a UCO team of officers who realize that their job is to serve the residents, not rule them. Their job is to be honest and careful with the money of the residents and with the physical plant of the Village. Their job is hard, yes, but let's not kid ourselves, people also get self satisfaction out of serving in the administration and that is okay - as long as one realizes that pet projects and personal desires are not - should not be -the generating energies of UCO.
     I wish that the opposing sides were kinder to each other and so help me G-d, I try, but there are moments when I and others are pushed to the brink what with nasty and threatening emails and comments, threats to the physical safety of the person, and that does not count the lies and innuendoes that are slung around by them. It is frustrating when FACTS are tossed aside in the Big Lie theory of government, that lieing will overcome the truth, will hide it and that one can always fool or threaten enough people, gather enough unthinking for themselves people who follow the perceived power brokers.
     So I will try not to despair of the macrocosmic world and choose my candidates wisely, I hope, during elections, write letters and speak up where I can. And I will try, difficult as it may be, to be kinder to those who cannot or will not see and hear the truth, to the pushers of lies but make no oaths on this as I know, well in advance, that their responses even to this piece will be nasty and crude. Never have they taken up the offer of reaching out and trying to work together for the sake of the Village. Never - and that says it all. It is time they, too, looked into that self reflecting mirror.
     In the meanwhile, I wish all out there a Happy and Healthy New Year blessed with prosperity, love and peace.
May sorrow not find its way into our lives and may we thank G-d for all that He has given us.
     Shanah Tova to all.

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