Sunday, September 21, 2014


     There comes a time , several times, in a person's life when one realizes that it is time to make a change. Time to change jobs or go for that promotion. Time to stick with a company or go out on one's own. Time to retire at the top instead of when one has fallen deep into an abyss of incompetence.
     I do not know what the past jobs were of all the people currently in the UCO/ David Israel cheering squad and workers there who either actually think or rather delude themselves into thinking that all is well, but what I do know is that for many of them, they are well past their sell by dates and their talents, such as they are, would be better used in other positions, yes, as volunteers, still within UCO, and then perhaps we could get a grip on our Village and straighten out the mess we are in at present. See, we do not believe in throwing out people, but in proper placement where their skills are magnified, rather than minimized and even misused. They refuse to openly admit that the facts so carefully and skillfully laid out by Dorothy, by Eduardo in his Scandals series, by Gary, by so many people, are just that -  FACTS - and they aren't going away.
     The tragedy is such that these people are hanging on by their toenails, refusing to see the writing on the walls, many walls, and think that threatening and spewing filth and lies at those who oppose them, trying to intimidate them, is the way to go. They refuse to work with others and remember that category on the old report cards we used to get - ":works well with others" - well, they get a U for unsatisfactory.
     Today's world calls for committee work, for sharing, for openness, for transparency, for soliciting the advice and ideas of others - for consensus. However, the sad part is that these remainders of the Stone Age are just that - stuck there, refusing to change, ever refusing to grasp a hand sent out to shake, to offers to have them join in a new and better UCO. NO and further insults is all we get.
No, we will not work with you.
No, we will not change and adapt.
No, we will not open our records to the public.
No, we will not admit to mistakes in the past.
No, we will not change things and processes for the future (thus serious errors will continue).
No, we will not cooperate.
No, we will continue to try to lie our way out of the mess of our own creation.
No, we will continue to try to intimidate and insert ourselves into every activity our opponents have, be it with or without UCO.
No,  and no, and no and no. Sounds to me just like the terrible twos - and they never grew up.
     We are lucky in that there have been people in the Village who have been willing to stand up and face the abuse, the insults, that are flung at them day and night. And why? so that we can improve our Village. Some have been at it longer than others and more and more are joining in. Now is the time for you to stand up and join in the call for straight talk and straight government, for freedom of speech and assembly - and I still cannot believe that here, in America, we have to fight for that in our Village.
     Insist that David Israel and Ed Black stop trying to push their agenda and actually start to listen to the residents. You know that on YouTube there is the funniest video of a little boy trying to convince his mother not to punish him. He throws everyone under the bus to achieve his goal - even his grandma! But the funniest line is when he appeals to his mother with the words, "Linda, honey, listen!" It has become a punch line, a line to use when someone is maintaining their point and goal, so "David, honey, listen!" We are not going away. We are staying right here, despite the threats and "invitations" to move elsewhere. We have our goals, our aims, and they will be achieved, with or without your cooperation. The choice is yours.
     Hold on or move along? The choice is truly clear.

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