Monday, September 15, 2014


     Sundays are usually quiet days on the blog, what with people busy enjoying the day and yesterday was beautiful until early evening. But for some reason the blog was busy with readers and even comments. Of course, some of the comments were just lovely - like giving me rope to hang myself, or and get this, from the man who claims not to like lawsuits - I will be sued for slander - and Lanny Howe decides that he is now the arbiter of all things blog and that my posting every day is quite annoying to him and is a sign of some inner need. Maybe it is. Who knows? I am good at it, so why not? Really and truly, quite interesting.
     Slander is when lies are told about someone and a reputation is ruined. Ahhh, listen up or better yet go read Dorothy's post, a few postings down and how does one argue with that?! Facts are facts and details are details. Questions asked are questions that need answering. Wrong is wrong, is it not? Incompetence at the very least, no process or procedure, poor management at best and now we have a constant picture of the gate on the other blog? Quite scintillating - at least Don HoHo thinks so, but for thinking people - truly! And I wonder if there is some violation of privacy in that. The blog is a PRIVATE blog, not governmental or administrative. The gate is the entrance to a gated community, not a public area.
     Let us return to Lanny. He calls this a war. I do not. I am not at war with anyone and if I were, I would have declared a victory long since as the goal, or one of the goals, of this blog, was to make people aware of what was happening around the Village in terms of UCO, to show other options on certain projects and that goal has definitely been achieved. My other goals were to simply provide a place where I could express my opinion on anything - be it politics, books, movies, current events, random topics or whatever. I have very nice friends who helped me set it up and I simply began to write.I like to write, and have written my whole life, so truly sorry, Lanny, if this upsets you but here is a solution for you. Don't read my blog. Don't click on it and there you go. You see, that is called freedom of choice and you are free to follow whatever choice will make you happy. You know, it is in the Declaration - "when in the course of human events.....pursuit of happiness...." There ya' go - rights. Hmmmm, remember those? Once we had freedom of speech and assembly here in the Village and now we do not. Two points to anyone who can explain why that is so at present. One more reason I like to write this blog. It pleases me that I am read all over the world with people clicking in from the USA, Israel, Moldova, Poland, Netherlands, England, France, Spain, Germany, Turkey, China, Italy, South Korea, Canada, etc. I think it is pretty cool. Over 11,000 readers since I began. Not bad.
     People are entitled to do things their way and that way may differ from one that I prefer and that is fine. What is not fine is when the methodology used is one that is harmful to the public, goes against the greater good in order to satisfy a need that someone has. Sometimes one's pet projects prove to be NOT for the greater good and sometimes yes, but it is open for debate and discussion and there is nothing personal in it. That is the problem here, and the personal or perceived personal issues began to turn people, and if one wants to talk potty mouth - shall I count the words, the sentences, the curses, the threats that I have been sent? And this is my blog so read what is says at the top, specifically about potty mouth as you guys never seem to be able to leave the toilet behind!
     So, as I have said, asked, pointed out - over and over again - get to the issues. Talk, write and hey, even DEBATE. Come to meetings where the topic is to be openly discussed. Come to programs on WPRF property - oops, not allowed. See, that is what I mean. For years, David Israel and company denied any errors in the paving project and then pressure and facts forced them to admit to it but they only got a quarter of the way. There are SERIOUS and INEXCUSABLE errors? procedural steps? and they must be faced and responsibility falls on the "leader" and those who inked the "contracts" and again, I use that term loosely. That was OUR money that you spent so carelessly, not yours. YOU ARE NOT THE "OWNER" OF THE VILLAGE OR UCO AND THAT IS WHERE THE THINKING AND THE PROJECT WENT AWRY. Hey, ever hear the term hubris? All of you over there, go look it up and write an essay of 250 - 500 words on its relevancy towards you and your behavior, actions and thinking.
     Just a reminder. How often have I said, have I written, that I would prefer to work within the system, to be part of UCO, a committee member? Many times, in case you have forgotten, but David Israel has STATED IN PRINT that he would never allow this to happen. Really and truly, who died and appointed him dictator and arbiter of all that is UCO. A president is to SERVE not DICTATE and therein is the problem. He is just too afraid to allow open debate and discussion and therein lies the tragedy of present day CV at WPB. Very sad.

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