Sunday, September 28, 2014


     It seems that the paranoia that resides in the mind of David Israel and in the minds(?) of his groupies has finally taken deep root. They truly believe that anyone who disagrees with them has got evil in mind. These opponents are demonized, made subhuman, are called trolls, witches, old hags (I think the guys think that is funny), spewers of hate and poison and far worse and why? Simply because they dare to disagree with the program and goals of David Israel and Ed Black. Paranoia full blown!
     Believe me when I tell you that we do not care who proposes what program. The criteria for support or opposition is one simple precept - is it good for the Village? The source of the idea or suggestion carries no weight, only that precept. Because paranoia has become full blown in these small minds, they have reverted to the time worn and dishonorable practice of Fascism. Yes, right here in our Village.
     How, you might ask? Simple - just read the following:
- Opposition is banned from HIS blog
- Opposition is banned from the newspaper and TV channel
- Opposition is dehumanized and demonized
- Opposition is given a group name, thus making a group where there is none, only individuals
- Opposition is represented as harmful to the residents, no matter what the issue
- Opposition is blocked from participating in the administration of the Village wherever and whenever possible
- Opposition is subject to crooked and tainted election procedures
- Opposition is demeaned simply because they point out the corruption in UCO
         Illegal money maneuvering
         Disrespect for the financial stability of the Village
         Primary placement of pet projects of officers of UCO - and even for people who are non-elected to UCO!
         Because they point out the incompetence and worse of UCO, the lack of process and procedure, the lack of true management ability and principles.

     It does not matter who is the president or who are the officers or even who are the non elected "officials" and renters that David Israel has as primary functionaries in his administration. It only matters, that, to put it bluntly, we, the residents of CV are getting screwed! Royally! By a bunch of fascistic and paranoid individuals who do not have our best interests at heart.
     Ladies and gentlemen, fellow residents of CV, this is neither hate nor venom. This is called democracy in action and thus the fascistic rulers of CV are adamant in opposing it. How many of you out there fought in WWII, Korea, Vietnam or have sons and daughters in the armed services right now? Is not one of the very reasons we fought and are fighting and will be fighting in the future is to insure the rights that our Founding Fathers wished for us to have? For which , over the centuries of our existence, other patriots have fought and even expanded?
     Eva and David and Ed - an evil triumvirate - who have decided that we are doddering old fools, incapable of deciding or even knowing what is best for us - and even if there is an error - it is of OUR choosing. I did not sign any form when I moved in giving others control over my very life and my rights. Neither have any of you. So speak up, talk to delegates, get rid of dead wood and put in place thinking delegates. Insist that your delegates vote as the association wants, not as they want. Ed Black heads four, yes, four important committees and he is NOT elected to anything, as well as controlling our esteemed president and our lightning swift VP, Bob Marshall.
     Anitra, a renter, is now poking her nose and her fingers into areas where she does not belong - again! She got her law degree where? So why does she think that her interpretations or stresses of condo law are correct. I beg to differ and feel that if one wants to know what is what - consult a lawyer who knows condo law and even then, watch the differing opinions. And we should give Anitra more power as we give her our personal health information if there is an issue with AMR! Really! I believe we are capable of doing this ourselves - it takes a phone call and even if one were unfortunately not capable of the phone call and had no one else to do it - NOT Anitra, a renter with NO Business in UCO if by laws were followed.
     And there you have another issue with the Fascistic government of UCO. They feel that by laws as written are not for them, or rather only if they find it useful. Thus money transfers take place under Ed Black and David Israel, term limits are overturned in a three time effort and done so in the summer months - hmmm, half the officers NEVER have anything to report and truly, nothing ever gets done unless it benefits you know who.
     Come join those who would fight for your rights, for our own UCO run as it should be, not as the paranoid Fascists want it to be and not as they plan it to be as they write up new bylaws benefitting THEM and NOT the Village!


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