Wednesday, September 24, 2014


       It is a well known statement that we all know, that if one does not learn from the past, from history, then we are condemned to repeat it. How many times did we in our own lives either repeat the same destructive habits or see others do the same and question why. We here in CV are at a crossroads and either we see the value of that oft repeated caution or we see it and ignore it and proceed to repeat our errors.
     How many times have we elected presidents of UCO, officers of UCO, who have not had one bit of experience in management, in making decisions, in knowing the value of process and procedure, in knowing the LEGAL importance of having a set form for RFPs, for knowing the importance of having LIVE and with it attorneys reputable and knowledgeable in the area, to read and review contracts, to follow the rules, to be honest and careful as one uses other people's money. How many more times will we continue to do this? And what is worse, we all know that there have been presidents and others who have taken gifts, even solicited gifts, and it was accepted as well, why not, or everyone does it, or I am afraid so I had better do it. What started at the head continued down the fish all the way to the tail. We all know associations that were and are run as petty dictatorships. Please note that I am not mentioning names here. Those who know, know and those who do not - well, you figure it out.
     So now we are in a bind. Due to several of the qualities listed above - no management experience, no process, no procedure, contracts signed basically giving carte blanche to the contractor, ridiculous RFPs and on and on, we are in a major shortfall and as far as I know there are no angels out there raining money down on us. We have to solve that shortfall. One way is to take money that is available elsewhere and LEGALLY vote to transfer it to the general reserve shortfall and continue funding the repayment with the money originally designated for this no longer necessary reserve area. That and a small increase might work out. It is very difficult to get full disclosure here in the Village due to errors of the past and improper behavior, but we must do our best.
     Now what is this unnecessary fund that exists? The Wi Fi exploratory fund reserve. Well, we have explored enough and know that it is unnecessary and even profligate in its waste. I have heard talk that over 80 associations or close to it have OPTED OUT already, either wiring up their building or keeping it status quo. It has been found that the new modems are stronger, contain routers, and thus the equipment need is less and the quality and bandwidth excellent.   More associations are calling for information and Comcast Business is more than happy to help. Please see the documents at the end of this posting for info as to how to proceed. Remember, the cost of the other proposal will then have to be carried by those associations left, making it a much more costly proposition for them. And trust me, Wi Fi is NOT one of the areas of common elements that UCO handles for all associations; in the same way and manner that many associations opted out of the insurance, it is possible to do it here and no, no one is  G-d and  no one can cut off your access to Comcast and TV. Please!
   So, where do we go from here. Do we start to assert our rights, our concerns, our best interests or do we continue to be apathetic or frightened or whatever it is that moves - or doesn't move - you? Cracking codes, rehabbing apartments, stringing electricity or whatever does not give one the skills of government. Nor does it seem that the years in office have filled their cups with wisdom and humanity. One can learn from experience, but one must be willing to learn and adapt. The New Year approaches. The choice is ours. The pockets are ours. The Village is ours. The life we choose to lead is ours. All we must do is step up to the plate, speak up, run for office, do what must be done in order to insure a better and more financially sound Village.
     Please read the letter and the form carefully. Reprint it for yourself or call the number given and be sure to tell your management company and your treasurer to include or rather to not include the payment as of your January UCO fees. Again, any concern, call, email, and we will help.

WIFI your building's cheaper, it's better. Don't get tied into expensive infrastructure and long term debt by a village-wide system
  • Each building will need a modem and service from Comcast Business. Comcast will install a business modem/router in your laundry room. Call Fred King from Comcast, at 561-221-9718 for this.
  • You will then need two routers installed in the low rise associations . You can install it yourself or for information or installation, call John at 1-480-232-3936. He has successfully wired other buildings in the village and they are working well. The usual cost for low rise buildings is between $900-$1200 including labor and equipment. This is a one time cost. The monthly cost from Comcast is $120 for the building. In a 24 unit building that amounts to $5.00 per unit. Mentioning the Messenger Club to Comcast will save you the first month's fee from Comcast.
  • If you make it a common expense and put it in the budget, it can be paid with your maintenance payment.
  • High rise buildings will be at a higher installation fee and John can advise you after inspection of your building.
  • If you need to talk to someone that has a successful building WIFI, call John and he can refer you to "happy customers".
  • If you decide to go this route, you will need to "Opt out" of the Village wide system and your letter needs to be sent to UCO before the budget for 2015 begins in January.
  • Don't listen to those who do not want you to do this. Buildings that have completed their WIFI are getting good service and like what they have and will not be part of a huge debt for infrastructure for a village-wide system.
  • You can still opt out of UCO's WIFI even if you do not want any WIFI for your building.

From: (Association Name)
West Palm Beach, Fl. 33417

By a vote of the Board of Directors of,_______________
Condo Association on (date), 2014, it was resolved that this association has opted out of a village wide WIFI service.

Article 2. Community Services on page 1 of the UCO Association Bi-Lateral Agreement does not contain WIFI services on a village-wide basis. Article 7. General, Entire Agreement on page 9, "This agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between contracting parties, and no variance or modification thereof shall be valid or enforceable except by supplemental agreement in writing, executed and approved in the same manner as this agreement". Therefore, any monthly charge or debt of any kind will not be honored by this association and will be effective in the 2015 budget starting January 1, 2015

(Signature)                                           (Signature)
President, Board of Directors              Vice-President, Board

(Association Seal)

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